Penang Forum statement on Green Lane road-widening


The Penang Forum steering committee has just released a statement on the Green Lane road widening. It can be found here.

Any congestion in that area is just going to be displaced elsewhere, if there is road-widening along Green Lane. What a waste of public funds.

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peng cheong
peng cheong
8 Mar 2016 9.11am

Check this up: Penang Tree Inventory System The objective of PeTIS development is to create a systematic tree management system, efficiently and effectively to achieve the following objectives; – Collecting, recording and retrieval (retrieve) information on the complete results of the inventory of trees (data attributes) that are found in the study area (pilot study) that can be updated easily. – Mapping the location of every tree (spatial data) with accurate and provides a method to detect the location of each tree according to certain criteria to quickly search and user friendly. – Provide a management system that systematically… Read more »

27 Feb 2016 2.25pm

now everyone is on cars like beijing a former bicycle capital. walk or bicycle and more healthy to avoid jam and faster than on cars

28 Feb 2016 12.40pm
Reply to  zoro

Young people cannot walk even short distance.
But strangely they could run long distance on the treadmill in the gym to gain attention of the opposite sex.

27 Feb 2016 12.23am

The after-effect of road widening of Green Lane (starting from junction with Jalan Yeap Chor Ee):
This evening, I drove out of Jalan Yeap Chor Ee into Green Lane @ 7.45pm.
From there to the junction of Lorong Batu Lancang fly-over (in front of Convent Green Lane) it took more than 15 minutes on a slow crawl. This has never happened before the highly promising road widening except during heavy down pour + road flooding.
This is not plucked from the GreenLane air to pull a punch so common among the minions of CAT.

Jetty Lee
Jetty Lee
27 Feb 2016 6.00pm
Reply to  tunglang

AVOID leisure drive to minimise traffic jam. Ecosave fuel money and go buy kopi o. Our BukitGambier KopiOclub welcome all including SiaBoey folks regardless whether you drive Mercedes or Kancil Axia. Cheers.

Rajesh Kannan
Rajesh Kannan
26 Feb 2016 11.06am

Penang island lost its charm because there are simply too many cars on the road.

26 Feb 2016 12.58pm
Reply to  Rajesh Kannan

can we avoid it? even the horse carriages in manila , bagan is going to extinct just like trishaws. i guess when penang forum membets and critics hardly walk, bicycle even there are bicycle lanes or take public transport.

26 Feb 2016 3.51pm
Reply to  zoro

Penang Forum folks please think about the CO and CO2 they release to the atmosphere each time they hit the accelerators of their cars or 4WD.

Jetty Lee
Jetty Lee
27 Feb 2016 6.04pm
Reply to  Hubert

Hubert, maybe you can join us at Bukit Gambier KopiO club. We may help to remove cat phobia mentality by providing those angered ones with ChewTheanYan formulated pet food to go with kopi o pokpok. Cheers.

25 Feb 2016 10.13am

Are the Penang Forum folks going to rescue the dying 132-year old tree in Penang Botanic Garden, as highlighted here on The China Press (with picture)?植物園鎮園之寶病了-全力搶救132年老樹/

26 Feb 2016 3.52pm
Reply to  benny

Those Penang Forum folks are mostly English educated and only read The Star and NST.

24 Feb 2016 10.22pm

Remember when the kelawai road and burmah road in pulau tikus were converted to one way, people also made heaps of noise, including the cap’s president. I remember he wrote the one way has inconvenienced the people who take buses to shop at pulau tikus market. My friend who stays in pulau tikus for ages said she never saw anyone catch a bus to do his/her shopping at p.tikus market, people come with their own transport. During my recent visit i find that the one way in kelawai and burmah roads in p.tikus are the right move. As for the… Read more »

27 Feb 2016 12.02am
Reply to  lim

Try to cross the busy Pulau Tikus road in front of Belisa Row wearing a kha kiak (wooden clogs).
If you can do that on ONE try without being run over, congratulations!!!
Or should I say – Cheers Kopi-O kau kau!

27 Feb 2016 2.29pm
Reply to  lim

of course blame traffic jams. more pedestrian crossings. sori pedestrians have no rights. why more cars which are kings of the road

24 Feb 2016 9.50pm

Greenies never have a clue what it takes to change mass transportation. LKY was known as Singapore’s gardener but he ripped out trees left and right, replanted it again. He and his guys at LTA drove trains and bus systems and still every LTA chief said and still do says they would like to stop building roads. If you have been to Seoul over the years, they build concrete jungles, then ripped it out and put back the greens after mass system put in place. NY in the 1980s were a mix between concrete jungle and a mess. Brooklyn, Queens,… Read more »

25 Feb 2016 7.34am
Reply to  Bigjoe

kopi kau2 do not like man made garden. wild wild east better. so what lky developed singapore and replant into garden city? singapore is garden city but not natural because they are artifically inseminated. why our unesco city is botak? now many trees are there in penang road. landscape arch taught in uni are like closets cover uo the bones

24 Feb 2016 2.42pm

“Heat Island Effect” gonna play plenty of havoc in a very short time.
Gonna get WORSE, since it is located on an island.

25 Feb 2016 11.55pm
Reply to  MalaysianFirst

Of course Penang is the centre of the world. Penang is a big island continent a 1/4 size of Singapore. If Singapore is a little red dot, then Penang is an invisible dot. How can it be heat effect as an invisible hot. Just go to Taiping and feel the forest cool air in the evening and aerly morning.

Sia Boey Bo Luan-Luan Kong Wa
Sia Boey Bo Luan-Luan Kong Wa
26 Feb 2016 7.07pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Some idiot can just spew anything under the sky to mislead.
Some can also assume like cheap talk.

26 Feb 2016 1.07pm
Reply to  zoro

malaysianfirst refers to heat island. penang generally refers to island which is the centreof the world.
when some chinese or indian refers as coming from malaysia, the first few gueses ard kl, selangor or penang. who ever think of coming from sabah or sarawak/

26 Feb 2016 6.21pm
Reply to  zoro

they do not want artificial inseminated or photostat plants. they want natural plants all organic. eat non injected chickens, meat and non gm food

Sia Boey
Sia Boey
29 Feb 2016 1.57pm
Reply to  zoro

eat injected chicken and you get enlarged breast? How to be jantan zorro?
also eat gm food you end up in private hospital for cancer. How to pay medical bills?
You like that?

26 Feb 2016 3.53pm
Reply to  zoro

Learn from Singapore.
Now they even grow vegetables on rooftops of buildings.

27 Feb 2016 12.07pm
Reply to  Hubert

Youtube video showing how vegetables are produced in Singapore’s first vertical farm – Sky Greens:

See also the largest indoor vertical garden (Rainforest Rhapsody) in the Lion City CBD:

Penang Forum activists can visit Singapore to do benchmarking, then make recommendations to the state government.

Benny Koay
24 Feb 2016 1.50pm

For me, they need to remove at least 2 more traffic lights to reduce the jam before talking about the “widening”

24 Feb 2016 9.51pm
Reply to  Benny Koay

If traffic light is removed how one is going to cross the multi Lanes road.?. If footbridge you discriminate those disables.

gk ong
gk ong
24 Feb 2016 2.02pm

Penang Forum should focus on ways to curb the rise in number of cars on the road, and promote Rapid Penang ridership among the islanders, stressing no loss of bin chui taking buses with foreign workers. The lorry driver ramming 20 cars in Prai is a reminder that motorists will vent their frustration on the innocents when the roads get clogged with congestion.

24 Feb 2016 9.58pm
Reply to  gk ong

Do they Penang forum car pool or single rider car? They find it easy to complain to dap Gomen but not umno federal gomen which is totally responsible for rapid Penang. Why not ask Penang forum to take rapid penang public transport and give suggestions to fed gomen. Easy to open mouth but difficult to walk even using tongkat Ali.

25 Feb 2016 9.30am
Reply to  gk ong

Malaysia has 93% car ownership, third highest in the world. Malaysia also has the highest incidence of multiple car ownership globally with 54% of households having more than one car.

Jetty Lee
Jetty Lee
25 Feb 2016 11.38am
Reply to  benny

Roads need to be widened because of binchooi cars are big size and need to cater to their ego boosting road trips?

Imagine e.g. 4wheel drive vehicles swap to Asia then no need to widen roads.

Next time I go Penang Forum I shall do survey how many of them drive big car solo ! Walk the talk n don’t drive lah.

25 Feb 2016 11.39pm
Reply to  Jetty Lee

Lee, spot on ! Walk the talk, yes. Pls do the survey. Tq

27 Feb 2016 12.06am
Reply to  Jetty Lee

Who rides the only biggest car to Komtar Tower?
Merc S300Lansi?
Now can you get a clue why roads have to be widened?

27 Feb 2016 10.34pm
Reply to  tunglang

Who rides the smallest car? Penang forummers. A car is a not a car but a bicycle. Traffic jams are due to bicycles and not cars.

Sia Boey
Sia Boey
28 Feb 2016 1.36pm
Reply to  tunglang

Lu cakap macam orang gila pandai imaginasi?
Come to Penang and see for yourself.
Can or not?

29 Feb 2016 12.43am
Reply to  tunglang

Good boy you are doing the best job for your new tokong. I have smallest imagination seeing smallest cars but your tokong has the biggest imgination. Biggest cars.

Sia Boey Bo Luan-Luan Kong Wa
Sia Boey Bo Luan-Luan Kong Wa
29 Feb 2016 1.59pm
Reply to  tunglang

Lu cakap apa tokong?
Penang got ONE and ONLY ONE Tokong and that is yours in Komtar.
Why spin? Are you drunk seeing double?

2 Mar 2016 2.03pm
Reply to  gk ong

Penang Forum is NGO but they like to play politics instead of offering constructive feedback and solution.
The government should not waste too much time with them if they are making noise instead of collaborating for better solutions.