George Town Festival: ‘Arus Melayu’ events


Organised in partnership with George Town Festival and Persatuan Sejarah & Warisan Pulau Pinang, “Arus Melayu” explores the complexity and diversity of the word and notion of ‘Melayu’ through the presentation of ideas, perspectives and theories on language and literature, logic, and in film, says Zairil Khir Johari.

arus melayu poster 2013

It runs over two days on 15 and 16 June during George Town Festival, a celebration of arts, heritage and culture in George Town, Penang. It will be an enlightening weekend. Starting with a public talk by the four speakers, a forum will then be held on the next day, on 16 June followed by a gala music night Malam Melayu.

A gentle reminder, registration for the events are mandatory as seats are limited. Kindly register below.

Programmes in Arus Melayu:

15 June 9.30 am – 5.30 pm, Town Hall
Public talks by ethno-mathematic specialist Shaharir Mohamad Zain, national laureate and poet Muhammad Haji Salleh, filmmaker and director Dain Said and cultural organisation Pusaka founder, Eddin Khoo. The event begins at 9.30am, and is open to the public. Questions on the topics can be submitted to the organiser for the speakersʼresponse on the following dayʼs forum. Please register here.
15 June 9.00 pm, Town Hall
Arus Melayu presents Tukang Perahu Pulau Duyong (2013) by Azharr Rudin, a documentary about the lives of boatbuilders in Mermaid Island, Terengganu. It isa story that weavesthe lives of several characters together through their love and passion for the craft of Malay traditional boatbuilding. The film was first screened at the Southeast Asian Film Festival;and this will be its first open public Malaysian screening. Azharr Rudin will be present during the Q & A session. Admission is by online registration. Please register here.16 June 10.30 am, Town Hall
Dain Said will be moderating a forum for questions submitted to the organiser on the previous dayʼs topics. Also attending are Dain Said, Eddin Khoo, Muhammad Haji Salleh, and Shaharir Mohamad Zain.
 Registration for the talk and forum is mandatory as seats are limited. Please register here.
16 June, 8.30pm, Dewan Sri Pinang
A presentation of folk and traditional music performers from the Malay diaspora: Desert Rose from South Africa, Ramnah Ramli from Malaysia, Afrah Saldin from Sri Lanka. They will be accompanied by a full 18-piece band led by Faisal Mohd and accompanied by musicians from Dewan Budaya Universiti Sains Malaysia. Admission is by online registration.  Please register here.
Arus Melayu is organised in partnership with Penang Institute and Persatuan Sejarah & Warisan Pulau Pinang.
CEO, Penang Institute

Arus Melayu is organised in partnership with Penang Institute and Persatuan Sejarah & Warisan Pulau Pinang.

Thank you

CEO, Penang Institute

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Thuan Poe
10 Jun 2013 2.56pm

A wonderful idea ! Hope this is the start of a yearly event.
Congratulations to you Zairul and the Organisers too. With all good wishes.