Watch your heart: Leave the office by 6.00pm


More and more people are working longer hours these days to carve out a decent living. But there was wisdom in the struggle for an 8-hour work day, which now seems largely forgotten.

How many people nowadays are leaving the office only at 9.00pm and, in the case of factory workers and security guards, working 12-hour shifts?

Now a study has shown that long hours of work could lead to coronary heart disease. Check it out here.

Another reason not to sell your soul to the company store.

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Ong Eu Soon
16 May 2010 2.22am

Lucky for me! I make a decision to retire at early age. Now I hardly work for more than 4 hours a day. No more pressure , no more heart attack. Pity to those who still work hard to earn a living.

14 May 2010 1.09am

Well said Gerakan K !, Reminds me like what BN does back in the old days when Penang was under them. Thanks for reminding us 🙂

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
13 May 2010 6.14pm

You should change job to protect your heart.

Venture into politic world. Be a state / parliament representative. You can then switch off phone even during working hours and your constituent need your help. You can even skip parliament sitting and go oversea.

I witness these practices in Penang. If I name the exact YBs possibly other commentators will run amok.

Easy job with decent income. Just attend demos few times a year and you will regarded as hero or worshiped as such.

13 May 2010 5.20pm

This morning Bloomberg ” Malay Ringgit UP 7% against USD ” – even the Bloomberg Haslinda asked why, and commentor Mike could not give a adequate reason.

Bloomberg Haslinda then said, could be Dato Zeti Aziz with her reforms give rise to ‘strong ringgit’

High RM value – our exports will face greater competitions. Our imports – prices should go down but supermarkets’ prices all Barang Naik.

Oh gosh!

13 May 2010 1.42am

there’s a term widely used in our country,”business need”.u don’t stay in late,u don’t get promotion,no salary increment,boss don’t like u,u r not much of an team player,shoot u get what I mean….

13 May 2010 12.03am

This going back late thing was started by the xxxx. They only start working at 5 actually. From 8am to 5pm, they do their own side business or some other activity whilst in office and pretend to be working. So real work only starts at 5pm, which will go on to about 10pm. It is high time for the HR Ministry to impose strict regulations that require people to go home by 6pm in order to lead healthy lives and also spend time with their families. This in return will promote good family values in children and youths besides ensuring… Read more »

12 May 2010 11.46pm

many people in this country are now having to keep 2 jobs to make ends meet.

12 May 2010 11.22pm

i;ve always liked the idea of having a resident office ghost.
then everyone is forced to leave the office by a certain time cos semua takut