3500 cyclists expected to circle Penang Island


Cycling is cool – and it is making a comeback and even growing in popularity. More than 3000 cyclists are expected to pedal round Penang Island tomorrow.

This is the fourth edition of the Campaign For A Lane (CFAL), which is being organised by G-Club, the Rotary Club and the Penang Island Municipal Council. More information on the G Club website.

If this event continues to grow, then we can expect the campaign for a dedicated bicycle lane to gain momentum so that we can have dedicated cycle lanes now rather than by 2020 and related amenities such as shower facilities at work.

And that wouldn’t be a bad thing given the rising congestion on the roads around the country.

Incidentally, the third largest city in China, Guangzhou has begun restricting cars. See a New York Times report here.

And to think Guangzhou is a major auto manufacturing city! But as one motorist quoted in the NYT report says, “What do we need gross domestic product for if we don’t have health?”

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13 Sep 2012 2.54am

And check what happens to the car producing Germany new transportation policies : New German National Cycling Plan

13 Sep 2012 2.42pm
Reply to  moo_t

Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode:
Lessons Learnt in 5 Very Different Cities:

10 Sep 2012 8.55am

THis is just not one off event. If you check the Penang EVENTS calendar, there are more than a dozen cycling event that happens every year. This is organized by a number of different groups/associations

9 Sep 2012 3.10pm

Why just 1 day out of 365 days? Penangites can show that they are No1 Malaysia by having it 100 or more out of 365 days as compare to faked Dumno 1Malaysia. Imagine if people can take to push bike alternately at 100 days, there will be a reduction of traffic and smog of 30%. Even the health and wealth of Penangites will increase. Again, it add to tourism. People from BN states will like to come to Penang to cycle – instead of nuclear or trade free zone, you have car free zones. Next year how about Tour de… Read more »

9 Sep 2012 2.15pm

After witnessing the event as a St John’s Ambulance Volunteer, there is one word that cen describe all the cyclists from the first group to the last – SEMANGAT / DETERMINATION. 3,500 cyclists putting all they can. The front-runners were flying miles ahead of the next group. The back-markers were going on and on, slowly but steady. The youngest cyclists was as young as 12 old, a Chinese girl, and a Malay boy. Each one of them was a WINNER in his/her endeavours. Volunteerism at its best with Volunteer Security Club (PTS or was it PKS?), and St Johns providing… Read more »

9 Sep 2012 5.20am

1st GTS – must be from PFS – Tan?

tan tanjong bungah
tan tanjong bungah
10 Sep 2012 12.22pm
Reply to  SamG

Hi SamG,

Yes from PFS.

8 Sep 2012 11.12am

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_zc8aDw6yevc/S_uUHUVhOJI/AAAAAAAAAAc/GejpAt2sUV4/s1600/P5240384.JPG The link has a photo which illustrates my point. You cannot have a bicycle lane which is suddenly interrupted by cars parked along the road side and expect cyclists to manoeuvre around the obstacles while there are cars coming from behind them. The danger is compounded by the fact that the road for cars is already so narrow and motorists will have to squeeze between parked cars, the cyclist and oncoming cars on the other side. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a genius to see that and yet ppl in the local authorities are blind to it.… Read more »

8 Sep 2012 5.24pm
Reply to  Kevin

I have yet to see this type of mind-boggling bicycle lane that can veer outward (dangerously) to accommodate car parking spaces elsewhere in the world!!!
Why not have a ramp right behind the car park so BMX bicycles can do a wheely & ride above/on the parked cars? MPPP, what say you?

8 Sep 2012 10.14pm
Reply to  tunglang

Exactly tunglang, our top civil servants and politicians regardless of BN or PR, constantly go on overseas ‘lawatan sambil belajar’ trips to developed nations. It baffles me that they can come back home and implement what they see in the wrong way or worst still implement the exact opposite of what is seen. They are good at giving excuses like insufficient funds. Well sometimes doing the right thing right the first time does not involve more funds, it may even save you money just as shown in this case.

9 Sep 2012 1.26pm
Reply to  Kevin

ROFL. This is typical Bolehland (TM) good administration officer idea, bad follow up on bureaucrat implementation. Having this kinda bicycle lane is worst than without bicycle lane. In such case, it is the motorist that taken for granted to ignore cyclist maneuver from behind.

9 Sep 2012 7.49pm
Reply to  moo_t

That is why it is important for the top people to be aware of what is happening on the ground. I understand it may be difficult in far-off locations and rural areas, but this photo was taken from esplanade, which is where a large chunk of the state administration is located. Top officials right up to the state cabinet, use that road on a daily basis but turn a blind eye to such a potential hazard.

8 Sep 2012 11.02am

Having a comprehensive network of bicycle lanes by 2020 is already a great challenge and I doubt it would materialise considering the rate at which we are going about it. Look at the current bicycle lanes in Pg, they are so disjointed and poorly planned. One minute you are on a bicycle lane and as you go further it disappears. Either the road suddenly becomes too narrow for a bike lane, a hawker happens to be occupying it, a car is parked over it, there is a tomyam shop with tables on top or the authorities just ran out of… Read more »

8 Sep 2012 10.56am

Health? Before cyanide gold mining , rare earth plant, etc, Bolehland in-plant more tumor : Proton.

tan tanjong bungah
tan tanjong bungah
8 Sep 2012 10.11am

Hi everyone, It brings back fond memories of as a Form 1 student, with two other contemporary Form 1 First GT(S) scouts, joined other Forms 2 to Upper 6 scouts of the troop to cycle round Pg Island! We started from the school going towards Sg Ara-Bayan Baru area with vast expanse of padi fields and ending through Telok Bahang (having a dip at the pristine sea there), Batu Ferringhi, Tg Bungah and heading back to the school! With the type of bicycles, with no gears, it was definitely a very tiring round island trip, but nevertheless very exciting and… Read more »