What is stopping more Penangites from taking the bus and cycling?


Independent film producer, Andrew Ng Yew Fan, one of three winners of the Freedom Film Fest’s Malaysia Film Grants awards, decided to take the bus in Penang. He shares his experience with us.

And this was his experience cycling from Jelutong to Komtar together with activist Que Lin:

This is a more leisurely ride along the coastal bicycle lane from George Town to Queensbay:

So what would it take for you to catch a bus or cycle to work in Penang?

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Eric Kuek
Eric Kuek
26 Oct 2017 11.34am

In the latest move to go car-lite, Singapore will cut the growth rate of cars and motorcycles to zero from February, down from the current 0.25%.


Unlikely to happen here in Malaysia.

SL Tay
SL Tay
23 Oct 2017 9.57am

Penang Sentral could promote more public transportation in Butterworth?

20 Oct 2017 1.15pm

Nowadays very difficult to find bicycle repair shops even in the heritage zone. Is this another victim of modernisation?

20 Oct 2017 4.14pm
Reply to  Tom

Go to Carnarvon Street, you will find a few cycle shops like Chin Air Bicycle Shop (of more than 50 yrs humble history).
These are no longer the typical old & run down bicycle shops but are more like lifestyle shops.
One needs to go around to find them, which is unlike the old days when every street had an uncle bicycle shop.
The same predicament for trishaws & in the future for manual drive vehicles (which future car mechanics will know what is & how to repair a carburettor?)

Khun Pana
Khun Pana
16 Oct 2017 5.10am

Wonder if the current state govt have a future plan to reduce combustion powered vehicles.If yes then when? Several major car brands are phasing out such engines. And for certain the Federal govt have no idea on what to do. Federal govt can only come up with tax rebate on hybrid vehicles and ‘syiok sendiri’ media release. Not even serious to change it’s fleet of fossil fuel powered govt vehicles. Am sure it is NOT included in the soon to be known Budget. Are there plans to implement more charging stations for Penang territory? Can Pakatan state govt and our… Read more »

16 Oct 2017 8.04pm
Reply to  Khun Pana

Licencing is under central gomen. What can state do if perak car refuse to pay? If less out stn cars come, more pg lang will move over the sea for more jobs and opportunities. All ah peks will left behind with bangla and burmese age care workers in pg

17 Oct 2017 3.21pm
Reply to  Shriek

Already many young Penang lang moved to SingLand for higher wages although MTUC has pressured government for RM1800 min wage. So Ah Pek taukeh git no choice but hire cheap banglas.

17 Oct 2017 1.30pm
Reply to  Khun Pana

Politicians do not lead. They adopt policies that provide political power and wealth. What is the average Malaysian asking of them? As soon as they have got their head above water (achieved some affluence), they exhibit uncouth, brutish, communalist and elitist behaviour. They endanger and bully others with big vehicles, and park wherever they fancy. Are they going to submit themselves to the discipline and uniformity of public transport? Do they want their fantasies of achievement burst by facts about climate change?

18 Oct 2017 6.35pm
Reply to  glissantia

Problem are the peaks provided for politicians. There should be a limit or rakyat is too passive. You should voice out beyond this forum. Why should chiefs are allowed to travel in tax payers paid plane from East to West Malaysia and all in the family outing overseas? Or personal toilet for a speaker? Whenever they go, outsiders in front will tell us off.

15 Oct 2017 5.11pm

A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transport.
— paraphrased from Enrique Penalosa, former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia

19 Oct 2017 3.38pm
Reply to  Jerome

Good one!

14 Oct 2017 1.35pm

What is stopping buses and bicycles? We have been through this a few times. In a word, vested interest or capitalism. All other aspects and details are distractions. Gomen is addicted to income from cars, insurance, repairs, highways, flyovers and petroleum. Those in gomen are addicted to bribes. In the religion of capitalism where the greedy led the blind, it would be hellish or sinful to shrink the economy by spending and consuming less, even on the corollary activity of transporting people. As long as some countries continue to undermine their own interests, others – even the most benevolent or… Read more »

14 Oct 2017 9.26pm
Reply to  glissantia

You mean you enourage cycling from one end of the island to the other end? Or to cycle within certain radius and take about half hour the most? If half hour the most, how the cyclist going to complete journey?

15 Oct 2017 2.54pm
Reply to  glissantia

No need to keep talking, just try to take the bus.
Dont expect too much since can save money.

15 Oct 2017 5.17pm
Reply to  glissantia

Be inspired by 8TV’s Baki and Rickman on Sunday 8.30pm “Let’s Cycle” now in Sabah.

Baki Zainal speaks good Mandarin. Can inspire more Malay parents to send their kids to SJK Cina to learn Mandarin, to cope with 1 Belt 1 Road intrusion (now in Kuantan already!).

15 Oct 2017 7.56pm
Reply to  glissantia

Safety is a major issue in cities designed for car capitalism. The citizens of Paris and othe cities demonstrated for the right to safe (and sane) transport by bicycle.

In Bolehlend, however, the major consideration may be conformity, status and enforcement. Motorists bully (and look down on) motorcyclists, who bully cyclists, who bully pedestrians. Bolehlanders are not going to learn until it gets much worse – as bad as it was in a few years ago China, and decades ago in some US, German, Japanese and Korean cities. If we have the time.

16 Oct 2017 8.09pm
Reply to  glissantia

Speak to mca who is the transport minister. Can ask Mr C2 who always question pg gomen. Now time for him to act and do something instead of questioning. If not, then speak to Android R2C2 in Star Wars

18 Oct 2017 6.39pm
Reply to  glissantia

That is why more people wants to drive car. They can look down and bully kapchai riders. No wonder those making comments here can boast they have more than a car. Some has 2 and some 4 w drive with 8 wheels to change when off road in jungle track

18 Oct 2017 11.16pm
Reply to  glissantia

Confirmed from what you said you are zoro!
What a shame trying to hide behind a shrieking identity!!!
… Komtar Dedak fails to come?

14 Oct 2017 8.44am

Less private driving to prevent more carbon chaos disrupting ozone layer that speed up global warming for ice melt threatening survival of penguin chicks subsequently.


Care for environment use more RapidPenang or carpooling via ehailing services.

13 Oct 2017 1.44pm

I like drive car can go fast and furious!

14 Oct 2017 12.38pm
Reply to  Anju

Fast and furious but just make sure own and public safety


Andrew Aeria
12 Oct 2017 10.59pm

They are all waiting for the CM to start taking the bus to work daily. Leadership by example first lah!!!

13 Oct 2017 11.05am
Reply to  Andrew Aeria

From PinHorn Mansion, walk to main road can take RapidPenang bus 204 direct to Komtar.


13 Oct 2017 10.54pm
Reply to  Heng

And sell off Merc S-300 Lansi to donate to charities!
Sure gets more fence-sitter votes come GE14!

16 Oct 2017 8.14pm
Reply to  Heng

Sell and do johnny Walker? Don’t complain if pg gomen is slow to act or administrate. Pg servants have to walk as cars are a demerit. Better all workers and delivery men walk.

18 Oct 2017 11.17pm
Reply to  Heng

Confess you are zoro, or you be prepared for more unmasking!

14 Oct 2017 12.43pm
Reply to  Andrew Aeria

jib took MTR with all his maichai and family. Why no leadership from your paymaster?

15 Oct 2017 2.55pm
Reply to  shriek

This is wayang, Mr Scheiss?

18 Oct 2017 6.44pm
Reply to  Andrew Aeria

Better, demand pg gomen to give more to charities. Merc is bought from gomen coffers paid by rakyat. Go and tell tokong to walk or cycle? But don’t complain if pg gomen is slow to respond as they have to walk or cycle for the task to perform.

Nagathisen Katahenggam
12 Oct 2017 11.44am

Depending on the place, a trip from Gertak Sanggul to Jetty can even take 3 hours, hence not entirely feasible

12 Oct 2017 7.23pm

For remote area like Gertak Sanggul, better take Uber or Grab.
Going to Komtar many buses, if during transit recommend you to get a bite of Ah Beng Bak Kwa roti (non Halal, RM2 and RM3), it’s tagline is “Taste of Yesterday” good for nostalgic folks who miss such buns so popular outside former Rex cinema in 70s and early 80s.


13 Oct 2017 1.54pm

10 years anniversary of RapidPenang 2007-2017, ridership on rise but still not high enough. Most Penangites can’t walk from home to nearest bus stop, still hoping bus to stop in front of their homes.

My first ride on RapidPenang was on its first day launch. FREE ride to Gertak Sanggul to meet my fishermen friends there.

14 Oct 2017 12.47pm
Reply to  Heng

bus pay road tax but under beeN taxes for roads widening and better roads are pittance

12 Oct 2017 12.24pm

Gleneagles Medini and Regency Specialist Hospital in JB are Medisave-accredited private hospitals approved by the Ministry of Health, Singapore. Medisave is a Singapore national medical savings scheme for members of Central Provident Fund (CPF) who contributes part of their income into their Medisave Account to meet any future personal or immediate family’s medical expenses. https://www.google.com/amp/s/horizonhills.wordpress.com/2016/09/09/did-you-know-you-can-use-your-medisave-in-jb/amp/ Thomson medical centre to be opened soon in Iskandar JB, to the delights of Malaysians with CPF-Medisave account living in JB. Private hospitals in Penang should get Medisave approval as many Penangites who have worked in Penang have Medisave account, and can attract Singaporean patients… Read more »

Lesley Lee
12 Oct 2017 10.28am

When we’re in Penang, we always catch the bus. It’s cheap and clean and the bus drivers are polite and helpful. The 101 bus from Tanung Bungah to the ferry is very frequent so waiting is generally not too long. We have no problem with parking or traffic jams. Definitely yes for the bus.

12 Oct 2017 10.02am

When cars become expensive with high duty charges, when RON95 hits RM2.80 a litre, when traffic choking becomes unbearable, when driving a car no more bin chui factor, when ringgit plunges further, when GST is 10% to make living cost tougher, then probably more will switch to public transport.

12 Oct 2017 4.21pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

When G Hospital too crowded, some can opt for cheaper at your own risk youtube trained doctors or dentists ?