Taman Tun Dr Awang flats: Finally … what a difference a coat of paint makes!


Great news! What a world of difference.

This was what the Taman Tun Dr Awang flats in Butterworth looked like before (see below) when I tweeted about it a month ago, after yet another foreign visitor, this time from Singapore, asked why the the powers that be were not doing anything about it.

It was the latest reminder since this was highlighted here in 2012 when I compared these shabby flats with the luxury condos in Straits Quay directly across the channel.

A foreign worker told me that the painting was being carried out by a contractor. When I asked him who had engaged the contractor, he replied, “PDC (Penang Development Corporation).”

I asked a former MPSP councillor and he said the flats were under the responsibility of the PDC.

If so, well done to the PDC for this long overdue coat of paint, which should do wonders for the morale and self-esteem of the residents here.

I believe the flats lie in an Umno-BN state assembly constituency under an Umno-BN parliamentary seat. So double credit to the PDC for giving this place a first coat of paint in three or four decades. (And it’s not even an election year!)

This whole area can be easily spruced up even further if clogged drains are cleared and new large rubbish containers are provided for the bin rooms on the ground floor.

If anything, Taman Tun Dr Awang can be a showcase of what is possible in the entire state. I hope the state government/PDC and MPSP will take up the challenge.

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Billy Sim
Billy Sim
10 Nov 2015 4.59am

How about Rifle Range Flat and Noordin Street Flat? They look old and dirty need to have a new coat of painting too.

6 Nov 2015 2.22pm

The Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association (Rehda) has urged Penang state government to do away with requirement for developers to build low-cost housing.


What say you Penangites?

7 Nov 2015 8.05pm
Reply to  benny

Compensation of RM42K extra from ideal developer for koperasi folks for land acquiescence airport of Bayan lepas Penang. Durian runtoh for operandi families as they have been given bungalows on top of extra benefits. No wonder Ideal condo eventually not cheap to absorb such compensation.

8 Nov 2015 9.08am
Reply to  benny

Pg state gomen, don’t play into the tricky hands of these greedy developers. Even if you need the funds via swap deals to develop Penang into a global city. Think of other options like setting up an investor fund for state development purposes. PDC & InvestPenang should think out of the box. Economic conditions in dire straits already. Karma will definitely ‘punish’ them in due time like no sales, no money, no opportunity in the Forbes Magazine’s list of the richest fellas. Housing is more of a (majority) social need than (limited) want of the 1%. Build beyond mere showcasing… Read more »

6 Nov 2015 11.05am

Do the residents pay monthly maintenance fees to upkeep the flats?

6 Nov 2015 1.25pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Singapore town councils are linked with the political parties of the constituencies. If you do not pay up the maintenance fees, your utilities (rlectricity and water supply) will be cut off.

5 Nov 2015 8.56am


This is the way to Taman Pelangi in Juru. After the Penang Bridge, go south along the North-South highway. Exit at Juru exit, turn right until towards Jalan Perusahaan. At the end of the road turn right into Jalan Perusahaan. Autocity is on the left side of this road. At the next traffic lights junction, turn left. A short distance, on the right side, is Taman Pelangi. These are five storey flats which were built by PDC in the mid 90s. The place has been a total neglect. Most of the residents are foreigners.

5 Nov 2015 11.57am
Reply to  Anil Netto


Sorry, I do not live around there, but used to go there once in a while

james k
james k
4 Nov 2015 8.35pm

Well the state gov has been repainting and ‘rejuvenating’ various low-cost flats in the state, both on island and mainland. Some even getting upgraded lifts!

So kudos to state gov, well done.

4 Nov 2015 8.17pm

Yes, Anil is Penang’s pride !!! Penang people are very fortunate to have Anil as their blogger !!!

6 Nov 2015 2.30pm
Reply to  lim

How nice if each and everyone of us can do a tiny part like report the bad condition of the road concerned either to the Adun of that constituency or to the state council.

We can also report of the dirty coffee shops, litterings, damaged pavements, etc etc etc.

Yes, the low income earners most of them can hardly survive, let alone paying maintenance fee, however low. Cant PDC take over ? However, to make a place clean it is everyone’s responsibility !!!

7 Nov 2015 9.21pm
Reply to  lim

Repainting is not cheap. How long can a paint last? What more when the paint is directly exposed to human contact? Fair face bricks should be used although it cost a bit more. It is paint free for the rest of the life.

johan Khun Pana
johan Khun Pana
4 Nov 2015 7.57pm

Could have been much cheaper to repaint 2-3 years ago before our Ringgit dropped and before Najib’s GST.
It is now very expensive to buy a can of paint.

And yes ,clogged drains & gutter must be cleared

5 Nov 2015 10.18am
Reply to  Anil Netto

My condo of 20 floors full paint job 2 years ago cost RM250k, and expect more due to inflation or punctuation of ringgit. Fyi so these dwellers are indeed lucky thanks to Anil’s publicity

4 Nov 2015 2.05pm

In other words, Anil Netto is now an influential blogger whose twit could effect change.

8 Nov 2015 9.00am
Reply to  Anil Netto

God bless you, Anil.
May Karma add good credits to your life’s account.

4 Nov 2015 12.20pm


You may also want to check on Taman Pelangi at Juru, next to Autocity. It could be in worse condition

4 Nov 2015 5.09pm
Reply to  Anil Netto