Time for peace, reconciliation and forgiveness


This Sunday, I would like to share this video featuring the singer Angelina that was filmed in Assisi in Italy, the hometown of the 13th-century saint, Francis.

Make me a channel of your peace,
Where there is hatred let me bring your love,
Where there is injury your pardon Lord,
And where there’s doubt true faith in you.

Make me a channel of your peace,
Where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope,
Where there is darkness, only light,
And where there’s sadness, ever joy.

O Master grant that I may never seek,
So much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving of ourselves that we receive
And in dying that we are born to eternal life.

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11 Jan 2010 12.35pm

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – Francis of Assisi

11 Jan 2010 1.35am

Thank you Anil for the beautiful hymn and video. Peace comes from within and is not a pipe dream if you put it into action. At a time when so many negative and pessimistic views appear to prevail, we must look within ourselves. It is time to ask ourselves, regardless of race, faith, gender, colour, economic or social status, or political ideology, WHAT DO WE REALLY WANT? What can we do in our personal capacity to spread peace at this time when those who do not think, cannot think, and can be led to destruction by certain leaders whose self-interest… Read more »

aloysius pinto
10 Jan 2010 7.05pm

According to the Malaysian Insider, Koh Su Koon, syas the BN governmenet plans to organise Inter-Faith Dialogues behind closed doors. For years Civil Society groups including the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) have been requesting to the government to organise dialogue session with Muslim groups. Because of their ‘political strategy’ of ‘divide and rule’, even the Inter-Faith Council proposed by the last PM never saw the light of day. The dawn of the Internet and blogs have broken the stranglehold by the BN on manipulating the mass-media through the MSM. The TSUNAMI of 8… Read more »

10 Jan 2010 4.25pm

Rocky…is just an ordinory blogger lah(spin master ofcourse)….basic principle of any religion…one should know how to respect a senior citizen…LIM KIT is a senior citizen loved by many malaysians….by calling LIM KIT with words LIKE fool….UNDERMINES ROCKY`S BASIC CULTURE….HE NEEDS GROW UP LIKE A MAN…..

10 Jan 2010 1.00pm

Oh yes, Anil …

While we are singing the Prayer of St. Francis, look at what happened —


It’s closer to home this time.

Happened in Taiping.

Someone tried to set fire to the historic All Saints’ Church and the Convent School in Taiping.


As I stated in my previous message — there ain’t gonna be no clapping if only one hand is doing all the work.

Gerard George
Gerard George
10 Jan 2010 12.54pm

In these times of turmoil, thank you Anil for reminding us about the prayer of St. Francis, “Make Me A Channel of Your Peace”, and thanks for the wonderful audio-video song depicting Angelina’s version of the poetic prayer in song. “Blessed are the peace makers” Jesus Christ and all other religious leaders beckon us. May we listen to them.

10 Jan 2010 12.45pm

Dear Anil,

Prayer of St. Francis is just a prayer.

Reconciliation can only go so far, and there ain’t gonna be any clap if only one hand doing all the clapping.

You may want to reconcile, but if THEY do not want that, how would that “reconciliation” work, Anil?

True, it is always better to forgive. But does that mean we must forget also?

10 Jan 2010 11.33am

Peace, yes. Conciliation yes. Forgive, yes. Give up position, NO.

10 Jan 2010 8.41am

Anil, your call is most noble…but, just a cry of a dreamer. More than half a century of Merdeka, Malaysians are still in the muddy waters infested with racist … and religious (bigots). If the govt of the day is not making genuine efforts in promoting religious tolerance and racial integration, Malaysians will only just enjoy verbal goodwill, shallow in substance and fruitless in the end. The first step to take if Malaysians of all walks of life is to rid racial political parties that lean heavily on racial and religious support. Do we have the political will and courage… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
10 Jan 2010 12.58am

Peace can easily maintain if there is no baseless accusation towards BN/UMNO. These baseless accusations can incite hatred and untoward incidents.

10 Jan 2010 7.57pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Gerakan K,

Please comment responsibly and do not be naughty, ok?

… you are so sure, through your comment that peace can easily be maintained if there is no baseless accusation towards BN/UMNO…?

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
11 Jan 2010 12.11am
Reply to  O

You see, there were mosques being attacked.

11 Jan 2010 1.24pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Hallo! Bro,

Don’t play play la, name one church that had been vandalized or torched?

Come on Gerakan K, be responsible during difficult times ok? We can differ and debate during better times, not now, when we are embroiled in some thing that is bringing a bad name for the country, do not stir the emotions of others ok?

Thank you and cheers bro.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
11 Jan 2010 7.03pm
Reply to  O

Imagine if from day one of churches’ attacks, no one blame UMNO/BN/Malay/Islam and all of us united in one voice condemning the arsonists, I believe current incident, just like any other criminal activities. But rather unfortunately, your list of idols particularly the A**** guy, wanted to take advantage and thus starting the blame game. This guy cannot be trusted. Remember the popular phrase, “We have the numbers”?

11 Jan 2010 8.25pm
Reply to  O

Gerakan K,

Do you know what your PM mentioned in the TPCA stadium in 1987? Perhaps you do not know?

You will vomit if you really know and understand it. Gerakan K, there can be no sodomy if there is no penetration, agree? Even after a doctor examined and confirmed that the anus is intact and there is no penetration yet people say there is sodomy. How can? No logic la right?

In the course of you buying love or false acts of love, there must be penetration right?

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
12 Jan 2010 11.08am
Reply to  O

He was fishing support. The point is it never happens. Do you know what Anwar said during his time as DPM?

12 Jan 2010 2.50pm
Reply to  O

Gerakan K, so you agreed and you know that your beloved PM said something which is utterly seditious and unacceptable? I really am skeptical about your reply that you know what he said in the TPCA stadium in 1987! Can you please repeat what he said for the benefit and knowledge of the readers here? Anwar as a DPM had said so many things during his terms as a DPM, can you specifically mentioned the instant where you want us to remember? You need to understand at that time he was UMNO, only after he left UMNO did he realize… Read more »