PKR congress, yoga fatwa and sordid politics


Heading to the PKR congress Photo by Amiruddin

Blogger Amiruddin will be covering the PKR congress, which is expected to draw thousands.

Read Farish Noor’s article on the yoga fatwa here.

And check out ABC’s Foreign Correspondent documentary on Malaysia’s sordid and sensational politics here.

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28 Nov 2008 2.28pm

I agree with “Reject Mahathirism”, we should stop talking about the FATWA about YOGA, its a non issue anymore.

Annou X
Annou X
28 Nov 2008 11.21am

There should be a Fatwa on the following :
1. Detention without trial
2. Money politics
3. Bribery in order to secure large (UMNO) projects
4. Inequal allocation of approved permits (AP)
5. Getting another bride in Patani without lawful’s wife consent
6. Vulgar and sexist remarks in Parliament


28 Nov 2008 7.29am

This is a real shameful in a country that propogates Islam Hadhari which claim to be progressive and tolerant.
Weak leadership, no political will, morons and you name it all that will bring this nation down are running this country.
They have time to make mountain of a molehill. Many more important and urgent issues are sideline as non issues.
What about ISA, are these so called scholars not interested to look at it?. You find so many sycophants in this nation and all these are disgusting.

Reject Mahathirism
Reject Mahathirism
28 Nov 2008 3.22am

Please stop making an issue out of this yoga fatwa, it will only create more ill-feelings amongst Malaysians. PM has clarified, it’s a non-issue. The end.