Covid-19 trajectory: How Malaysia, Italy, South Korea and Singapore are faring


It is difficult to make sense of the daily rise in Covid-19 cases and how we are coping in our battle compared to other countries.

To me, this graph provides a more meaningful comparison of a few selected countries: Italy, Spain, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. At least here we are comparing like for like – well, not quite, as there are other factors missing from this graph eg the number of tests carried out, the number of hospital beds and other resources available, the death rate, and per capita government spending on public healthcare. Full article on Aliran website

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26 Mar 2020 5.51pm

As PCK used to say: Don’t Play Play.
Please Stay at Home!

Ma jiji
Ma jiji
27 Mar 2020 8.49pm

Now we start to see the “supply chains” are breaking off one by one even before the virus spreading chain. Soon, almost everything will be “in shortage” after April 14.

27 Mar 2020 11.39am

How staying at home can stop coronavirus – BBC News

It can make when it comes to taking pressure off health services and saving lives.

29 Mar 2020 6.54pm
Reply to  Chipmunk

I should not be shrieking or blow cow. Common sense. Virus are from open mouth air droplets. Outside in the public, people should be at least 1.5m apart. if They should like … fish market, habis lah. all the virus will be coming out from the mouth. If cough, wear mask or cover up and see doctors. No point Health Department give statements. If people are outside, talk less and stand further away from each other.

26 Mar 2020 6.40pm

The testing issue is still unclear. It should be available freely, except to hypochondriacs. Where is the bottleneck? Is it an issue of supply? Is it available at private hospitals? What is the delay in hours or days? When will the test for antibodies (those already immune) arrive? There are conflicting reports on all this and the PPE issue. I am trying to be polite on this. I feel that the government should provide life insurance — strictly related to active work during this crisis — to all essential front-line personnel. This should cover hospitals, clinics, labs, police, food shops,… Read more »

26 Mar 2020 12.26pm

Singapore’s economy contracted the most in a decade in the first quarter, a bellwether for the rest of Asia as the fast-spreading coronavirus shuts down vast parts of the world.

Gross domestic product fell an annualized 10.6% in the first quarter from the previous three months, with the government now expecting a sharp full-year contraction in the economy of 1%-4%.

Malaysian workers will soon face retrenchment in Singapore, and bid goodbye to SingDollar?

Ma jiji
Ma jiji
26 Mar 2020 8.19am

Enforcement personnel can do whatever it takes to enforce MCO, says Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (The one and only Parliament and Law) Takiyuddin Hassan.

Is that our country now in Marshall Law ?

26 Mar 2020 12.31pm
Reply to  Ma jiji

Need enforcement on those hoarding face masks for profits.

Consumers can channel information on suspicious business cry through the ministry’s hotline at 1-800-886-800, the enforcement command centre at 03-88826088/6245 or at website

Khun Pana
Khun Pana
26 Mar 2020 7.42pm
Reply to  Ma jiji

MCO is okay, as it is universal . But make sure those Pas fellas do not introduce their syarie law nationwide. …

Khun Pana
Khun Pana
26 Mar 2020 5.41am

The warm weather having no effects at all. Going to be a very long flu season on a global scale. Hopefully able to reach the 6000 targeted for Malaysia as predicted by our MoH. Saw on telly that the newly crowned PM praying. Does prayers help? He is just wasting broadcasting airtime. It seems that different countries/govts uses different yardstick / test and criterias to report the number. Example- China changes their method 3 times. Therefore, China is suspected of under reporting. ***Suspected that those having mild systoms does not even bother to get a test. And if after 3-4… Read more »

26 Mar 2020 6.18pm
Reply to  Khun Pana

To a politician/party, every event is a “spin” opportunity. Pious words are a part of it. At least, it is less embarrassing than the bullish talk from Trump.

26 Mar 2020 7.29pm
Reply to  Khun Pana

Singapore Finance Minister unveiled an unparalleled ‘Landmark’ S$48 billion package of measures to steer aid to workers and businesses – with more targeted help for those hardest-hit by the coronavirus pandemic – as well as strengthening economic and social resilience.