How apt that Deputy Prime Minister’s new My-Malaysia website, bearing the tag line ‘Muhyiddin Yassin for Malaysia’ is now “not available!”
That says a lot. The website was launched at the end of January. But now – poof! – it has vanished without a trace. Now we know he thinks of himself as Malay first.
Seen from one level, a national leader should be thinking of the nation first. Maybe that was the reason he set up his now defunct website as ‘Muhyiddin untuk Malaysia‘ in the first place.
At another level, this debate about whether we are Malaysians first or Malay/Chinese/Indian/Kadazan/Iban/Orang Asli etc first as a test of patriotism is a bit shallow.
If we want to go down that path, where do we place our religious identity? Are we Malaysians first or Muslims/Christians/Buddhists/Hindus/Sikhs first or Malays/Chinese/Indians etc first?
But how did our ancestors identify themselves before the existence of the nation-state? They couldn’t have been Malaysians first as there was no ‘Malaysia’ before 1963.
What about familial identity? Am I a son or a brother first? Is a woman a daughter, a mother, a sister or a wife first? Few would even think of asking such a question.
Or do we identify ourselves by our occupation, as many do? Am I a writer first or an activist or just a good-for-nothing?
It is so easy to pin labels on people – and on ourselves. Such labels are often a mask. The truth – about ourselves, of self awareness, about God and the divine – lies deeper within. Often we struggle to peel off the layers to discover our true selves.
Yet, we are all human beings belonging to the same human family. If you believe in a God, then you could say we are all part of Creation. Even if you don’t, you have to admit we are all inter-connected in so many different ways and share a common bond and heritage as part of the human family.
As human beings, we have a body and a soul, but our individual identity is more complex.
What makes us who we are is a combination of so many factors, including the environment we were brought up in.
Paradoxically, the great spiritual traditions teach us that the Self and the Ego often stand in the way of true enlightenment.
Central to this identity of ours are the values we cherish.
Do we believe in Truth, Love, Justice, Compassion and Solidarity first – or is it always Me (and the group I identify with) First so that I couldn’t care less about the interests of those around Me?
That, to me, is the real question we should be asking ourselves. What do you think?
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dear annil,
……how are you?
……Are you alright
……hope you are, in the pink of health
……i enjoyed reading/commenting on your blog
……well done
……hope to read more
…….yours sincerely,
Muhyuddin,Why suddenly you are so stupid by talking rubbish.see,now the Rakyat are (criticising) you upside down,left and right.You ask for it.
Mana ada Muhyiddin is for Malaysia. Muhyiddin is for Muhyiddin. So there is no need for the website.
If everybody wants to be first
Who will be second or the last
If we want to quench this thirst
We’ll turn all ideals into a farce
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 020410
Fri. 2nd Apr. 2010.
UMNO have taught us to identify ourselves by our race.
Now Malaysian is a secondary word.
Joke lah! “1 Malaysia” will meet the same fate as “Islam Hadhari”, grounded before taking off. Don’t think Najib was serious about Islam Hadhari, when he was deputy PM, was he?
“Why is our PM ‘endorsing’ his ministers, DPM & Perkosa’s comments…???”
I’m still waiting for his coments & views about the formation of … Perkasa!!!
And also “the s…” he used on Al Jazzera for the World to watch & judge us.
I think by now investors “ARE” taking their money & investments elsewhere la………!!!
I think there’s an internal “war” going on. If not, how is it that “these people” even DARE to make such comments & allowed to from such a RACIST organization….????????
And it’s against PM’s 1Malaysia agenda…!!!
Muhyiddin proves I am right in 1Malaysia
From day one, I have said 1Malay-sia is another Malay first, others “sia-sia” racist policy.
Thank to Muhyiddin, who is MP in my area to awaken many Malaysians that UMNO is still UMNO. Chinese proverb says fill up old bottle with new wine, 1Malaysia is just another new name for Malay racist policy.
If we cant decide before hand what family, race, country, etc we are born into, how can we ever judge another person less in any way or wish that person any less?
Yes, many thanks to tan of tg bungah…
Yes, to those who boycott Star paper, including myself, please read AZMI SHAROM’s articles which appear on Thursday.
How come we have so many nuts running the country, no wonder the country is going nuts…
Excellent statement from Gerakan, slamming Muhyiddin. Kedah Gerakan slams Muhyiddin’s ‘Malay First’ stand . Thu, 01 Apr 2010 15:56 .By Athi Shankar GEORGE TOWN: Kedah Gerakan Youth has rapped Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin for considering himself a “Malay first, then a Malaysian.” The movement chief Tan Keng Liang chided Muhyiddin, saying he had failed to realise that as the country’s deputy prime minister, he represents all Malaysians regardless of race and religion. “It was unfortunate and disappointing to read the reported reply by our DPM that he considers himself a Malay first and a Malaysian second when it… Read more »
The one stumbling block that is keeping all the good intentions of the NEM plan from becoming reality is Perkasa and UMNO hardliners (Muhideen?). A Malaysian Malaysia is indeed the vision of God for this country. My pastor said this why Malaysia is called a rainbow nation where all the colours blend together side by side. Maybe red is a more dominant color but it occupies the same width and wave lengths as other colors. According to the bestselling writers of Freakonomics, the self-implosion of (an extreme racial group) was caused by a former insider revealing in public all the… Read more »
Where are the voices of Gerakan, MCA, MIC, PPP and coalition partners of BN,… I wonder whether they will have the guts to say I am a Chinese, Indian, Kadazan first etc and Malaysian second. Its seem they have all gone dumb. Well what can you say of the MCA President who is not an MP and rejected by the people cos he is so tainted in a sex scandal… Well he will be another back door minister soon. Or a Gerakan KTK who has no KPI at all. Another back door minister. Or MCA Chew Mei Fun another back… Read more »
I am convinced Gerakan K has been planted by PR to slam and thrash everything and anything about PR. The objective is to be as ridiculous and illogical about everything Gerakan K has to write. In this way, readers can only get more upset and disgusted with UMNO, Gerakan, MIC, MCA etc. Thus increasing the support for PR even more.
Plan well thought! and executed!, and Gerakan K as a “plant”, you are doing a good job as per the PR objectives. Keep it Up!
Your assumption is incorrect. Of course this blog is quite popular but still not enough to have any effect in anything. I believe even perkasa has no effect in anything despite receiving generous coverage from online/print media.
Muhyiddin should have consulted the public relations agency for 1Malaysia,APCO first before issuing the statementla.. … hahahahaha…
my..we are confusing ourselves with this malaysian malaysia, middle malaysia..
still 1malaysia is the best!!!
hehe..but seriously, why lah we want to make an issue out of this. I am pretty sure, we are all malaysians, and should be that way. We also have to be proud of our identity. If only we can eradicate prejudice, biases, stereotyping, then the place we live, will be heaven.
Only those get 40-year handout will say Malaysia is heaven.
I sent my mum to a private clinic ran by a Malay woman. I am ok with Malay doctor who is afford to BMW, but I am pretty sick when any BMW-driven Malays still enjoy 5% discount for house purchase.
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I see it showing in around 7 seconds. Anyone else having the same problem?
to me, i would say, i am a muslim first..but to think of it again, i may just as well say i am a malay..
then when i think about it again, the way that we identify ourselves has to do with the context to which we are in. To an outsider/a foreigner, i may say i am a malaysian.
but to a fellow malaysian, i would say i am a malay.
the concept of 1malaysia is not difficult to grasp. It is the way we want ourselves to identify each other in the future.
I recall how when I was a student many years ago, folks, including some in my own family, used to speak in rather disparaging terms of races other than my own (I an Chinese, born and raised in KL). Children of mixed marriages were often put down in similarly unkind fashion too. Then along came Biology in secondary school. Stuff like plants and cross-pollination benefits, animals and inbreeding dangers. If nothing else, pure simple science debunks the racist and the bigots who proclaim the supremecy of some pure race. And with post-adolescent awareness of girls… hey… some of the very… Read more »
A bigot through and through.
With this few words, Muhyiddin had open the heart of UMNO for all to see. From what we can see, it is not very palatable. Najib may be the nice guy with good words. But Muhyiddin is putting the real meaning to those nice words. Malay first and Malaysian second is the most clear and concise meaning of the phrase 1Malaysia.
Hi Anil,
Sorry for digressing from your topic – can you please post Azmi Sharom’s article “What ‘social contract’ entails”, which is in today’s The Star newspapers Page N45.
This would enlighten all Malaysians and others of the so-called social contract which has been deliberately misinterpreted and much deviated from the original objectives of the Alliance party, that comprised UMNO, MCA and MIC!
I cannot believe you fail to see the difference between nationality/race/religion/profession in the context of national politics as brought up by LKS. The only right/first choice has to be inclusive to all which is to be Malaysian ONLY.
Of course it is important to be inclusive. I was providing a broader, spiritual context for thinking of such inclusivity – that we are all members of the human family.
Our compassion and solidarity should also extend to the non-Malaysians in our midst – refugees, migrant workers, asylum seekers. That would be real inclusivity.
…Muhyiddin for Malaysia “not available!”