Do we want to lose these Green Lane trees?


In these photos along Green Lane, you will see some of the trees we stand to lose because of our obsession with cars, the MPPP’s short-sighted road-widening plan and the federal government’s failure to provide a decent public transport system.

Why are they imposing highways, a tunnel, and road-widening on us when we haven’t even seen the final (and long-delayed) Penang Transport Masterplan? Why is the PM suggesting monorail to us when we have such a transport masterplan, which is unlikely to recommend monorail?

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8 Feb 2014 2.49pm

Moron. Do you want to return to the stone age and live on trees? Put your word where you mouth is and go and live on theses trees for a month. The majority of the people in Penang wants to move forward not regress. Do you know whats the economic cost of congestion to Penang? Saving your 50 trees easily costs 100 mil in extra fuel and lost productivity each year. Do you have the money to compensate

Rick Oh
Rick Oh
15 Dec 2012 4.50pm

All i can say now is.. i voted for the wrong people! Damn tokong don’t even bother to reply my mails! REGRET!

15 Dec 2012 1.34pm

Penang can seriously look into encouraging the use of bicycles, and electric bicycles, after of course having prepared bicycle lanes, instead of widening roads for cars.
Then, bus operators must play their part to provide very regular bus service, shuttle services and so forth.
Safe parking areas for bicycles next to bus routes, to encourage use of public transport.
A fully charged electric bicycle can actually round Penang island, at >30kph.
Will somebody test it out?
Then authorities can start limiting vehicles on the Island,like certain number plates on certain days on the island, and so on.

Aidil Yunus
Aidil Yunus
12 Dec 2012 9.41am

One way to solve traffic congestion issue in Penang is to introduce Electronic Road pricing (ERP) like in Singapore. This is the only way to force people to take public transportation.

13 Dec 2012 10.56am
Reply to  Aidil Yunus

just swallow our pride and learn from Singapore how to be a green city i.e. how to plant trees.

14 Dec 2012 6.03am
Reply to  Aidil Yunus

Sure, but before introducing ERP it would only be fair to first introduce a workable public transport system as an alternative. Sg as you mentioned uses ERP but they complement that with a world class and some even say world’s best public transport system. After you have a viable alternative for moving people, then you can charge those who refuse to use it. More so those who travel in a car alone.

Rick Oh
Rick Oh
12 Dec 2012 9.09am

The CAT CM should find out how ‘Green lane” got its name! We can “blah blah blah” here and nothing is going to change. I just called the special officer to CM, Cik Marziah. She says as far as she knows, they are going ahead with the project! I am thinking of picketing this issue at Jalan Masjid negeri. Who wants to join? [email protected]

11 Dec 2012 10.18pm

Penangites’ PM just offered penangites a election bribe, a public transport – Monorail! if BN form the next state government.

Should have let PM knows about these trees, maybe he would offer to plant it back, if BN win.

Rick Oh
Rick Oh
11 Dec 2012 8.44pm

Thanks to the admin for the wonderful pics! Can’t imagine what this place is going to be if without trees? I lived nearby and its already very dusty because of the busy main road, and if without trees, it would mean More Dust and extra HOT and with the new flyover? Oh ya, if the CAT GOV is caring. They should know almost EVERY FRIDAY in front of (Island glades Traffic Lights) Shell Petrol pump (Jln Masjid Ngeri), there is a BIG BIG GROUP of Mat Rempit racing. Race will go on even if you call the cops, they will… Read more »

John T
John T
11 Dec 2012 8.11pm

Road widening will not resolve the issue long term. The traffic problem will be calmed temporarily before the increasing number of motor vehicles puts us back to square 1. Rapid Penang’s bus system can still be improved by signage at the bus stops. Our newly renovated bus shelters don’t even have a map & basic schedule to inform riders. Another is to implement a Bus Rapid Transit system or, funds permitting, a Light Rail System. The monorail would seem to be a bad idea, as the entire track needs to be elevated, a problem in Georgetown’s dense streets. It would… Read more »

11 Dec 2012 9.38pm
Reply to  John T

Things (efficient traffic & transportation system) can be done cheaply Penang style but some quarters believe in doing things juta-gaya-raya to impress others & elevate inflated ego but not for the denizens’ long term sustainable benefits. Ask why a cheaper solution of trams not be implemented here? Ask why no coastal sea taxis specifically for locals besides those catering the tourists? Ask why Rapid buses cannot keep to schedules? Ask why no bicycle racks on public transport vehicles to encourage ride-cycle-walk in inner city? And ask why still cut trees when we cyclists need them for cool shades on the… Read more »

12 Dec 2012 6.55am
Reply to  tunglang

Rapid penang work stupidly by rewarding its drivers who picks the most people. So what happens is when i bus stop has only less than three people etc they dont stop to pick up cos its too less and let the next bus to pick it up. So how will they stick to the schedule..? Ive seen this countless times.

11 Dec 2012 5.03pm

Anil, Do you drive a car. Its not an obsession, Its a necessity.

tunglang for Angsana trees
11 Dec 2012 9.20pm
Reply to  Yang

Yang, now is not the time for politico-worshiping. Whatever issue that gravely concerns us (Penangites), whether during pre-election or post election should be taken seriously without discriminating ‘cat fever’. As the saying goes: No man is perfect, lest he’s a fool into believing. Use our brain, not our feeling(s). We live for a better place & ‘sustainable’ future. Not for a party or figure head who can change like the weather. BTW, since the last time (June?) I posted up the Coast-Mud-Politan Penang, has there been any thing done? Anyway, the wildlife birds were there even before the walk on… Read more »

iWalker Penang
iWalker Penang
12 Dec 2012 7.50am

real tunglang not to retire so soon after all when retirement age extended to 60. So another 5 more years of cosmo-pinang before retreat to Belum where the trees can speak for their survival.

12 Dec 2012 9.15am

To some, it seems like a retirement, but I have to find an alternative lifestyle (not of rich & famous) to live & work realistically within my means. And Penang is not going to cater to Nature-loving people like me anymore than Belum rainforest. 4 years of CHANGE is quite enough witnessing with my eyes while drinking Kopi-O kau kau to awake my senses of what’s happening & what’s coming. And I am not going back to the ‘mass’ rat race just to fit into this Cosmopolitan frenzies for whom? Chi Kei Ku Chi Kei (me take care of my… Read more »

Batu Ferrhian
Batu Ferrhian
11 Dec 2012 1.43pm

I can’t help but wonder if the MPPP is deliberately trying to sabotage the current state government.

issues about regulating watersports is still half assed. MPPP could care less about what the public wants. Which brings one question to mind….do they receive orders from State of Federal?

Word on the street is that the YDP is (allegedly) a hardcore UMNO loyalist

12 Dec 2012 4.17am
Reply to  Batu Ferrhian

It is the prerogative of the state govt via the CM to appoint all councillors in MPPP as well as the YDP. Almost all the councillors are appointed from the political parties and sad to say they seem to be either mute or as you said couldn’t care less about the public. The only exception is Lim Mah Hui who has been very consistent in his stand for a sustainable Pg. Whether you agree with him or not, he has been the only one who offers his independent ideas and views pertaining to issues of importance. The others appear to… Read more »

Batu Ferringhian
Batu Ferringhian
12 Dec 2012 12.43pm
Reply to  kevin

Fully agree with you there!

Wish we had more people like Lim Mah Hui!

Ong Eu Soon
11 Dec 2012 12.39pm

Najib is not a fool, he know that it is futile to fight DAP when the Chinese are solidly behind the cocky arrogant tokong. The weakest link in PR is no other than PKR. Defeat PKR mean the collaspe of PR. Najib can do without MCA, Chua Sok Lek can retire like Samy Vellu. The cocky arrogant tokong even if he can retain the state government, it will be a weak government with majority of PKR candidates defeated. To strengthen his position, the tokong (allegedly) will follow the footstep of his hero LCE by joining 1Malaysia coalition. To Najib the… Read more »

Ong Eu Soon
11 Dec 2012 12.11pm

The cocky arrogant Tokong has maintained an elegant silent on the trees removal and road widening fiasco. Hoping that with his elegant thundering silent, the issue will soon be forgotten and fade away from public memory. We need him to come out in the public to be accountable for the RM7.3m trees removal and the exorbitant RM780m road widening scandal. To plant a new trees it cost the state government roughly RM1000 per tree, to shift and evacuate 62 old trees it cost us a total of RM7.3m with no guarantee that the trees will survive after the replanting. Who… Read more »

Rick Oh
Rick Oh
11 Dec 2012 11.07am

There are many ways to ease traffic congestion and if you are a penangnite long enough, you should know the main problem that causes traffic jams is the driving attitudes of the people! How can one blame the trees?? Here is what i thought they should do!

1. Bar all heavy vehicles during peak hours

2. The Cat Gov should start a “Car Pool Zone” on peak hours. Cars with 3 passengers and above are only allowed in this zone. (those with driving alone can take the PORR )

Rick Oh
Rick Oh
11 Dec 2012 10.56am

Just to share my recent letter to CAT CM. Before hand, i am not from any political party nor am trying to politicize the matter! To. YB Mr Lim Guan Eng Chief Minister of Penang I refer to the above mentioned and The Star newspaper dated Saturday 7-12-2012 [b]Objection[/b] Yang berhormat, please allow me to intro myself. I am a Territoral Army Officer serving the Penang Gov for more than 10 years. I am very disturbed over The Star newspaper article quoating the above mentioned matter. I hereby put in writing strongly OBJECTING to any Cutting down, Uprooting and… Read more »

Ong Eu Soon
11 Dec 2012 10.30am

One large tree can lift up to 100 gallons of water out of the ground and discharge it into the air in a day. That is how it increase the soil’s ability to absorb and retain water. Image with the number of trees removed, let say 88 trees, you will easily have more than 8800 gallon of water extra everyday in the soil. When rain come the soil lost the ability to adsorb water as it is already saturated with water. More over with more tar and concrete, how do you expect the impermeable surface to adsorb water? Rainwater runoff… Read more »

Ong Eu Soon
11 Dec 2012 9.57am

The trees removal will not alievate the traffic problem. With more tar and concrete, we will have more impermeable surface causing the rainwater runoff to become more severe. Ultimately when the rainwater is channeled to surface water drainage system, it will overload the drain , and create more flash flood problem some where along Green Lane. When this happened, the traffic will become chaos during rainy seasons. Is this traffic solution sustainable and scalable? Obviously not! The state authorities also have no sense of crisis, with fast eroding supports from the people, lgE administration is now on the edge of… Read more »

11 Dec 2012 9.43am

I strongly oppose to the cutting down of these trees, unless they pose a danger to road users. We are fast losing our greenery due to Industrialization and urban development. Plants provide shade,oxygen and freshness.Base on these reasons alone,MPPP should find ways to save the trees. I can see that the trees are of the Angsana species, which grow back easily after pruning. Pruning of the trees is an art. The canopy should be kept low, but spread out like an umbrella. Malaysia has a tropical hot weather. Every bit of shade available is precious. We all know that temperatures… Read more »

Dalbinder Singh Gill
Dalbinder Singh Gill
11 Dec 2012 7.18am

Yes, where is the Penang Transport Masterplan? The Prime Minister came to Penang promising Monorail like a typical politician.

Andrew I
Andrew I
11 Dec 2012 11.42pm

Wah, Anil got VIP treatment from the Star, hee hee.

So when they sending you a cheque? A round of kopi o kau kau for us? Where’s tunglang?

Shame they don’t reproduce some of your other entries, you know, the stuff that makes Gherkin hot under the collar.


12 Dec 2012 8.13am
Reply to  Andrew I

Hi Andrew, tunglang is still in Penang until Oct 2013 (that’s my desired time for Belum rainforest for good). It seems CAT needs to drink Kopi-O kau kau & not Chowrasta market coconut milk to stay awake to Penangites’ sentiments & needs (not KL or worst, PJ (one smart alec) developers’ fantasies or Speedy Gonzales impatience for all things fast & slippery hazardous). It seems Cosmopolitan concept has taken on more wrong paths to environment disasters. I drink more Kopi-O kau kau to stay awake to more realities of socalled CHANGE for whom? BTW, I had wanted to cut my… Read more »

Simple Penang Kia
Simple Penang Kia
10 Dec 2012 7.09pm

easily said than done. Penangites must first asked themselves are there willing to sacrifice comfort and convenience to safeguard Penang Heritage and environment? Malaysian is still Malaysian and would expect Penangites will not forgo comfort and convenience. As a Penangites who have the opportunities to travel around, there the people are willing , cite Stockholm Heritage City. Adoption of Public Transportation on weekdays and weekends venture out with own vehicles. If one is willing, you can imagine the traffic jam on weekdays are thing of past. Weekends is for rest and recreation, only those who need to travel will do… Read more »

12 Dec 2012 4.30am

I don’t see how it can be comfortable or convenient to be stuck in a traffic jam just to get to work and back? I find it more convenient to get to an MRT station within ten minutes walk under shady trees and evenly paved pedestrians walkways and travel to my workplace for 2 bucks and do the same returning. I am sure most Penangites will agree with me, esp. those who have seen cities with world class public transportation and pedestrian amenities. The only reason why Penangites now prefer driving a car or motorcycle is that the transport system… Read more »