60 years of Malaysia! What is your dream for the nation?

Fishermen at work in the morning with Penang Island in the background - ANIL NETTO/ALIRAN

Today, we celebrate the diamond jubilee of the formation of Malaysia.

Former ambassador M Santhananaban tells us in an article on the Aliran website that we have much to learn from Sarawak and Sabah. Putrajaya must strengthen its bond of solidarity with these two territories, especially the lives of marginalised or vulnerable communities.

On this auspicious occasion, I would just like you to imagine what kind of Malaysia you would like to live in.

For me, I would like it to be a land where we celebrate our diversity and interconnectedness. Where we cherish and protect the treasures of nature. A land where no one is left behind – and everyone gets a fair share of this nation’s bounty. A land where the vulnerable and marginalised are uplifted.

What about you? Share your dream of the Malaysia you would like to see in the comments section below.

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19 Sep 2023 2.57pm
16 Sep 2023 12.47pm

Selamat Hari Malaysia
Tekad Perpaduan Penuhi Harapan

17 Sep 2023 12.22pm
Reply to  Luca

Good cartoon a reflection of today reality. Please post more such cartoon.

11 Oct 2023 12.02pm
Reply to  Mimi

The Auditor General’s Report has revealed that the national debt now stands at RM1.39 trillion.

The debt increased by RM 94.1 billion last year, which is 7.2% more compared to what was recorded in 2021.

18 Oct 2023 1.49pm
Reply to  luca

National debt is high to make cutting subsidy an urgent matter.

Next year 2024 expect to pay more for your car fuel!

26 Oct 2023 1.46pm
Reply to  Dharma

Bad Moon Rising, aptly describe our nation:

1 Nov 2023 7.56am
Reply to  Brocky

Behind costumes and toy gun, a grim picture of Malaysia’s future


The rising tide of religious fundamentalism shows no sign of easing if recent viral images are anything to go by.

12 Nov 2023 10.38am
Reply to  luca

Langkawi now facong repercussion of lost tourism no thanks to the green tide?

Lani Martinez
Lani Martinez
12 Nov 2023 10.43am
Reply to  luca

Politics is an about scheming and plotting. Rakyat get what they voted for. What do you think is going on now? Very often, unfortunately the various Authorities and Agencies are party, and look the opposite direction when it involves govt politicians.

Now Bersatu is facing internal revolt?

17 Sep 2023 10.58am

Mahathir is now an “unofficial advisor” to an official grouping of the four Perikatan Nasional controlled state governments. His role will be to connect the four states with investors from countries like Japan and South Korea that have good ties with him.

2 Oct 2023 5.46pm
Reply to  Luca

MCA and MIC representatives may be chosen as ministers in the anticipated Cabinet reshuffle, expected to happen after the Pelangai by-election on Oct 7.


3 Nov 2023 12.42pm

History has never been given a fair hearing in Malaysian schools. Will Fadhlina ensure schools explain the Balfour Declaration, the UN Partition Plan, the Oslo Accord, the two wars, the two Intifadas, the PLO, Fatah, and how Hamas was formed from the Muslim Brotherhood?

Most people don’t even know who Fatah even is!

Lao Kung Tze
Lao Kung Tze
15 Nov 2023 3.05pm
Reply to  Sandeep

Most people did not know the golden dome mosque is built on top of the Solomon Temple. Thousand of years of conflict involving King Richard and Salahudin battle, Roman Empire to Ottoman Empire. How you believe depends on what version of history you are taught.

Banks n Policies
18 Sep 2023 4.38pm

“FD renewals: Seniors are put at a disadvantage” by DR. Pola Singh  dd September 18, 2023 @ 12:04am https://www.nst.com.my/opinion/letters/2023/09/956506/fd-renewals-seniors-are-put-disadvantage ======== All these banks, their annual balance shows them making Billions of Ringgit in profits. And these banks have this one sided type of policies. Stone hearted Bankers have no feeling for the senior Rakyat. It is not just offered as promotional rates, The banks want you to bring in fresh funds in order to enjoy the miserable promotional rates. If you don’t have fresh funds, that will mean your current matured existing fund will get a lower rate, slightly higher… Read more »

25 Sep 2023 8.40pm

Your dream or nightmare for malaysia. banks making billions

30 Sep 2023 12.05pm

Banks know senior uncles and aunties are loyal to them, and do not want to take money out to another bank for higher rate. So their deposits continue to be ‘not fresh’ earning low interest rate.

11 Oct 2023 1.31pm

Within the next seven years, Malaysia is expected to achieve ageing nation status, when 15% of its population will be above 60 years old.

According to the Population and Housing
Census of Malaysia 2020, the individuals aged 60 and above increased 8% (two million) in 2010 to 10.4% (3.4 million) in 2020.

In Malaysia, life expectancy increased to
75.6 years in 2020 from 63.6 years in 1970.

12 Oct 2023 1.20pm
Reply to  luca

Anil do you have any concern for our aging population?

18 Oct 2023 1.50pm
Reply to  Geremy

Worrisome if hitting retirement without enough savings for twilight years when medical cost is going up!

12 Nov 2023 10.40am
Reply to  Dharma

Now must cut back on [fancy coffee outlets].
Every sen saved can ease you future living. Start now as the boycott has given us the push factor.

Banks n Policies
18 Sep 2023 4.37pm

Or you will have to take your matured FD funds out from the bank and bring it back a couple of days later to consider it as fresh fund to enjoy the so called promotional rates in which case you would have lost the interest earning for those few days or have to transfer it to another bank and that will bank considers it as fresh fund. All these are simply hassle for the account holders. Up till the nineties we Rakyat did not have this issue. Not sure when the Banks introduced the unethical, morally wrong banking practice and… Read more »

1 Oct 2023 11.51am

I suggest you go [to another bank].
No need ‘fresh fund’ to renew your FD.
The FD rate is quite competitive.
[This] Bank is getting more Chinese customers, who are tired of [the other big banks]

Banks n Policies
18 Sep 2023 4.37pm

When questioned on this fresh fund policy which simply makes no sense, their bank staffs will give us account holders a dumb blank look. 

It is true, Dr. Pola Singh, all of what you have said in your article above. 

The worst experience we seniors and am sure our younger Rakyat themselves had to go through was just before, during and after the Covid-19 period. The residue effects are still there. 

But the banks meantime made billions in profit and still do.

2 Oct 2023 6.32am

Banks make profits by using the deposits from average workers to provide loan to rich businessmen.

6 Oct 2023 10.03pm
Reply to  Brocky

Rich men can orso get pokkaibtoo. Look at the 2 bosses of china developer.

18 Sep 2023 11.19am

“Malaysia, China to keep communication channels open over South China Sea issue” dd Sunday, 17 Sep 2023 8:44 PM MYT https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/09/17/malaysia-china-to-keep-communication-channels-open-over-south-china-sea-issue ======= China have already established their whatever called nine dash mile maritime border, claiming almost the entirety of the Natural Resource filled South China Sea. Further, China has already build military installations on the Spratly islands. Their navy ships are all over SCS, intimidating neighboring Asean countries especially when fishing or sourcing natural minerals in this waters. On top of this, China has very very recently, released their new official national map that lays claim to most of the… Read more »

25 Sep 2023 8.47pm
Reply to  Hoodwinked

you saw china marked the white line in South China Sea. You keep quiet when Uncle Sam carry nuclear war heads through Straits of Malacca.

18 Sep 2023 11.18am

China is telling that, China’s stance on the South China Sea is consistent and clear. China is signaling that it has no intention of backing down on any of its claims.  China is also making sure that its positions are fresh in the minds of Asean and other countries in the region.  Get it into your combine heads, Asean leaders, China is expanding their territory very cleverly. Asean countries only want to talk, open communication channels, while China carries on and does what it wants to do, while patting Asean leaders on their back for being very neighborly, CHATTING and… Read more »

27 Sep 2023 7.30pm
Reply to  Hoodwinked

The disunity in Asean due to Myanmar and Thailand helps China to prolong the matter, even as it claims it is willing to “discuss” the issue.

18 Sep 2023 7.02am

A lone ship in the ocean depicts Malaysia’s struggle in the wilderness without assistance now ?

18 Sep 2023 10.50am
Reply to  dsn

A perfect storming is looming to sweep away the line boat in the ocean?

20 Sep 2023 11.28am
Reply to  dsn

Sampan under wave threat from Right Wing and Monolinguistic extremists

A Jumper
17 Sep 2023 4.06pm

“Guan Eng: Penang SFZ proposal needs support from all including Opposition to boost Penang’s economy” By Zarrah Morden dd Sunday, 17 Sep 2023 12:00 PM 



>>> Should not this proposal be coming from CM Chow of the Penang State Government first. Why is an MP of the Penang state raising it up in Parliament without the knowing of the Chief Minister of Penang or anyone else from the Penang State Government? 

What is going on? Why did he,” Jump the Gun “?

20 Sep 2023 6.24pm
Reply to  A Jumper

SAME PERSON with different nicky names. Only ask questions. JFK – not ask but what YOU CAN DO.

20 Sep 2023 6.35pm
Reply to  A Jumper

PAS will bring progress to Kedah, starting with a MRT from Alor Setar to Kuah, Langkawi?

24 Sep 2023 9.25pm
Reply to  Luca

Opposition parties must first have money for state projects. Now that they are SG4, lets see what happens.

3 Oct 2023 7.19pm
Reply to  Opposition

Where state can have $$$. They don’t collect taxes like income, sales, duties and exercises. They collect land, stamp duties and they are kachang putih not enough.

Lani Martinez
Lani Martinez
12 Nov 2023 10.46am
Reply to  Luca

Now Langkawi is becoming ghost town due to low tourist arrivals. I guess it is because the golden goose (or eagle) has been slaughtered for the golden egg? Now people prefer to visit Thailand, less restrictions, no religious prohibitions!

6 Oct 2023 10.06pm
Reply to  A Jumper

You mean rest of adun and mps must keep quite and toe the line? They can only add after cm or sg has given their comments?

Future Forward
17 Sep 2023 3.07pm

“Kit Siang: Dr Mahathir ‘eating his own words’ about PAS, Hadi after being appointed unofficial advisor to PN states” By Zarrah Morde
dd Sunday, 17 Sep 2023 11:42 AM MYT



He already ate his own words in 2017 when he became the coalition leader of Pakatan Harapan, after for years saying so many negative and nasty things about the Opposition in which DAP was part of. Back then in 2017, the Opposition lead by DAP still embraced him like heaven sent.

An Old Senior
16 Sep 2023 1.47pm

I have a dream… to sit and lay back on a clean white sandy beach…. looking at the open wavy sea…. with clear blue sky….and green tree hills in the background.

Alas, all I see is concrete, brick and mortar, chicken coop like tall buildings with some Penang folks calling this as glamorous. 

22 Sep 2023 3.01pm
Reply to  An Old Senior

LKY orso has a dream. From fishing village and Kampong, reclaim tiny islands and form into a big island and turn the island into a Garden City and lack of catchment area, turn Singapore river into a water storage and recycle water into industrial and newater.

24 Sep 2023 9.50pm
Reply to  Shriek

And he is no more, is he? But our PM7 has outlived him and still continues to enjoy his political life. Hip Hip, hooray x 3.

You can go ahead and enjoy their recycled newater.

25 Sep 2023 5.16pm
Reply to  Shrek

He no more. See long is the queue to pay respect to him. See he left behind a garden city with tree lined streets and no smelling drains. You think our water is clean? Dead animals and factory by products and all the wear from tyres are washed into the catchment. Treatment plant has to treat muddy and polluted water. You think you live forever unless you follow PAS !

18 Oct 2023 1.52pm
Reply to  An Old Senior

Be realistic do not dream too much.

I know dreamers buy 4D Toto to dream hard. That’s not good.

Adopt simple minimalist lifestyle to cut cost.

Lao Kung Tze
Lao Kung Tze
15 Nov 2023 3.02pm
Reply to  Dharma

Convenience came with a price. Too reliant on smartphones means your life is dictated by algorithm mostly from Tech giants like Google. People can no longer think for themselves and let AI algorithm collects their data and make decision for them.

A Rakyat 88
22 Nov 2023 2.35pm

“Penang to study reopening closed quarries to reduce housing costs” by Dineskumar Ragu – 22 Nov 2023, 11:47am



“Housing and environment executive councilor S Sundarajoo (PH-Perai) said there had been a hike in the state’s housing construction costs due to the shutdown of some quarries.” ( What a excuse)

>>> What was the reason for the state’s nine permanent quarries closed in the first place? 

Also did he forget to mention about the reclamation project that requires tons and tons of quarry materials

A Rakyat 88
22 Nov 2023 2.35pm

Previous environmental Exco Phee Boon Poh said, “it was crucial to regulate quarry rules to reduce the risk of flash floods in the state”



>>> Quarries require extensive excavation and removal of soil and rock, which can alter the natural drainage patterns of an area. This can disrupt the natural flow of water, diverting it to new paths or causing it to accumulate in unintended areas, leading to increased flooding.

A Rakyat 88
22 Nov 2023 2.34pm

Quarries often involve clearing vegetation and removing topsoil, which reduces the amount of pervious (water-absorbing) surfaces in the area. This results in higher surface runoff during heavy rainfall, as the water is unable to infiltrate the ground. The increased runoff can contribute to flooding in downstream areas. Quarry operations generate large amounts of sediment, which can be washed into nearby rivers and streams during heavy rains. The deposition of this sediment can reduce the capacity of water channels, leading to increased flood risk by causing the water to overflow the banks more easily, etc etc etc. As one can see… Read more »

A Rakyat 88
21 Nov 2023 11.21pm

“Better to get raw, not treated water from Perak, says Guan Eng” by Dineskumar Ragu – 21 Nov 2023, 3:13pm https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/11/21/better-to-get-raw-not-treated-water-from-perak-says-guan-eng/ ======== Lim Guan Eng seem to have a better assessment on the matter of purchasing water from Perak. CM Chow, please think on behalf of the people of Penang. A lot of us here don’t grow money on trees. Please, set up a committee on this Perak water issue and put DAP Chairman Lim Guan Eng in charge. Let him take the lead to make sure the results will be favorable to Penang and its people, that we do… Read more »

A Rakyat 88
21 Nov 2023 11.21pm

How come no suggestion to buy non treated water from Perak to supply to Industrial sector in Penang ( let the industrial sector to pay for any increase in rates) and supply Penang State treated water to Penang residence with current rate or lower rate.  The impression we get is that manufacturing industries must be taken care but the people of Penang State can be sacrificed. ( about the increase in water rates) Is DAP governing the Penang State only good for political drama, coups and ousting? This also goes to the silent Penang State Opposition assembly people too. You… Read more »

A Rakyat 88
21 Nov 2023 8.05pm

“Impossible to boycott all pro-Israel companies, says PAS MP” by Rahimy Rahim, Gerard Gimino and Teh Athira Yusof  dd Tuesday, 21 Nov 2023 5:32 PM MYT



Yes one can, if one is sincere about the boycotts and not be hypocritical about it. One can replace products with those made in China, Japan and South Korea, followed by keeping one’s life simple, basic and cooking at home, etc etc etc.

A Rakyat 88
16 Nov 2023 9.51pm

“KJ slams ‘half-past six’ ministers in Anwar’s govt” 
by FMT Reporters dd 16 Nov 2023, 7:49pm



” 2000 Surgeon General’s Report ”



The Bintulu MP usually comes across as a intelligent person. So, to ask to prove that smoking causes cancer is not really smart. Common sense will tell one that in the cigarette boxes itself is printed with the words, ” “SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy,” or something along that line.

A Rakyat 88
16 Nov 2023 9.51pm

https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/secondhand-smoke/index.html Secondhand Smoke – Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) from burning tobacco products causes disease and premature death among people who do not smoke. Bintulu MP, please prove all this to be wrong. Have you seen X-ray pictures of smokers with their lungs looking blackish? Ah don’t like smoking, and do not like to be next to a person who does and prefer the air around me to be clean.   The anti-smoking and tobacco control bill is a good policy for the Nation and the general well being of our Rakyat. Smoking is a habit that kills along with toxic drugs.… Read more »

A Rakyat 88
13 Nov 2023 11.35am

“‘Singles Day’ shopping bonanza loses lustre” dd Monday, 13 Nov 2023 https://www.thestar.com.my/aseanplus/aseanplus-news/2023/11/13/singles-day-shopping-bonanza-loses-lustre ======== ” Others say that this year’s Singles Day deals aren’t as good as in the past, and that some websites had raised prices beforehand, only to cut them for the holiday.” >>> Some of our local super or hypermarkets do the same thing too. For example, a products will be priced at RM14 before but a day or two before that, they will raised it up to RM18 and on the day of promotion they will price the item at RM14 with a RM4 discount. These are… Read more »

A Rakyat 88
11 Nov 2023 6.28pm

“US diplomatic hierarchy downgrade? It’s news to me, says Nazri”
by K. Parkaran dd 11 Nov 2023, 11:30am



Well, its news to us Rakyat too, but we are not surprised. Didn’t you recently said something about US approaching you on the Middle East matter and you said you told them off or something like that. Giggles

A Rakyat 88
11 Nov 2023 2.38pm

“Targeted subsidy needs to look into commitments of individuals as well”
By Lo Tern Chern dd Saturday, 11 Nov 2023 11:05 AM MYT



The previous governments have talked in length, have said the same things as what the current government and economies are talking and saying now about targeted subsidies. The past governments have tried to implement it and have failed miserably. 

Do you see any targeted subsidy system implemented by the previous governments still being practiced now? Due to various reasons it just disappeared with time.

A Rakyat 88
11 Nov 2023 2.38pm

Now the current PH government is trying to do the same with some kind of a data approach. The end result might probably be the same. 

Either they just removed it or maintain. With our current volatile and mismanaged economy and the cost of living being in an upward trend, we know they just can’t remove it or else the Rakyat will be … very very angry.