MCMC interrogates Wong Choon Mei


1335: The MCMC concludes its questioning of Wong after over two hours. “They wanted to know about the article on Najib’s speech and who’s behind Malaysian Chronicle,” says her lawyer Latheefa.

1151: The MCMC is now interrogating Wong Choon Mei of the Malaysian Chronicle news portal. Two officers have been questioning her at the MCMC office in Cyberjaya since 11.00am.

Her lawyer, Latheefa Koya, says she was refused permission to sit with Wong in her capacity as lawyer. She is now watching from outside.

“At first, the MCMC was okay for me to sit in and started with their questioning. But suddenly they brought a higher official to tell me that if I sit in, they would have to record my statement!” she added.

“I refused to record any statement as a witness and warned them this is a form of intimidation!”

“The interrogation is believed to be related to reports the Chronicle carried about Najib’s speech at the Umno assembly about defending Putrajaya, but I think they also want to know more about the Chronicle,” said Latheefa.

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20 Aug 2011 10.31pm

Did they use the … attachment in her grilling? I wonder why she keeps pulling articles and censoring comments these days. Another media portal bites the dust?

Mohamed Saleh Pfordten
Mohamed Saleh Pfordten
11 Aug 2011 2.59pm

*A drowning man will clutch even at a straw – so goes the saying. In Malay saying, *Si Luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya. Biarkan, biarkan.*
We wish to see them as stated by Pak Lah that they try to say 13 is not an unlucky number. So let the Pemilu 13 decide for them what they never believe in.*

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
5 Aug 2011 2.27pm

It is a sign of fear by those leeches as BN is losing the respect of the rakyat who wanted to know the true facts of important national news. Harassment and intimidation will lead to more seats going to the opposition parties when the election comes..

28 Oct 2010 3.30am

the law is there for you to adhere to.if no offence is commmited then there is nothing to be afraid of..

27 Oct 2010 9.55am

… the mcmc. The internet should be free. What part of this sentence you don’t understand? Bunch of umno goons!

26 Oct 2010 6.26pm

Intimidasi dari Rais(?)

Jangan main main sama dia.

tan, tanjong bungah
tan, tanjong bungah
26 Oct 2010 12.32pm

Hi everyone,

The interrogation of WCM of Malaysia Chronicle by MCMC is just having the effect of making more and more people aware of the existence of the Malaysia Chronicle!! Talk of UMNO shooting their own foot!

Now, more and more people are drawn to the Malaysia Chronicle website and its articles and news. Glad that there’s going to be more avenues for much more exposures to the voters of the misdeeds of UMNO and their cronies!!

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
26 Oct 2010 5.34am

This WCM has long record of writing imaginative articles. Of course she is one of the opposition fanboys and gals favourite writer.

I’m glad that she has been rewarded accordingly.

Thangathirai Joe
Thangathirai Joe
27 Oct 2010 7.44am
Reply to  Gerakan K

Nobody can beat Awang Selamat in writing imaginative articles.

25 Oct 2010 10.26pm

Police state…

27 Oct 2010 7.43am
Reply to  Joshua

It is rare to find independent institutions in Malaysia these days. (Most of them) under UMNO’s control.

25 Oct 2010 9.22pm

Nothing wrong with the Malaysian Chronicle article.
So, reporting bare facts and straight to the point is a crime in Malay-sia.

Christopher Barch
Christopher Barch
25 Oct 2010 6.34pm

I dare venture to say that almost all of Malaysia’s government institutions are NOT independent but are the stooges of BN/UMNO.

The concept of separation of powers are just NOT understood and practised in Malaysia.

Almost, if not all, civil servants think that they are part of UMNO/BN.

John H
John H
17 Apr 2011 10.42am

UMNO is all about lies and threat…

Penang Voter
Penang Voter
25 Oct 2010 3.17pm

What do you expect from desparate people ?????

25 Oct 2010 1.17pm

This is Rais intimidation.

25 Oct 2010 12.47pm

I’d never heard of it:

I guess there’s not much acknowledgement of the Streisand Effect here then?