The Internet Black-out Day to protest against Section 114A of the Evidence Act has made global news.
Global media groups BBC News, Times of India, ABC, The Nation, Bangkok Post, and a host of US websites, as well as tech news websites such as CNET reported on the unusual coordinated black-out.
As a side note, did you all suffer from withdrawal symptoms from staying away from blogosphere and social media? Well, imagine what it was like in the old days when there was no internet?!
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Thanks for staying offline.
No blogosphere, no email, no facebook, no twitters, no nothing is like no Kopi-O kau kau withdrawal symptom.
In the old days, life was simple, people more honesty & there was no such thing as Barang Naiki corruption, lies & nak cheat.
But now with Kia Su, Kia Si, Bing Chui & Kia Liao, individuals have to be on the know of WTF is going on in the country, neighborhood & EPF!!!
Yesterday blackout surely a withdrawal for many of us.
however, gained attention when news report like M Insiders mentioned you as well. Great work now Najib even twitted his cousin don’t play play with rakyat feeling (didahulukan ?)
anyway, yesterday balckout but somehow got an entertaining video to share called Gangnam Style – not your typical K-pop mushy mushy video.
Maybe one day creative talent ca have Penang Style video for the world to see ?
Thanks for sharing.
The ugliest example of a rogue regime’s jack-booted attempt to rule by law, misusing legislature to straitjacket the citizens so they can continue their compulsive plunder.
A good article on how the wired world is going to make BN extinct
Yesss it sure was a success, has created global awareness that this silly and idiotic law shouldn’t have been there in the first place, to protect who? …the Cow minister, the Transport minister, the Health minister and Defense minister?
and oops …the Udang minister too!
From the Ministry of Prawn.
Keropok Udang cap Noh?