CNN gives nine reasons to visit Penang – but notice something…


No mention of theme parks, shoppping malls, sky walks, cable cars, 18-hole golf resorts – some of the things that the state government believes will draw more tourists to Penang.

Instead, the CNN write-up focuses on the arts, culture, underground music, an indigenous plant, artisans, unique religious festivals and Balik Pulau’s natural charm.

Indeed, it is mainly the intangible heritage that makes Penang such a compelling and fascinating place to visit. This is apart from the street food and heritage setting, which the report notes is being affected by gentrification.

And have we ever thought that a time will come when there are too many tourists crowding the island and making life difficult for local residents? We saw that in Penang over the recent festive season, when many Penangites chose to remain at home out of fear of congested roads. (In some streets around Komtar, in the evenings over the public holidays, traffic actually seemed lighter than usual; perhaps many locals were staying at home.)

Some European cities are already complaining of too many tourists. “Victims of their own success,” as they might say here. As the report in the New Zealand Listener says:

Our current tourist season should be a time for serious reflection for the industry, Government and residents. How many visitors are too many? To what extent are we prepared to shift from the tradition of free access to the outdoors to a regime of capped numbers and fees? Where might such limits be needed? Are our tourists paying the true price of the ā€œfreedomā€ and natural experience we invite them to enjoy, given the impact they have? And at what point might their freedom affect those of us for whom this country is a deeply loved home?

None of these questions is simple. And growth begets growth. As tourist numbers have risen, so too have the numbers of Ā­businesses reliant on that growth, which makes talk of new charges or limits challenging.

Tourism has the power to transform rundown regions and Ā­revitalise towns ā€“ thatā€™s what it did to Kaikoura before the Ā­earthquake, and will surely do again. But, as Barcelona has found, it can also generate a backlash from those who feel their homes have been invaded.

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30 Jun 2017 12.33pm

This year, the George Town Heritage Celebrations 2017 will be organising more oral communication activities with its theme ā€œWalk the Talk: Oral Traditions and Expressions.ā€

For more information, log on to .

1 Mar 2017 5.24pm

Wah Keong Coffee Shop, located at the Malay Street Ghaut-Beach Street junction, forced to close after 67 years due to high rental.

Gerakan Oh need to step up his plan to rescue the traditional kopitiams in Penang. He need to get tourists to give local coffee (no more than RM2) a try instead of paying at least RM9 for a pricey cup of Americano at Starbucks.

2 Mar 2017 2.46pm
Reply to  Mark

Famous ā€˜billionairesā€™ kopitiamā€™ closes shop in Penang

20 Feb 2017 6.53pm

someone says given up organised religion and political parties and dare not to mentioned organised NGOs.

22 Feb 2017 3.33pm
Reply to  zoro

People of Penang are now more concerned with organized crime following the recent spate of fatal shootings, possibly linked to Geng 24 arrest of the Datuk Seri said to be the mentor of the fallen Datuk M?

Such news will deter tourists coming to Penang?

23 Feb 2017 11.26am
Reply to  Mark

Q: Political parties in Penang have links with these gangsters?
I highly suspect.
Food for thought.

Zhang Mei You
Zhang Mei You
24 Feb 2017 11.28am
Reply to  Mark

One renowned developer that is creating world city vision in a Penang also deals with KTV business in Gurney according to blog report. ‘I Worry’ for his safety!

20 Feb 2017 12.44pm

12,000 tourists from 4 cruise ships making port call at the Swettenham Pier on 12 March will provide good business to Penang traders. If you are entrepreneurial, you can set up makeshift roadside stall selling souvenirs and ‘I Love Penang’ (or ‘Save Penang’?) T-shirts to make quick money in one day.

Tua Thai Chee
Tua Thai Chee
20 Feb 2017 5.28pm
Reply to  Tweety

Anil and tunglang collaborated t shirt design to promote justice on island, and also gain new fans to the blog ?

Mark Fung
Mark Fung
18 Feb 2017 11.04am

A Wonderful Weekend in Penang


18 Feb 2017 6.47pm
Reply to  Mark Fung

Good video photography. The food scenes bring back my desires for food binging, which I have ‘gave up’ since the advent of GST, petrol price hikes & unaffordable street food.
The video scenes truly capture the quaint ambience of magical old world Penang & I hope nothing of the sort of slippery, plastic SingLand Gentrification ever change this magic.
Cheers Kopi-O kau kau!

19 Feb 2017 1.51pm
Reply to  tunglang

Lucky they did not heed your stupid advice. They did not use heritage gadgets to capture heritage moments. They use updated equipments

20 Feb 2017 6.03am
Reply to  zoro

Stupid irrelevant comment!

18 Feb 2017 6.54pm
Reply to  Mark Fung

The couple in this video may not be big spenders, but I believe their enchanting videos will reach the globe-trotting tourists with the same mindset for adventures (makan-makan, visiting, authentic x-perience) in a leisurely pace & have fun.
Not many big spenders would take the troubles to x-perience (like what the couple above did) in a hurried & measured tour package.

17 Feb 2017 11.52pm

Government can kill its own tourism jewels (the goose that lays the golden eggs),
by being brainless + stupid with no vision:
Read: Thai gov’t panel approves coal plant in popular tourist area

18 Feb 2017 8.26pm
Reply to  tunglang

talk trash. without elect you will not be here. go back to belum and see how long you can last without big because you have elect

17 Feb 2017 7.22pm

CNN, a leading voice and apologist of capitalism, regrets gentrification? Penang – actually every state – has many attractions that do not need projects of hundreds of millions and billions of RM indebting the public further. This includes food, flora, trecks, ferries, trishaws, cultural sites, crafts, historical sites, homestays, and beaches. Many of these – even the food – are being undermined by corruption, incompetence and exploitation. The tuans want big projects and don’t want to deal with small operators. There was some hot air recently about regularising political contributions. What happened? The stupendous projects granted to contractors from China… Read more »

18 Feb 2017 8.08am
Reply to  glissantia

local wants cars. … tun lang wants 4wds and food trucks. when road jams complain. rakyat wants better roads. why pay road tax? road taxfor what?

18 Feb 2017 9.36am
Reply to  glissantia

Big budget projects = big kang tau (corruption & cronyism).
Since the early days of MadHatterism has no other classrooms of corruption led the way of political trading.
To accomodate public cry for conservation of cultures & environment means no kang tau means no money.
That is why we need to oppose these greedy political traders instead of being fooled or tango with these recalcitrants like knee-jerk jerks or blind worshippers.

18 Feb 2017 4.55pm
Reply to  tunglang

your big karma. the small also eat the smaller. now you dont believe in karma. we pay macc for doing nothing snd tau pek kong part of circle?

Godmother Kee
Godmother Kee
17 Feb 2017 3.51pm

Johor got Legoland, Penang ought to have Pokemonland ! Keep the forest of Jerejak green, let the pokemon hunters pay entrance fee (half of which goes to heritage fund) seeking the liscenced monsters.

17 Feb 2017 3.23pm

Must target right segment of tourists that helps local economy. Those spend little but cycling for fun blocking traffic is a nuisance to local folks.

Mark Fung
Mark Fung
19 Feb 2017 10.02am
Reply to  Anil Netto

Motorists need to watch out for cyclists (including basikal nyamuk) especially at night to prevent any accident:

18 Feb 2017 9.38am
Reply to  Kimmi

Only big spenders are welcomed? What a way to increase tourists!!!

18 Feb 2017 2.57pm
Reply to  tunglang

without big hotels and centre how to hold your nyonya weddings? ask tourists local and overseas to stay in rumah tumpang and roadside stalls. you visit china and stay in wong fei hoong inns?

18 Feb 2017 6.55pm
Reply to  zoro

No indept personal x-perience of Nonya wedding, but trying hard to talk big & foolish!

19 Feb 2017 1.48pm
Reply to  tunglang

lucky your nyonya sandiwara held in big hotels and cenres built possible by developers.

16 Feb 2017 1.34pm

What is the use of those, don’t kill the livelihood of the fishermen !
Pay them for their lives !

16 Feb 2017 1.15pm

Hope badly the opposition will rule the country better than UMNO but end of the days is written Organized Politician once came to power they are different,cheap sale for ownself, own legacy,own idea without voters concern, self pride and rubbing shoulder with rich and famous same like UMNO. rajraman.Both giving dedak and some … eats the dedak when both eyes closed partially.This kind … only see the straight part.Left or right they don’t see.There are many … in UMNO AND ALSO IN OPPOSITION. 666 return but not sure as i am not sure to believe Organized Religion and Organized Politician… Read more »

17 Feb 2017 7.35am
Reply to  rajraman666

Return of R666 being inspired by the hot movie Return of xxx Xander Cage Now showing? We wonder if R666 is actually undercover agent like the movie DeepikaPadukone?
Recommend Anil not to miss this movie!

17 Feb 2017 10.18am
Reply to  Puspha

No Puspa.I don’t know about the movie since i don’t watch movie.I return after not posting comment in Anil blog quite sometime.

rajraman.Free from Organized Religion and Organized Political Traders.If possible i want my head can turn 360degree like ghost or devil like some people believed but i am just another mortal.I want to speak freely about abused of power by Organized Religion and Politician.

17 Feb 2017 11.01pm
Reply to  rajraman666

Welcome back, rajraman666.

Let these blinded CAT trolls try harder…, the harder the issues for them to justify their Deity’s incalcitrants.
Learn to relax, learn when to strike (very hard).
Should give thanks to Anil for giving these CAT trolls + their Deity a hard time of continuous flowing of contentious articles!!!
Btw, are you hard up for Money, which one commenter gau-gau advised readers & commenters to make More Money instead of commenting (for No Money)?

18 Feb 2017 8.06am
Reply to  tunglang

Thank you Tunglang. Most people hard up for $$$ but $$$ not everything.Balance of nature and happiness of the majority who voted the deity fails, but alots people blindly support him like the MO1. rajraman.I no longer slave of $$$ or desperate to sell my principle.I walk away last year from millions $$$ contract because i just hate another guy who call the shot and he want me to kow tow to him.He also from Penang based in Selangor. Currently jobless and for the record if dont do big job i will do small job but there is no spending… Read more »

18 Feb 2017 9.59am
Reply to  tunglang

In these days & age of commercialism (of lifestyle, environment, beliefs, state assets, relationships, even politics), we have to be careful of who we want to be. No point trying to covet what others have & ending up more frustrated than before. No point envying the Jonneses & ending up with more useless wants than real needs. No point selling one’s principles & becoming disharmony (inside) for life. And no point worshipping political idols believing they are 9-lives angelic entities but just immortals who surely can come & go (according to the winds of politics). And no point living a… Read more »

19 Feb 2017 1.55pm
Reply to  tunglang

All those merry go round. What is the solution? …

19 Feb 2017 10.04pm
Reply to  tunglang

We envy you can have a 4wd, macintosh computer and live in condo and not one of the heritage. Some have to take public transport, using Chinese Clone computer and live in pegeon hole housing.
Of those earning big bucks always telling stories on their low income and daily survive but they are the real snake oil pasar malam seller

21 Feb 2017 8.34am
Reply to  tunglang

If zoro is so concerned for my lifestyle to stay in expensive George Town heritage house, he is very welcome to sponsor me.
This will make my dream comes true.

As I have said before, I don’t own a 4WD now, so what is your purpose of confusion, zoro. Want to see my collected PgRapid tickets over the years?

As for my trusted iMac, it is hard-savings (of many years) to acquire one for my graphic works which you only assume Mac is for luxury, so ignorant of a non-Mac user & idiot!

17 Feb 2017 11.13am
Reply to  Puspha

Raj can add spice to this blog when exploring the dark side of politics.

17 Feb 2017 11.50am
Reply to  Sindhu

Sindhu, There are too many dark site of Politics expeciallly when comes to $$$ and Power. rajraman.If anyone don’t agree to Political Traders decision they are outcast. There is another darksite of Politics like Religion was used for benefits of their Political gains.You can ask HADI FROM PAS. I don’t know which site i am since both Organised Religion Mullah don’t like me and Political Traders hate me when i speak my mind. I don’t eat their dedak or believed in their free Saliva talk.My yearly dedak paid to them as income tax to UMNO and yearly quit rent and… Read more »

18 Feb 2017 10.02am
Reply to  rajraman666

Anil, go with the flow of comments (which may enlighten you search for topics contentious to CAT Gomen.

18 Feb 2017 4.59pm
Reply to  rajraman666

what flow of comments? anil what river of justice. a big joke cutting off my comments on irrelevant points brought up but you allow them to proceed.

18 Feb 2017 6.58pm
Reply to  rajraman666

Anil, keep up the good work of monitoring trolls!

18 Feb 2017 11.20am
Reply to  Puspha

Not bad Puspha,
You got 5 votes for recommending a movie and also out of topic comment but Anil said i am out of topic.
rajraman.Its very rude for me if someone ask me a question and i don’t reply but since you are the moderator of this blog you approved question posted to me.Who to blame? Blame me?
To spicy the spices from my words?Take a ice cube and left the ice cube melt away in your tonque.Coooool.
Anyway my icon stolen or your wordpress haywire again?

18 Feb 2017 2.57pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Keep it the way you want Anil.It’s your blog but as long you approve any question directed to me when it’s out off topic i sure anwser.
The …. i don’t understand what you mean? Is the icon you mean? (my original icon hourglass pinkish red)
rajraman.Thank you Anil.Take it cool.I am cool as ice cube although i am losing my sense occasionally.Are you going to watch the movie recommended by Pushpa? ( This is out topic ).

19 Feb 2017 1.53pm
Reply to  rajraman666

Another long lecture and please advise what is the solution for betterment?

19 Feb 2017 3.37pm
Reply to  zoro

The solution is simple but must have the guts by your deity. A.Don’t allow developer promised by saying increasing high density but still selling at higher price. B. Don’t allow flipping for 5 years minimum. C.Charge the Developer who Lies and ban them. rajraman.The solution is as easy as ABC but you asking me.Open the eyes widely and also the brain.More solution ….. you can start with D to Z and tell your deity.The housing price will come down to reasonable price.House for shelter not for the rich to speculate beyond affordable by current market salary.Don’t make the next generation… Read more »

19 Feb 2017 5.49pm
Reply to  rajraman666

your deity make man to be a robot? diety force you to buy? or like mule just follow instructions. if you dont like dont buy and yet give complicated reply. your deity gives you job? you buy things without asking for discounts? even in tender jobs one can give discount. go and ask tony of air asia whether how much discount he gets.
still no solution as the practice is also time of gilakan gomen, unless you step out and change. we vote for you or just another NATO!

19 Feb 2017 7.45pm
Reply to  zoro

Something wrong with you.I never buy or follows your deity instruction to buy.I don’t use my position in my own company to ask my staff to sell whatever they sell for their extra income at discounted price. I never ask discount since i dont buy things in Pasar Malam. I don’t buy properties at inflated price for my own or flipping. rajraman.Only Politicals traders and Business tycoon work together gains.The greedy peoples who believe their words got caught. If Tony want to sell cheap that his problem and consumer gains. I am Nato for sure since i am not selling… Read more »

20 Feb 2017 1.46am
Reply to  zoro

Pasar mlm is not the only place one get discount. Even ang Mohs may not bargin, they ask for discount. In this case you are lucky and can afford. If you feel there are troddened ones, you are in better position, become a samaritan developer. As tua pek Kong says, you will get good karma for building non profit cheap houses. Of course best is to stand for election. We vote for you. action is doing and not saying. We used to hear and complain. You love your staff to complain about the work or to solve and handle the… Read more »

20 Feb 2017 6.11am
Reply to  zoro

Something is wrong for sure with that guy!
I would just reply him in simplicity: “Pls try harder!”
My sympathy for his Dedak Master.

19 Feb 2017 3.51pm
Reply to  zoro

That’s about housing.
Now about commercial project.
A.Ask your Deity what the occupancy rates of hotels.Is it full house?
B. Ask the Deity why we need to many shopping centre few hundreds meter apart.
C. Ask your Deity why Penang need more Golfing land when most tourist like the culture of Penang.

rajraman.Talk to you i am tired.

19 Feb 2017 9.55pm
Reply to  rajraman666

I am tired too. You might yourself ask why so many mamak shops, kopitiams,why so many roti prata sellers,why so many smart phone selling shops, why so many pasar Malam traders, why so many cars even the roads are jammed and why so many private universities and colleges wanted to call universities. Are they full too and overcharGE customers and raise prices under gilakan federal gomen. you can bark like tua pek Kong and sing all night long unless you come out and stand for coming election. We will vote you and see you can solve the above three issues… Read more »

20 Feb 2017 6.11am
Reply to  zoro

Early morning i woke up and my email flooded with your tired? I work up everyday hoping the opposition Deity will do better job than UMNO.UMNO is dead for me with your gilakan Party.They are dead in Penang 2 terms ago. Here we talk about Deity Admin not UMNo Ruling .If at state level the Deity ruling like this ,i dont know how when comes to federal level. rajraman.Next election i going to sleep with extra dose of valium.No votes for UMNO for sure and given up the Errogant Opposition. COMMENT SECTION CLOSE FOREVER TO PEOPLES CLOSED BOTH EARS AND… Read more »

20 Feb 2017 8.03am
Reply to  zoro

You are tired when you unashamedly troll everywhere???
You must be sick!
Pls try harder instead of borrowing other’s opinion (of you) & spin like a fool!

20 Feb 2017 11.33pm
Reply to  zoro

In the end, we hear no alternative solutions and hope. Just complains and distrust of organised religion, political parties and this include organised NGOs? How can you said we are closed our eyes and eyes when we are willing to vote for you? But in the end, it is easy for you to give excuses rather than to take action. You do not believe and trust in your deity tua pek Kong who said that 20% will only vote tokong. It will be a sweet victory to make him lose his seat.

21 Feb 2017 8.51am
Reply to  zoro

rajraman666, I love your comments, straight to the point & incisive. With existence of public service blogs such as, we have the public rights to comment & praise (as & when) what the state gomen has been doing. There is no such thing as “you cannot write unfavourably about CAT gomen”. (Unless one is a DAP member who has to toe the line of CAT or a paid troll). And there are articles favourable to Penang which the CAT gomen will not hesitate to sing out loud (like Ko Tai) which we have no objections nor do we cry… Read more »

16 Feb 2017 9.31am
Kenji Sim
Kenji Sim
16 Feb 2017 9.16am

CNN needs to give us just one reason why it’s jet-flying Richard Quest has yet to come to Penang himself to promote the story.

Annelize VAN ELK
Annelize VAN ELK
15 Feb 2017 10.30pm

Penang should think of natural parks that benefit both local people and tourists alike. Beachfront parks for walks, sports, playgrounds and green jungle-like places that benefit the young and the old, instead of high-rise luxury apartments where only a few rich foreigners get to appreciate nature at its best. Our hills and beaches belong to all; let’s not destroy them with concrete buildings and ugly cablecar wires and stations.

16 Feb 2017 7.52am

tell us where are the tourists going to stay? rumah tumpangan? wong fri hoong inn? forced drink black tea? if you are a business man and there is a potential you will built hotels and eating shops. tell gomendont expand airport or rosd to airport and make them miss flights or a day with road jams

15 Feb 2017 6.44pm

Should organise more international level conferences and trade shows at the new SPICE – the visitors to such events are usually company-sponsored and could spend more on F&B and sight-seeing on companies’ expenses. Local hotels will benefit and Penangites will benefit based on multiplier effect.

Gwynn Jenkins
15 Feb 2017 6.34pm

‘In house’ tourism promoters never seem to be instep with what really makes a place interesting – its the same in loads of places, this report just caps it.

16 Feb 2017 10.21am
Reply to  Gwynn Jenkins

Many Caucasians like to roam the heritage area in downtown Penang on foot but the hot weather without shelter shades deter them. They need ice cold beer BUT they find hard to get easily.

16 Feb 2017 10.22pm
Reply to  Heather

“ice cold beer BUT they find hard to get easily”
Have you been to Chulia Street, Love Lane, Leith Street, Jalan Muntri?
Don’t imagine!

Raining cats and dogs
Raining cats and dogs
17 Feb 2017 12.26pm
Reply to  tunglang

Earn part time income guiding Caucasians to beer fountains in heritage area to cover high daily expenses caused by barang naik, otherwise they end up wrong places crazier pricing affecting pulo pinang image.

17 Feb 2017 5.56pm
Reply to  tunglang

with fat… and gilakan supporting bee end pas with end any beer with hudud laws.

15 Feb 2017 6.31pm

Theme parks and shopping malls don’t appeal to Caucasians BUT a must for domestic and south east Asia tourists. Need to have a right balance.

Kenji Sim
Kenji Sim
16 Feb 2017 9.19am
Reply to  Heather

Indian tourists from Southern India have been flocking LegoLand in JB.

The Balik Pulau Hakka Village has more Mymmar nationals (exploited cheap labour?) than Hakka Chinese. Looks more like Rangoon Village.

17 Feb 2017 11.05pm
Reply to  Kenji Sim

Don’t spin lies about Balik Pulau Hakka Village…

15 Feb 2017 6.23pm

Penang should target PRC tourists who could spend big.
Not sure how many westerners will be influenced by CNN to visit Penang.

15 Feb 2017 6.51pm
Reply to  Herman

CNN cannot be truthful since USA President called it liars?

16 Feb 2017 8.46am
Reply to  Heather

Anything contrary to Cosmopolitan Penang Frenzied is falsehood?
Reality ( bitter taste to some) is also falsehood!

16 Feb 2017 6.05pm
Reply to  tunglang

it better than your gilakan saying “truly asia” in your elvis days is truly asia. but gilakan is doing nothing to have a nice beer or a longer truly asia

Mark F
Mark F
17 Feb 2017 11.32am
Reply to  Heather

President TRUMP: CNN is “Very Fake News”