Loong Thye explains why he wanted to stop book launch


Chia Loong Thye has responded to the launch of the book on Gerakan, explaining why he wanted to stop the event. He says he is all for non-sectarian politics “but why is it not possible to discuss this issue without the need to slander another person? My complaint against the authors is just that.”

Here is his statement in full:

My action to sue the authors of the book, Non-Sectarian Politics in Malaysia: The Case of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, (“the Book”) for defamation may have caused some uneasiness amongst friends and those who are actively contributing to the political writings in this country.

I believe in a robust and critical journalism and writings and the need to expand the scope and depth of the right to freedom of speech. But surely it must be done responsibly and with fairness. It must be done with dignity, professionalism and decorum, having regard to the reputation of the person or persons named in the article. One has the right to write in the name of free speech but no one has the right to slander. The offending and defamatory words in the Book as against me were absolutely baseless.

I agree that the issue of Non Sectarian Politics in Malaysia is an important issue and is very relevant in our present Malaysian politics. It is also legitimate to discuss the role of Party Gerakan in the context of Non Sectarian Politics. But why is it not possible to discuss this issue without the need to slander another person? My complaint against the authors is just that. Thus it is never my intention to stop the Forum entitled “The Future of Non-Sectarian Politics in Malaysia” from being carried out as scheduled today at 4pm. My purpose is to stop the launch of the Book which contains the offending and defamatory words. I urge the publishers and the authors to restrain from further publishing the offending and defamatory words in any manner whatsoever.

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Date: 31st July, 2008

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29 Aug 2008 10.55pm

Dear Chia Loong Thye,

Something must be very … inside the book about you right???…

BTw, Gerakan is already mampus in Malaysia, so even how you react inside your party, its your party who will soon die of natural cause, just like UMNO lama…..so whats so secretive about the Gerakan book???

(Why) are you … afraid of the book???


DAP and PKR represents Chinese better by the way…..even PAS is better than Gerakan which is an aimless club now…

2 Aug 2008 11.17am

Don’t they realise the power of negative publicity? The more they speak against something, the more they help publicise and perhaps sell the book ahead of its launch? We saw the hype leading to JK Rowling’s books. We also saw what happened to Salman Rushdie’s book and how it became a hot must-have. If they really wish to “stop” the launch of the book, stop making press releases, and let the power of business economics take its course. No publisher or author wants to make a loss, and obviously the more controversy it generates, better for the sale. Truth? aah…… Read more »

2 Aug 2008 11.06am

Had it not been for all these hoo-haa – failed court injunction and threatened lawsuit – I would not have been aware of the launch of this book, let alone bought one and for that, the authors have Chia brothers to thank.

Kah Seng
2 Aug 2008 6.35am

I also have a very negative gut reaction to Loong Thye’s trying to block the book launch. I would also like to share some photos (http://www.penangwatch.net/node/2854#comment-20419) of how the Chia brothers’ campaign banners blocked the traffic lights, in order to warn off future arrogant politicians who don’t care about public safety. But there are some mystery paragraphs that are missing, because I don’t have the book, or more precisely, the “letter of demand.” In CLY’s letter to MalaysiaKini (http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/87056), partly overlapping with Anil’s posting above, there were also these paragraphs: “As you have a copy of the two-page letter, you… Read more »

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
2 Aug 2008 1.27am

When there’s a solid enough reputation
It’ll be easy to refute any distortion
On what’s visible as public contribution
To the general public, state and nation

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 020808
Sat. 2nd Aug. 2008.

Malaysian Niah...
Malaysian Niah...
1 Aug 2008 11.59pm

i think we Malaysians should just in the next and future elections just retire for good yesteryears politicians …. we need people that can do something and move us forward instead of being overly engrossed with their self-importance or good name.

Frankly, as a Penangite I have not even heard of this guy until this controversy comes out. This much I can say about what bloody contribution this guy has made to the future of Penang island when Gerakan is in power.

1 Aug 2008 11.45pm

A cruise to nowhere.

1 Aug 2008 11.29pm

I was Gerakan branch committee, but hate their leadership too and looking for change. Because i was part of them so I deeply understand they no gut to against UMNO, Gerakan is too weak even before 308. We must relied on umno support in order to keep Koh on his chair. Even now they still believe they only can survive with UMNO protection. A lot of senior Gerakan members still believe after 10 years Gerakan will be back to Penang, but i think they afraid MCA will challenge us for CM position so they must serve UMNO master well to… Read more »

Adam Kontiki
Adam Kontiki
1 Aug 2008 11.24pm

Why is Chia Loong Thye reacting so hysterically unless he is guilty of the what the authors wrote about him and his brother in their book??? The judge has rightly dismissed his injunction against the book’s launch. I am not a friend of the authors, but I feel that they have the right to their views and it is up to Chia Loong Thye to sue them.

1 Aug 2008 10.40pm

Just admit it!

1 Aug 2008 10.28pm

i am seriously wondering what is the Gerakan relevance anymore in Malaysian politics?

What exactly are they trying to represent?