Tell Me – a song by Amirah


“Tell Me” is the talented singer Amirah’s second single. It was originally composed in Malay and entitled “Katakanlah”.

Amirah writes:

With the global pandemic and political turmoil, I felt this song could not wait any longer. It is more important now than ever for us to unite. In this song, I asked questions: Are we our name? Our face? Our religion? Our race? It saddens me greatly when I see people in conflict because of the differences in their skin colour, religion, race, status, nationality, gender and sexual orientation.

Lyricist: Amirah, Amy Powers

Publisher: Amirah360 Publishing

You can follow Amirah on her Instagram, Facebook or Facebook Unity Group.

This is her earlier song from 2020:

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Milk Tea
Milk Tea
19 May 2021 10.54am

Humans have been in conflict for centuries, it is in our instinct. E.g Look at Jerusalem (so called holy-land). We must do better or else we are no different. Not only us but the government. Very happy that Penang stands with the people of Palestine against the evil Zionist. #FreePalestine

19 May 2021 11.16pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

milk tea,
long time no hear, no smell and no see. after fasting, after eid mubarak, now have all the energy. becareful. open mouth too big allow covid to masuk. jaga jaga. btw, centuries in the past have been warring. do better is a general term. Tell us how?

20 May 2021 5.42pm
Reply to  shriek

Dr Siti Hasmah, wife of former prime minister Dr Mahathir, is encouraging Malaysians to pray for the fight against Covid-19 this Friday between 12pm and 1pm, using the hashtag #MalaysiaBerdoa.

Pray for more vaccines?

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
20 May 2021 6.35pm
Reply to  shriek

You don’t have to be a Muslim to voice out against the Israeli regime. Do better as in don’t be like DAP, they always focus on petty issues and trying to look good among the public. Ustaz Ebit Lew has helped more Chinese n Indians than any of their MPs.

21 May 2021 9.19pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

Milk is centuries tong. tea is orso centuries ong. but why milk+tea are not in conflict but in harmony? In past conflicts so continues to current. You personally said we must do better. How to do better like milk + Tea = milk tea? Talk talk can be better but do do can get better otherwise milk tea is no difference? Change MP name to Social Worker or Longkang Man?

Ray of Light
Ray of Light
20 May 2021 7.56am

This video link should be of interest to Anil’s readers (especially PForum) :

The video shows creative ex construction workers becoming commercial fish farmers with dolphins sighted.

21 May 2021 5.04pm

Is Mak Kiah still smiling, now?

As the disease has not been taken seriously, infections and deaths have risen. Reports of refrigerated containers being used as temporary morgues have caused alarm.

Unemployment, children’s futures being uncertain, and the more contagious variant of coronavirus are all cause for concern.

Makcik Kiah is not smiling, but what is the government doing to address her fears?

Ray of Light
Ray of Light
19 May 2021 9.58pm

Donation of 2 million doses of vaccine for Penang – authentic or bogus?

The donating firm must come out to clarify why the letter of offer was in February and only being denied by Khairy in May?

How can CM Chow can be fooled to make believe then?

19 May 2021 9.10am

Allowing the Penang state government to procure the vaccine and be successful in reducing the the daily infection to even single digit would mean the federal government is doing a lousy job?

19 May 2021 8.20am

As much as you can stay home. Go out only for essential activities. It will certainly help to break the Covid transmission chain because if you are at home, you are not going out, then there is no likelihood for the virus to spread. If you are going to an enclosed space with people in close proximity, make sure you wear a mask with high filtration capability to mitigate the increased risks of transmission and infection. It’s not just wearing a cloth mask, but wear one with high filtration capability – a surgical mask or one of those with the… Read more »

Ray of Light
Ray of Light
19 May 2021 9.40pm
Reply to  Alive

Some masks are too cheap to be truly effective, wear to fool police but put self at risk.

Those who sell cheap ineffective masks are irresponsible.

20 May 2021 8.24pm
Reply to  Ray of Light

why not gomen and mata so effective and fine. go after them. no wonder even asking people to wear mask, wear properly still masuk. why mata orso go after them. from 1k now like black hoe of calcutta jump over to 4k

Kim Poh Poh
Kim Poh Poh
17 May 2021 10.58am

Divide & Conquer is a strategy to disrupt unity to meet short term end goals. Upon seizing the throne then remedial process of becoming oneness to happen to consolidate authoritative power.

20 May 2021 4.20pm

6806 is a wake up call for full lockdown – Full Movement Control (FMCO). PN still prioritize livelihoods over lives, so to get better GDP growth for PN scorecard?

Stay home if you treasure your life.