So Najib wants to help the US$19tn US economy with Malaysian funds?


It is ludicrous to hear that Prime Minister Najib Razak wants to pump more Malaysian money into US infrastructure and Boeing planes to boost the US economy, which has a GDP of US$19 trillion. He should first handle the serious structural problems facing the Malaysian economy (GDP US$296bn).

One of the major structural problems lies in the housing sector. Reports indicate the property market in Malaysia is slowing down. And yet many buyers are still unable to secure bank loans to buy homes, many of which are priced beyond their reach.

This has prompted Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Noh Omar to come up with a ‘bright idea’. He reportedly announced that property developers could apply for moneylending licences! According to the Edge, the Moneylenders Act 1951 does not have any provision to restrict developers from applying for such licences.

But everyone knows that the real issue is not that the banks don’t want to approve housing loans.

There are two real and related problems.

Full article in Aliran website

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Eric Kuek
Eric Kuek
21 Sep 2017 4.35pm

Why help a developed nation when our own people are need of help?

Poverty drives Malaysian women to work as maids

With the proportion of jobless fresh graduates in Malaysia rising – the unemployment rate of this group went up from 30 per cent in 2013 to 34 per cent last year – there was even a degree holder who applied to be a maid.

19 Sep 2017 8.33am

Newsweek rushes in where M’sians fear to tread Clever Voter: To be labelled a Malaysian crook is embarrassing. On normal circumstances, one would be advised to take legal action, but perhaps there is enough truth in the description that it is no longer defensible. US President Donald Trump has enough problems of his own so it is unlikely he would be able to do what would be expected of him to help PM Najib Razak personally. The reputation of prime minister is not exactly flattering and he should be reminded that the lack of ethical and moral values will… Read more »

19 Sep 2017 8.34am
Reply to  tunglang

Newsweek publishes Wolfowitz’s piece, heading reads ‘Trump meets M’sian crook’ Newsweek has reproduced an article penned by former World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz on the meeting between United States President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. The magazine published the article, which first appeared on the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) website, with the headline “Trump’s meeting with Malaysian crook Najib reeks of the swamp”. The original headline of the article published on the AEI website on Sept 12, the day Najib met Trump in the White House, read “This is not draining the swamp”. In his article,… Read more »

19 Sep 2017 11.37am
Reply to  tunglang

Most Malaysians now have poor understanding of English to differentiate between Crook and Cook.

Kampung Felda folks read it as MSatu not a good Cook but his wife can cook good dishes instead.

17 Sep 2017 7.41pm

Anil’s ever present commentator Tunglang used the term Bunga Mas, and MP Kluang may have read it to use it in his blog article :

Presenting bunga mas is a sign of being subservient or kow tow to someone regarded as more superior.

Also no need to threaten the chinese

17 Sep 2017 9.37pm
Reply to  Heng

Desperate to kow tow to Ang Moh but irresponsible to threaten Rakyat of Chinese origin: MP: Najib’s ‘Chinese will be targeted’ comment perceived as a threat Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s comment that the Chinese Malaysian community would be “the first to be targeted” if there was no peace was bound to cause anger. This, the DAP lawmaker said, was because the comment can be perceived as containing “elements of threatening Chinese Malaysian voters” ahead of the 14th general election. “Malaysians must teach Najib and MCA a hard lesson so that they would… Read more »

18 Sep 2017 8.51am
Reply to  tunglang

Correction: Instead, the reverse (of getting votes thro’ fear) is more forthcoming.

18 Sep 2017 9.21pm
Reply to  tunglang

Bunga Rays Bersatu pose less danger than the Keris in UM-No

19 Sep 2017 11.25am
Reply to  tunglang

MCA invited MO1 to its 916 Patriotic Assembly only for MO1 to resurrect the May 13 bogeyman (in the form of IS or the infamous red-shirt thugs?) to threaten the Chinese community if they to do not vote BN-Umno for ‘stability’? Or the script is provided by 7-11 MCA to ensure its survival?

16 Sep 2017 2.14pm

It is not wrong to use EPF money to invest in USA, but it is wrong for Najib to invest our money given his bad 1MDB record. See the difference?

Seng Aun Teoh
15 Sep 2017 5.10pm

Insurance – against prosecution.

16 Sep 2017 11.41am
Reply to  Seng Aun Teoh

Like playing Monopoly board game, MOSatu desperately need a ‘get out of jail’ card. So he pawn our EPF money in front of Trump the Master of Negotiation. Never see a developing country helping developed country financially. Dunia dah terbalik?

Davis Tan
Davis Tan
15 Sep 2017 12.57pm

Do you buy Genting shares?
Do you buy Apple shares?
Do you buy Maybank shares?

Robert E.Lee
Robert E.Lee
15 Sep 2017 12.49pm

Why Prime Minister Najib Razak’s official visit to USA defies all odds: Within 2 days (although PM Najib arrived on 11 Sep, it was not an official event day), the followings are to be noted: 1. It is unheard of in USA history of the State Department and National Security Council (NSC) giving clearance for a US President to meet with a foreign head of state or head of government that is directly named in DOJ’s largest ever money laundering investigation. 2. Not only was Najib Razak invited by the US President, his delegation was also received by an expanded… Read more »

Galant Fourteenth
Galant Fourteenth
15 Sep 2017 1.47pm
Reply to  Robert E.Lee

9 Lives? 9 questions for you: 1. Who conceived the idea of the two propaganda offensives – the Trump-Najib show, and the “go for the jugular” offensive to blame the opposition for using the 1MDB scandal to undermine investor confidence in the Malaysian economy? Did it come from the highly-paid media consultants and propagandists? If so, let us have the names. 2. How much was spent to secure Trump’s invitation to Najib for the meeting at the White House, and was it was paid from government coffers or from private funds? 3. Did Najib and his entourage stay for three… Read more »

16 Sep 2017 9.02pm
Reply to  Robert E.Lee

Robert E.Lee you should be at Bernama to convince more to have faith in M#1?

Noroz Khan
15 Sep 2017 11.18am

I think he has made a fool out of himself,a third world country helping a super power.How stupid can one be.

15 Sep 2017 8.42pm
Reply to  Noroz Khan

Very brilliant according to Robert E. Lee.

16 Sep 2017 11.37am
Reply to  tunglang

Robert speaks like Wee Kar Siong defending MOSatu investing EPF for US infrastructure.

14 Sep 2017 10.23pm

Already cutting funds to local public universities which indicates national financial dire straits, but can still afford to gau-gau help the US economy! Could Mr. Robert E.Lee (not the pro-slave general) pls explain to us the not so intelligent Rakyat?????? No spinning pls or jabs. I used to pass by USM 2nd main gate @ Jalan Bukit Gambier & saw about 10 campus buses in a row during semester holiday. Now, I barely see 5 campus buses in a row this semester break. This is one of USM cost-cutting measures. Of course, this is not a so intelligent comment to… Read more »

16 Sep 2017 8.17pm
Reply to  tunglang

Most of Mat Salleh history is lies written by the victors. US history is especially twisted. Though we have been conned in the past, we still get excited over their internal issues (personalities, events or achievements) which look very different to locals there. Do you agree that the Bolehland government should have removed so many, British statues: potential idols? You may think Robert Lee was evil and Abraham Lincoln was good. Here is what the latter said (from his Collected Works): (1) The separation of the races is the best way to prevent amalgamation… That requires colonization… (2) I have… Read more »

14 Sep 2017 8.51pm

MO1 is willing to pump more Malaysian money into US infrastructure in exchange for a photo with Trump so that the subservient media here could tell the kampung and Felda folks that even Trump was mesmerized by Najib’s charm & the financial strength of Bolehland (see the headlines of mainstream papers today). Cash Is King and that’s how easy GE14 could be won with a picture. The rural folks may be misled to believe that Trump has overruled DOJ.

15 Sep 2017 9.11am
Reply to  Jerome

Cash Is King is a Blue Ocean Strategy of ‘sucking sweat + tears cash’ from the Rakyat via GST, fuel pricing & cutting of subsidies + budgets. And more relevant when we are told of generous Saudi Cash Is Donation which is still kept somewhere for whatever uses nobody knows.

16 Sep 2017 8.24pm
Reply to  tunglang

Also, stagnant wages, disappearing jobs (exported or automated). A recent newspaper article said 40% of Bolehland workers are in the “gig” or “freelance” economy, i.e. they have no secure income. So, what does out great leader do? He proposes employment insurance – again.

18 Sep 2017 9.02am
Reply to  tunglang

The reality is there is no more a job (as an employee) for life till retirement as companies have to stay ‘nimble’.
The reality is one has to manage 2 or more jobs in order to survive any retrenchment or failure of own business.
Unless one is makan gaji as a gomen servant, which in the future may not be secured as it is now – due to the burgeoning of salaries + retirement pays may force gomen to ‘cut-costs’.

19 Sep 2017 8.26am
Reply to  tunglang