Now, Moovit public transport app has Penang real-time bus info


Some good news for a change. The Moovit app, the number one app for public transport globally, has been around for quite some time but it finally has access to real-time information for buses in Penang. So now you will be able to know how many minutes it will take for the next bus to arrive in real-time.

This is a handy tool for planning your journey using public transport in Penang. It is like using the Grab app – but this app is for public transport and includes ferry and train times. It also shows you various suggested routes and journey times for each route and the breakdown of these times, including time taken to walk to the bus stop or ferry terminal or train station.

It certainly has the potential to boost the use of public transport in the state. At present, only 4% of people in Penang use public transport compared to 67% in Singapore.

Access to real-time bus data was one of four recommendations made by Aliran writer Simon Tan in an article written just a couple of months ago – Why I love Singapore buses. These four recommendations, he said, would enable Penang and Kuala Lumpur to catch up with Singapore. So it’s now one down, three to go!

Another easy recommendation would be introducing dedicated lanes for buses and high-occupancy vehicles – at least along certain busy stretches. Read Simon’s article to find out more.

Download the Moovit app from Google Playstore.

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3 Dec 2019 10.58am

One year cost of living in Penang, according to this foreign couple with a son:

To them is very affordable about RM4-5K a month.

3 Dec 2019 11.45am
Reply to  Tegridy

Penang so damm cheap for foreigners with stronger currencies.
Developers waiting for them to buy up vacant condos so the price ceiling still high for locals.
Hong Kongers fleeing to Penang also seeking cheap condos and food, helping to drive up prices and cost of livings.

5 Dec 2019 11.10am
Reply to  SugarDaddy

GEORGE TOWN: Hong Kong house buyers are looking around in Penang.

Hong Kong people buying properties in Penang is not something new. But the number has definitely accelerated now,” said International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI) Malaysia president Michael Geh.

Penang had always been popular for Hong Kongers as it is just a two-and-a-half-hour flight away. “There are daily flights from Penang to Hong Kong and vice versa. They can even plan for a ‘one-day trip’ if they want, as it is very convenient to travel between both places.

5 Dec 2019 4.00pm
Reply to  SugarDaddy

Yes, let us build more islands and increase Growth. Cepat kaya dulu. If the land then gets flooded, we can buy land in Florida where Trump is selling his.

Within this century,
(1) global mean sea level is likely to rise by 1-2 m
(2) ~630 million people live on land likely to be flooded
(3) 70% of the victims will be in Asia.

6 Dec 2019 4.50pm
Reply to  glissantia

Retire and live in Penang for low cost living, according to this Youtube video:

Soo Lai Bao
Soo Lai Bao
5 Dec 2019 12.05pm
Reply to  Tegridy

Thai currency appreciated almost 10% in the last one year while Ringgit dropped in value significantly thus Malaysia became low cost choice for many foreigners seeking bargain and value. But this is not good for locals as they will drive up prices!

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
6 Dec 2019 12.31pm
Reply to  Soo Lai Bao

Tough time ahead when Malaysians can look in envy how foreigners can spend money here like nobody business.

But the young generation here has no worry, splurging their money (or their parents’ money?) on Lazard’s and Shopee 11.11 now 12.12!

2 Dec 2019 4.43pm

Time for the government to implement Sekolah Wawasan similar to how the late LKY’s foresight in revamping SG education so that all races mix around and understand each other since young. R & R issues lately has been quite disturbing.

3 Dec 2019 3.16pm

Came across this post on Facebook. Wei and Shriek vindicated? Looks like I have to reevaluate my support towards NGOs of Penang.

5 Dec 2019 5.26pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

You must be alarmed? What happen if such development do not exist? Tu lang, anil may be somewhere. Or if in peng land they maybe fishermen or nature guide.

6 Dec 2019 10.02am
Reply to  Shriek

Tlang has no time to comment these days. Like many better use leisure time to earn extra income to combat higher cost of living like as guide in forest or at sea. Posting comments here how to earn $ unless Anil shares the spills. Shriek and Wei could be appointed media writers then easily earn RM5K surpassed Jobstreet starting pay???

3 Dec 2019 2.50pm

Indonesia will experience a sizeable increase in growth of the digital and technology sectors next year, particularly in financial technology, potentially raising professionals’ salaries by up to 50% in the sectors, a new report has shown.

Soon Malaysian IT graduates will work in Indonesia, besides Singapore?

2 Dec 2019 2.49pm

Much ado about nothing. More chicken-and-egg excuses for not using public transport. More attempt to splurge public funds on infrastructure to enrich plutocrats. More me-too lip service to climate catastrophe/collapse. Exact times (ETA) are not much of an issue compared to many others, e.g. – Transparency – Sheltered bus stops – Dedicaated lanes – Simple payment system without a huge deposit – huge for the poor – Frequency of 10-15 min. on busy stretches. – Wide network (“last mile connection”) – Regulations announced in advance – Enforcement – Competition, e.g. mini-buses inside housing estates – No public wealth for private… Read more »

3 Dec 2019 12.21am
Reply to  glissantia

hehe…if you really care about environment none of your list is an issue..just go and take the bus and walk if there is none and stop demand this and that and stop complaining lar..LOL

14 Dec 2019 10.40am

Learn from Singapore to improve public transport

“A good public transport infrastructure has various modes to complement each other to deliver the best result. It is high time Malaysian cities adopt the multi-modal principle to improve our public transport.”

2 Dec 2019 10.05am

Yes, no excuse now since there us real time to know when the next busie is coming. Tu lang can sell his car noe and take the bus.

4 Dec 2019 8.38pm
Reply to  Shriek
Felix Miao
Felix Miao
5 Dec 2019 1.43pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Good salary RM5K a month.

MCA is beating DAP in this cyber info warfare game right now since the ‘retirement’ of Supermsn Hew.

7 Dec 2019 9.00pm
Reply to  Felix Miao

Here good money but in hong land, dish washer can earn at least 3k ringgit. Yet they can’t find workers. But recent riots change the picture.

7 Dec 2019 8.57pm
Reply to  Tegridy

If I apply for the job as social media tu lang has no where to go and have to eat his own. Currently, tu lang can eat one ton mee and lim kopi