This is something to think about, no?
PHOTOS: Pope Francis and Grand Mufti of Istanbul, Rahmi Yaran pray in the Sultan Ahmet mosque.
— Yahoo News (@YahooNews) November 29, 2014
Pope Francis calls on all Muslim leaders to condemn terrorism:
— Yahoo News (@YahooNews) November 30, 2014
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The Mufti recites Doa. Pray@Solat is NOT what mufti did in foto. Some comments here do not understand the difference between Doa and Pray@Solat in Islam. Malaysians Mufti are not ignorant Islam as some wrote in this comments. Non Moslems who has NOT touched the Quran not read the Quran n study Hadith, need not tell other Moslems what to do esp the Mufti. Islam in Malaysia today is breaking away from the tradition set by Umno past 50++ years. Tradition with no alignment to Qur’an Hadiths simply parrot without knowing facts in Qur’an Hadiths. Parrot Islam. Malaysians should respect… Read more »
Malaysia has been given a “grave violations” rating by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) for its treatment of secularists as well as its fraying race relations which has ratcheted up tensions. In its latest edition of Freedom of Thought report, the global umbrella body for humanist values also cited PM Najib Razak’s speech in May against secularism and liberalism as a threat towards Islam and the state. Najib had branded humanism, secularism and liberalism as “deviant” and a threat to Islam and the state and had declared the country would not allow any Muslims the right to apostasy.… Read more »
Christian leaders are furious that Bibles seized from The Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) bookshop in Petaling Jaya earlier this year have been desecrated with a warning that they were not to be published or used anywhere in Selangor, before they were released to Sarawak Christians last month.
The stamping of the Bahasa Malaysia and Iban Bibles was only discovered after the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) handed over the holy books to the Association of Churches of Sarawak (ACS) in a ceremony witnessed by the Sultan of Selangor on November 14.
Turkey Grand Mufti & Pope can advise religious council of Malaysia on Bible in Bahasa issue at Sarawak so that questions raised below can be addresses so that the Christians in East Malaysia can have no reasons to reject BN in GE14? So what happens to the several hundred thousand Bahasa-speaking Sarawakians and Sabahans in Selangor if state religious authorities block the import of Bibles for their use? Given the extreme position of Jais and the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais), will Sarawakians in Selangor even be allowed to own an Alkitab? Will other state religious authorities in parts of… Read more »
First you made Sarawakians study BM.
Then you deprived the Sarawakian Christians working in peninsula their Bibles in BM.
How do you expect them to learn their gospel in other languages?
Meanwhile a local Sabah daily reported that a secondary school in Keningau, Sabah had banned its students from wearing religious symbols, including the crucifix.
Mufti of all states in Malaysia should emulate such gesture of peace and friendship.
The Sunnis, Shites or Wahabbists in Malaysia should also find common ground of peace BUT UMNO gathering last weekend not working on such ?
A good lesson for Jakim.
Humans measure the world by physical ruler, while God measures by spiritual
ruler. God wants our hearts to be pure and our minds focussed on good, but
we choose to flex power and control instead of protecting. The truth about us
as human beings is: we do not know who we are as human beings.
Same God, Different Paths.