Behind Miami Green, a project higher than 250 feet above sea level?

The site of a hill-slope project above the 250-feet threshold

The MBPP has to explain this project on a 5.0ha plot of land on environmentally sensitive steep hillslopes. About two thirds of the plot is above the Penang Structure Plan threshold of 250 feet above sea level.

The plot (Lot 62) is behind the Miami Green Resort Condominium in Batu Ferringhi.

Apparently the project involves two 38-storey blocks (336 serviced apartments) with a four-storey car park and 26 shop lots and a block of 182 ‘affordable’ apartments and 15 low-cost flats with a four-storey car park.

Won’t be much Green left there! Don’t we have more than enough serviced apartments in Penang already?

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David Loman
David Loman
28 Jun 2016 6.48pm

Good News from Jagdeep Singh Deo: PENANG STATE GOVERNMENT AFFORDABLE HOUSING EXPO (SERIES 2.0 – MISSION HOME-POSSIBLE) I am happy to be here to launch the Penang State Government Affordable Housing EXPO, which is also series 2.0 of our Mission Home-Possible Roadshow. As you are all aware, the Penang State Government gives utmost priority to the provision of affordable housing to Penangites. Towards this end, apart from coming up with guidelines such as the 100% Affordable Housing Guidelines for the private sector to build 100% affordable housing, the selection of eligible applicants for such affordable housing, the Penang State Government… Read more »

Stylo Logan
Stylo Logan
30 Jun 2016 11.41am
Reply to  David Loman

Thank you for this information. The Star never publish such news.
Please continue to keep us posted.

27 Jun 2016 2.21pm

Wow ! Two 38-storey blocks on the hill is way too much !
Who is so silly to approve that ?

27 Jun 2016 3.55pm
Reply to  Kenny

It’s going to emulate highland towers and walk into history with such same magnitude lah !

28 Jun 2016 9.09am
Reply to  Swat

Yes, will look exactly like two … erecting on the hill, pantang !
They should form an ad hoc panel to evaluate the height of hill buildings and anything over 20-storey should be subjected to stringent rules !

Mohd Adrian Mohd Ras
27 Jun 2016 10.45am

thats horrible! Single winding road to handle the additional traffic from that and the ‘shaolin temple’ development!

27 Jun 2016 10.00pm

But then, there are some who worship this kind of development!
Thank God you don’t worship a CAT deity!

28 Jun 2016 11.48pm

who own car still wants to stay in serviced apartments? you also mean those in low cost flats are driving cars and not kapcais?

27 Jun 2016 8.17am

Defenders of Bukit Kiara park see more than just trees Note: this is Yahoo Singapore news, not The Star. Malay Mail Online reported on Friday that some parts of the Bukit Kiara Rimba Park have been designated as the site of a proposed 29-storey high-rise building with 350 affordable units and an eight-block cluster with 1,766 serviced apartment units, some towering up to 54 storeys. Apart from damage to the park, which has been gazetted as a forest reserve, residents are also concerned that the new project could see the neighbourhood’s per-acre density spike more than 13 times, from… Read more »

David Loman
David Loman
28 Jun 2016 6.52pm
Reply to  tunglang

Penang Hill Special Area Plan to be gazetted 1st August, 2016. Kenyataan Media YB Tuan Jagdeep Singh Deo, Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang (EXCO) Perancangan Bandar & Desa dan Perumahan pada 27 Jun 2016 (Isnin), di George Town, Pulau Pinang: PEWARTAAN LAPORAN RANCANGAN KAWASAN KHAS BUKIT BENDERA Penyediaan Draf Rancangan Kawasan Khas Bukit Bendera Pulau Pinang (RKK BB) yang disediakan di bawah peruntukan Seksyen 16B, Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 (Akta 172), merupakan satu pelan induk terperinci yang akan memandu hala tuju dan masa hadapan Bukit Bendera Pulau Pinang. Pelan ini mengandungi idea-idea formal atau cadangan, bagi… Read more »

26 Jun 2016 11.57pm

BYO {bring your own} kopi to the debate and lets voice out your frustrations on this platform Tuesday night. I am sure Anil’s readers won’t miss it.

26 Jun 2016 1.05am

Can we catch the person cruel to CAT and dog?

gk ong
gk ong
26 Jun 2016 12.18pm
Reply to  zoro

Lots of frustration is inevitable when one could not keep up with others with the shrinking value of Ringgit, lamenting insufficient savings to cope with high cost of living at old age. Kau peh kau boo is the natural reaction after reading The Star, a daily pastime while lim kopi.

26 Jun 2016 8.35pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Ha ha ha Anil, there is one guy here sambil baca star paper sambil minum kopi o kau kau, and after that he gets drunk with the caffeine and starts kau peh kau boh (mocking) lim guan eng and the pg state government.

26 Jun 2016 10.30pm
Reply to  lim

Another knee-jerking for today?
So desperately useless.
Pray more to a CAT.

26 Jun 2016 10.52pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Anil, why need to ask for translation from CAT minions? Not worth the explaining from them as these are psychotic symptoms of knee jerking that require intrusive medication at private hospitals (Pg GH is not Cosmopolitan enough). Might as well let them keep on the symptoms so they won’t go back home & maybe bash their wives out of frustration!!! Anyway, life is good for me in slippery Cosmopolitan Penang as I am living Simplicity Lifestyle with no debt nor worries. And kopitiam Kopi-O kau kau is simply good for my health as I don’t do the CAT knee jerking… Read more »

27 Jun 2016 12.01am
Reply to  Anil Netto
28 Jun 2016 7.54am
Reply to  Jive

Nothing better to comment than hitting below the belt.
What a typical CAT minion with a tunnel myopia.
Myopia > • lack of foresight or intellectual insight

David Loman
David Loman
25 Jun 2016 6.13pm

CNN – Luxury hotel? No, Singapore’s new-generation public housing

26 Jun 2016 2.08pm
Reply to  David Loman

Malaysians like us can only look in envy.

james k
james k
26 Jun 2016 6.26pm
Reply to  David Loman

I dont think $700 per sq ft properties can be considered public housing. And bear in mind, it is in Sing dollars! Not RM!

26 Jun 2016 10.29pm
Reply to  james k

Some people just simply swallow everything SingLand as ‘healthy’.
Don’t use their God given brains. Too bad.

27 Jun 2016 8.43am
Reply to  james k

why not? sing dollar is mighty, have to supply water to us even limited resources sndtop unis in asia and many pg lang went over. only tailings are left behind. bet you also tell your daughter to venture out if there are opportunties. big talker you can’t name 5 items we are better.

David Loman
David Loman
27 Jun 2016 10.41am
Reply to  james k

It goes to show how ‘Affordability’ is defined differently between Singapore and Malaysia. One is a high income nation with a very strong currency. The other one is still struggling to be a high income nation when its ex-PM who advocated Vision 2020 has recently said that the country ‘will go to the dogs’.

james k
james k
27 Jun 2016 1.56pm
Reply to  David Loman

Unfortunately not many local Singaporeans would be able to afford them. Even “affordable” housing is unaffordable to them now. Those in the lower income group can only look up at this “luxury” public housing and wonder who are they meant for. Another example is in HK where a working couple can barely afford a 300 sq ft apartment even after working for 5 years. We hope that Penang would not come to this day. The limit of 400k price for public housing is already too high for many young working adults. Credit to state gov for lowering it to 300k.… Read more »

27 Jun 2016 10.03pm
Reply to  james k

CAT Cosmopolitan Penang – an unrealistic vision of a tunnel!

David Loman
David Loman
28 Jun 2016 7.55am
Reply to  james k

Singaporean couples are each granted a subsidised new HDB apartment (far below market price, usually at new township, down payment and installment via CPF contribution). After 5 years, the couple could sell it at market price, usually to PRs who can only buy from resale market, at market price. The capital gain is significant (as the new township would have developed), so that they could use the proceeds/profit with a bank loan to buy (upgrade) a private property (the one mentioned in CNN). Of course those who have never live in Singapore do not know this upgrading opportunity. Interestingly, many… Read more »

Stylo Logan
Stylo Logan
30 Jun 2016 11.44am
Reply to  james k

Those reading too much NST or The Star will never get true and positive news on the development of Singapore. The BN media is envious of the success of Singapore. You can ask those Malaysians working in Singapore to get the true picture.

28 Jun 2016 7.51am
Reply to  David Loman

Can property development at unchecked frenzy can bring about economic growth + high incomes > spending power (for MAJORITY of Malaysians) & bring about higher Ringgit value?

28 Jun 2016 6.02pm
Reply to  tunglang

You over worried. Time will come when the bubbles burst, and those with savings can pick good bargains among the frenzied condos.
So meantime work harder to earn more ringgit. Grumbling invites negative vibes disturbing your equilibrium, forever bursting out no intake of wealth.

28 Jun 2016 11.29pm
Reply to  tunglang

Quote: “Time will come when the bubbles burst, and those with savings can pick good bargains among the frenzied condos. So meantime work harder to earn more ringgit.” Is that all that is material life to you? Sorry, I won’t buy it. Life is too precious to chase after the things of temporal. One life, too short, cherish it, moment by moment (good, bad or ugly). When one is dead, there is no money, condos or material wealth to count & carry over. Only the precious memory inside the soul will live on & on. Think about it, dear friend.… Read more »

29 Jun 2016 11.49am
Reply to  tunglang

Tunglang, I recommended savings to buy homes (if no condo then you want landed houses?) since you die die wanna stay on the island. Your children have grown up and need homes of their own, so if you keep grumbling no action where your children/grandchildren gonna take shelter? If you still can’t get over the present pave of development, may be you can make serious change by standing up visibly on a political platform to defeat your nemesis niaokong. Suggest you join PSM instead of PCM as the latter like to talk no concrete action. Stepping out you may pull… Read more »

30 Jun 2016 10.49pm
Reply to  tunglang

I don’t buy your selling, paham kah x 3?
And I wish my ashes to enrich the soil of Belum Rainforest, not to book a place in crowded Penang in the hereafter.
So, don’t overtly pretentiously worry for me.

Now, critics give comments for a reason.
Not necessarily to be politicians.
You seems to conveniently forget the mission of which give you a platform to express. Unless you are acting out exactly what your Deity has behaved all this while!
We don’t vote for nothing! Much less to worship like an arrogant idiot!!!

David Loman
David Loman
25 Jun 2016 11.15am

To allow more low cost housing on land-scarced Penang, perhaps can emulate Rio’s Favela township in Brazil?

Will Barclay
Will Barclay
25 Jun 2016 10.18am

Once the magic words Affordable Housing are uttered, all other regulations seem to be forgotten.

25 Jun 2016 10.18pm
Reply to  Will Barclay

Just put in some affordable & low-cost housing in the mix in such hillside development & all ‘sins’ against Nature are pre-forgiven?
This Deity of Absolute Vodka Arrogance thinks we are all gullible & drunkards for twisting laws.

26 Jun 2016 2.17pm
Reply to  tunglang

so what can those bought the land over 250 ft do? any advice to them? sell to tunglang at cheap like ms pang? will peopld like you buying cheap investigated by a gee?

26 Jun 2016 9.21pm
Reply to  zoro

no land means no new houses are built and force brillant, talented and cream to seek greener grass in singland. no wonder lky is happy only scrums remains in bolehland. see they vote for those giving 5kg of rice once every 5 years or sing tamil once a year during divali in east and west of the country.

26 Jun 2016 10.35am
Reply to  Will Barclay

Basic marketing, every pasar Malam traders knows how to sell his products. Pasar Malam Traders always take risks any they never force you to buy or if big loss ask you or state Gomen to pay unlike Commonwealth Gomen where contracts are under OSA. Why Gelakan Gomen have private lands in hills in the first place? Why not anil and pg lang contribute to state Gomen to buy all the lands above the magic 250 ft figure. After all the private land owners cannot do anything above magic 259 ft. But private land owners don’t be like ms pang selling… Read more »

27 Jun 2016 1.44am
Reply to  zoro

You say owners of 250ft can’t even dig or build a road to his property let alone develop. what kind of land where one cannot do anything??

27 Jun 2016 10.09pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Anil, fyi you can train a dog to obey ‘regulations’ but you cannot train a cat.
It simply breaks regulations. Ask any kampung folk why cats get pregnant faster than humans! B’cos the windows are always open for the inevitable to happen even in broad daylight!
The same with Pg’s CAT with itchy paws for virgin jungles on hill slopes!

29 Jun 2016 12.06am
Reply to  Anil Netto

we get voters like s. besar or kk giving them a bone of 5kg rice or sing a tamil song they (are happy)…

David Loman
David Loman
26 Jun 2016 6.11pm
Reply to  Will Barclay

Penang govt gives automatic land lease renewal & 90% land premium discount Penang is the only state in Malaysia where the state government gives automatic renewal on land lease with 90% discount on the land premium. This was confirmed by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at a press conference on June 24 when he met with 5 applicants at his office who intend to renew their land lease for residences on Penang Hill. Citing their lack of credit worthiness due to advanced age, they requested for confirmation from Lim if the state gives generous rebates for home owners who renew… Read more »

25 Jun 2016 9.20am

He can go and clamp hid car. Also be fair and clamp any Gelakan cars too. Now need not to climb Mt komtar but tokong from Mt komtar has come down to earth. Seige the opportunity and ask him. Anil please record the event in into your blog

Davis Tan
24 Jun 2016 11.42pm

Ask him CM Lim Guan Eng, SPC chairman. The person (in charge) in Penang.

25 Jun 2016 7.27am
Reply to  Davis Tan

SPC Chairman has a ready-standby PR – Chow Chow woof-woof.
Wanna bet?

David Loman
David Loman
25 Jun 2016 11.42am
Reply to  Davis Tan

Kenyataan Media oleh YB Tuan Jagdeep Singh Deo, Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang (EXCO) Perancangan Bandar & Desa dan Perumahan pada 16 Jun 2016 di George Town, Pulau Pinang: PERLUASAN KELAYAKAN DAN SKOP KEPENGGUNAAN TABUNG PENYELENGGARAAN 80:20 KERAJAAN NEGERI PULAU PINANG YANG SEKARANG DIJENAMAKAN SEMULA SEBAGAI TABUNG PENYELENGGARAAN MAKSIMA 80% PULAU PINANG (TPM80PP) Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Harapan yang prihatin akan keperluan pembinaan dan penyediaan perumahan yang mampu dimiliki oleh rakyat negeri Pulau Pinang sudah dari mulanya memberi keutamaan kepada perkara ini, dan pada masa yang sama juga memberi keutamaan kepada bantuan kepada golongan penduduk berpendapatan rendah di taman… Read more »

25 Jun 2016 5.38pm
Reply to  Davis Tan

if no standby there are sit by sleep by , rest by, lay by and fly by

26 Jun 2016 10.36pm
Reply to  zoro

Oh my English (again)!
I think a Bangla speaks better English!

27 Jun 2016 1.54am
Reply to  zoro

So you are those .. like hongkonger used to call those bringing in legal and illegal banglas. No wonder pasar Malam traders like you are happy with zahid to add in 1 million banglas in Penang. Soon you help them to vote.

25 Jun 2016 7.34pm
Reply to  Davis Tan

would we get RSPCA to catch this CAT@SPC???

25 Jun 2016 12.23am

In Cantonese: Choi Ni Gong! (What the hell?)
This is what Pg CAT gomen & its cohorts are behaving beyond salvation.
Anil, you can highlight as many hill cutting issues, but the recalcitrant state gomen & authorities are still as arrogant as a bull.
The way to stop all these is to march to Penang state assembly to demand Deity resignation.
Greener, Cleaner Penang? My foot for Deity!

25 Jun 2016 5.50am
Reply to  tunglang

tunglang should attend this coming Tuesday’s debate to be held at the Caring Society Complex in between DAP and Gerakan. At the same time many are waiting to see the Red-shirt hooligans perform their usual stunt there.

25 Jun 2016 7.25am
Reply to  Swat

Calling others hooligans, so you are angel of CAT?
C’mon, pray less unless you also deserve the same Karma as Deity (Tokong).

25 Jun 2016 11.42am
Reply to  tunglang

From the lisp you are producing you behave more of a 汉奸 than anything.
You try to show off :- “In Cantonese: Choi Ni Gong! (What the hell?)” ?? In actual fact, it should be Choi Nei Du Ngong – 睬你都戆 meaning it’s stupid to even answer you and not – “What the hell?” as you said or tried to teach people here, 二毛子 !?

25 Jun 2016 3.35pm
Reply to  Swat

Hey hey hey, Swat, i like your “er mao zi”.

Ya, in some ways and to a certain extent, tunglang does behave like a “han chien”. He may regret some day for his stunts.

25 Jun 2016 4.57pm
Reply to  Swat

Penang folks do stick to hokkien dialect to hua hee chiak pa pa.

David Loman
David Loman
25 Jun 2016 6.21pm
Reply to  Swat

Happy Happy Go Lucky
Happy Happy Goyang Kaki lim Kopi

25 Jun 2016 7.30pm
Reply to  Swat

Lu kong ha mi lan “C”???
Pai Thi-Kong khah ho koe pai chi-le Niao Kong ah!
Your knee jerk of a Jerk won’t restore your libido for a CAT.
“What the hell?” speaks volume of your Venerable CAT Deity that I surmise hit your raw nerve! Keep Calm while Anil reveals more in the months to come.

25 Jun 2016 7.33pm
Reply to  Swat

When some minions get angry from CAT knee-jerkings, how to hua hee chiak pa pa?
Time for Farlim Char Hor Fan Ke Liao!

26 Jun 2016 8.32am
Reply to  Swat

lim, the political realities of recent elections show the brand of DAP politicking is not working for majority of Malaysians. So, forget about the Deity dreams of making Pg another SingLand satellite city without the souls for the ordinary people. I have been socialising with Malays, both urban & rural & their attitude + perception of DAP is not favourable – hegemonic (in both party & coalition), arrogant, developer friendly, playing the blame game instead of stewardship, twist & turn. You will regret your uncontrolled knee jerks in the coming years when you will see the dark realities of such… Read more »

26 Jun 2016 1.17pm
Reply to  Swat

change taste oredi? no more kopi kau kau. next time change to chak sai?

26 Jun 2016 1.25pm
Reply to  tunglang

we continue armmo to subcontract poisoning work. religious can say anything w/o bound. poor vivien. any other races have no right to defend. people like ah tee and you just add oil. even ti and telor anson toking keep quiet

26 Jun 2016 1.33am
Reply to  Swat

Persecute more you reap what you sow. Look want to follow the hooligans storming into the assembly and they get very fine. Or follow the mufti with his words can get away but not Vivien.

25 Jun 2016 8.06pm
Reply to  tunglang

“what the hell” informal use: it doesn’t matter. Example: you’re already going to be home late, so what the hell. In the context of “Choi Ni Gong!”, “What the hell?” speaks volume of an attitudinal problem of an entity with this “Choi Ni Gong!” propensity (tendency to behave in a particular way). Example: The Tanjung Bungah pristine hills are cut beyond recognition & redemption, so what the hell, Anil. So what’s the knee-jerk problem if Choi Ni Gong! (What the hell?) is not a direct transliteration but an implication of an attitude or behaviour??? Time for Kopi-O kau kau @… Read more »

Awang Selamat Ori
Awang Selamat Ori
25 Jun 2016 10.00pm
Reply to  tunglang

They are behaving like they know they are losing the State in PRU 14, sapu semualah.

26 Jun 2016 8.19am

What would you expect of CAT Political Traders?
Our votes are betrayed.
So, comes next GE, better think 9-times before casting your votes for a 9-opportunity political entity of a wild cat.

26 Jun 2016 7.57pm
Reply to  tunglang

Betrayal….Brutus….mana janji yang dicapati?

27 Jun 2016 7.15am
Reply to  Jive

Lu kong ha mi lan?

27 Jun 2016 11.11am
Reply to  tunglang

The only way to stop all these is to kick out Dap and Cat at the next GE (Next year)