Malaysiakini is now accessible on Facebook< WordPress and Blogspot after its servers were knocked out.
You can read Malaysiakini reports here. Also on WordPress here and on Blogspot here.
The latest from Malaysiakini: “Our servers are still unable to be back online. We suspect the worse and will be setting up mirrors on facebook, wordpress. Stay tuned.”
You can also follow important features on the Aliran website.
The alternative site for Sarawak Report “on the run” has also been knocked out. The following message appears “Error establishing a database connection”
Meanwhile, Malaysiakini has released the following announcement:
As of 5.30pm today, Malaysiakini remains unavailable after all its servers simultaneously going down at 11am this morning.
Readers were unable to access the website, which runs from our servers hosted at two data centres – TM Brickfields and Jaring.
Malaysiakini’s technical team has been working to resolve the problem since this morning. However, the problem has persisted.
As of now, we cannot confirm the exact nature of the problem. However, the coincidence of two sets of servers, located at different data centres failing at the same time, suggests that there could be an attack on the website.
Malaysiakini is working to bring up a new set of servers. We have posted all of Malaysiakini reports today in Facebook. Readers can access Malaysiakini in full via Facebook Notes.
We will soon be making our reports, especially on the Sarawak elections, available on WordPress, Blogspot and other publishing platforms.
We apologise for the technical problem and we will keep readers informed of developments via Facebook and Twitter.
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Would you buy it if someone tells you that this is a coincidence and have nothing to do with the swak election?
Thank you Anil for providing the link.
We need to learn the truth from the internet, not from RTM, NST, Utusan or Astro Awani.
The rakyat should not be denie the truth, although Taib insisted on staying on despite great warnings from rakyat.
Mubarak in action. But the people are not deterred. They will vote BN out. Pakatan Rakyat will take over Sarawak this time.
After Sarawak will be the whole country.
To all sarawakian brothers and sisters .Think hard an opportunity like this may not knock on the door twice . CHANGE FOR GOODNESS SAKE!
Someone posted this
I am unsure if the above is legal stuff but I do sincerely hope that Malaysiakini will allow free access to everyone until the conclusion of the Sarawak elections.
anil – you are just great – with you around , malaysia will definitely be a much better place to live in – let’s keep it going
thanks again
… Why are … Malaysians (being stopped) from reading and knowing the truth?
Sarawakians, bangkit, vote Pakatan Rakyat, send out corrupt and bad governance! You can now see political eunuchs from MCA/Gerakan in persons. They are part of the problems that we Malaysians are facing.
Sarawakians, please take the lead, dump racists political parties like MCA/UMNO/GERAKAN/UMNO, PBB and the likes out of Malaysian politics. Let us give our future generations a new era of hopes! Selamatkan Malaysia! Vote Pakatan Rakyat!