Pas MP receives standing ovation in Shah Alam Catholic Church


The MP for Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad from Pas, received a standing ovation and thunderous applause from 350 parishioners of the Church of the Divine Merch in Shah Alam. He had offered to meet the parishioners for a dialogue session on 27 March.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support,” he said, adding that he had achieved a majority of 9,314 votes in Shah Alam.

“On the part of Pas, we will now be a coalition government. Our policies will be based on consensus. There will be no attempts by any member within Pas to impose any form of law on the general public. We will be fair and just.”

We will do as required by the community and what is good for the community, he added. “We will carry out our duties based on good governance, transparency and accountability. I hope you will continue to give us your support and your suggestions and we will try to be worthy of your trust.”

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Anak Kuching
Anak Kuching
29 Aug 2009 1.40am

I would never trust a politician no matter what party he may be from. But for so someone from PAS, I take my hat off to him.

9 Mar 2009 11.14pm

Pas is Pas, they have a better job than UMNO or BN.This racist party has divide the people of Malaysia. Come another TSUNAMI and another 308, this time UMNO, MCA and MIC will be blown into pieces …
Najib… can this man be our future PM, if he is going to be the PM, doomsday (could be) near for Malaysia…
Mari semua rakyat Malaysia, pastikan Najib tidak akan jadi PM Malaysia…

Dr. Hamid Ibrahim
Dr. Hamid Ibrahim
24 Aug 2008 8.07am

Dear Anil

I attach herewith a weblink which appeared in BBC; if you think it is safe, please publish it.

Hamid Ibrahim

** Full text: Writers’ statement on cartoons **
The statement by 12 writers, warning of Islamic “totalitarianism” after the Muhammad cartoons row.

6 Apr 2008 2.41pm

I am looking at a great chance in our current politics. Years ago we non muslim thought PAS was not relevant to us. But today, we are seeing PAS is relevant. Many non muslims supports PAS and infact they are doing a great job. We apprciate that but the consistancy is important. I believe our PAS adun and MP can do a great job to solve many problems faced by the rakyat irrespective of religion. I feel PAS will gain more support from non muslims if they are consistant in their moderate and liberal policies.

6 Apr 2008 2.21pm

This is amazing. I am impressed!

6 Apr 2008 11.44am

yes this news was on the front page of the herald with lots of pictures. i had blog about it with just brief points and when that current issue of herald goes online, i will put up the whole article. the malaysian insider too has a report on it while tony yew who is parishioner of the divine mercy church had blog on it earlier. oh the malaysian insider also mentioned about another PAS member who attended church service (not catholic church). indeed it is good to hear that we have PAS members stepping into churches. and now we have… Read more »

6 Apr 2008 10.49am

I agree with you Andrew. I have been asking many people this question but they have difficulties to answer me. “What is it so bad about PAS and what is it so good about Umno?”

6 Apr 2008 8.49am

Yes, so humble YB Khalid……..thanking them in their church shows alot of your character and the depth of your understanding. I salute you. Let hope more goodies will come the Rakyats’ way.

6 Apr 2008 7.47am

I think Pas has changed considerably,it has been humbled by people power across racial and religious lines
and would now pursue with all vigour to maintain that confidence and deliver what has been promised.

Jeffrey Chew
6 Apr 2008 7.34am

A good gesture and obviously, an important step for all Malaysians. Such move will eventually BN irrelevant.

6 Apr 2008 4.30am

Yes that’s how it should work.All members of parliment and state excos regardless of race should serve the Malaysian Rakyat without bias.They must be seen responsible for all Malaysian no matter what they are -Malays, Chinese,Indian.

6 Apr 2008 3.41am

Isn’t this wonderful? After years of demonisation by umno, more non muslims should give Pas a chance to prove otherwise.

7 Apr 2008 6.30pm

Now, PAS and DAP are at it again. Each are standing firm, propogating its own ‘ism’. Politicians are an unstable group! It is most frustrating for the rakyat to see the people they had voted to bring in the change they hope for, turning out to be ignoring the expectation. It is sad for it to see that its hope is dashed so soon. Is there no possibility at all for the nation to become harmonious, peaceful, prosperous and united? It is a pity that the politicians cannot take heed of the expectation of the rakyat who have placed its… Read more »

7 Apr 2008 3.03pm

Syabas YB Khalid for not giving up your political hope after four failures as an elected reprsentative. Your father must be proud of your continuous struggle to put right what is wrong with our goverment and you are rewarded with the people trust. I am saddened by our political leaders to divide our race by short changing other religious group in Malaysia with the mushrooming of mosques and suraus in every corner of Malaysia but with little or no concern for churches and temples to be built for other races. Is this poltical fairness to other religious group? Are other… Read more »

nick chan abdullah
nick chan abdullah
7 Apr 2008 1.00pm

it is disturbing that 99.999% of members condemn that MP’s action. i’ve read their forum.

do malaysia still have hope with UMNO members so spoilt and arrogant and are downright racists?

nick chan abdullah
nick chan abdullah
7 Apr 2008 12.51pm

the BEST thing is, no PAS members or supported made any fuss about it.

only politician ultras of UMNO will

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
7 Apr 2008 12.04am

Let’s hope for a positive change in the past image
For what’s past is already past in this new era and age
While keeping and sharing only acceptable past heritage
Without any whisper or sound on any feared past ‘carnage’

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 060408
Sun. 6th April 2008.

Harapan Malaysia
Harapan Malaysia
6 Apr 2008 11.19pm

I have a full respect of your mind. kelantan is the good example where Malay,Indian,Chinese & other community live harmony under PAS.

6 Apr 2008 11.06pm

Simply marvellous action by the Pas MP,Khalid Abdul Samad, for having a dialogue session in the church which is unheard of during the time of BN regime.This goes to show the Opposition team are able to work together though with different idealogi, this they have put aside to work together. This is a good start , lets hope there are more religious tolerance among all. This show how BN has divided and rule us, with scare tactic and instilling fear among the people. Lets kick BN for good in the next election and give our full support to Pakatan Rakyat.May… Read more »

6 Apr 2008 10.55pm

It is very saddening to note that Pakatan Rakyat members DAP and PAS are going at each other via the MSM. I just watched how the idiotic newscaster from TV3 gloated that the newly formed Pakatan Rakyat is already showing signs of breaking up. Please, YB Karpal Singh and YAB Nik Aziz Nik Mat, keep your quarrels within the four walls of Pakatan Rakyat. The last thing we need is for you guys to go to the MSM and wash your dirty linen in public. Talk it over in the spirit of Pakatan Rakyat. The 4th Floor Boys will be… Read more »

6 Apr 2008 10.51pm

There was a time in the sixtees and earlier when Malay politicians would attend and officiate at temples and churches e.g. during Thaipusam at Batu caves. Then these UMNO politicians became ‘more religious'( to quote the MP from Shah Alam) and stopped setting foot in temples and churches. Hats off to YB Khalid Abdul Samad for being the first Malay politician(in my living memory) to breach this ‘taboo’ of late. In fact inter racial harmony will get a tremendous boost in this country if people like Khalid and the Mufti of perlis are given more space to air their views.… Read more »

Lim Thean Heng, Penang
Lim Thean Heng, Penang
6 Apr 2008 10.27pm

Previously, we would only hear of this sort of talk in cyberspace, and now, who would ever thought this long-awaited political dawn has arrived so soon on 8 march?!

We pray such discourse will continue more often in churches, temples and the mosques, to bring in civil and religious liberty that is enshrined in our federal constitution.

Syabas, especially to the Catholic church leadership who have taken such proactive role to help about the reformation.

6 Apr 2008 10.15pm

It is great to have leaders who respect other religions and who are prepared to have an open dialogue with the people. Let us show the BN government how arrogant and adamant they have been towards the people of various religions. The people power or MAKAL SAKTHI have forged malaysians together.

alex tai
alex tai
6 Apr 2008 9.33pm

bravo…seeing a Pas Mp explaining in a catholic church…this is a government in waiting we are waiting very excitedly…and also hope this same visit be extended to both indian and chinese place of worship …tahniah and tahniah again…as soon many hard working malaysians abroad will come home with bags of money to invest and share skill and technology to rebuilt malaysia and push her into the forefront of the likes of japan and korea and even thailand….

Hamid Ibrahim
Hamid Ibrahim
7 Apr 2008 10.03am

Yes it is a good sign and we must keep it up. The Selangor government should call for files from the previous administration the number of applications received from the Church Authorities (as well as Temple Authorities) and after consideration must approve them. There has been a complaint that the former BN government flatly refused to look at the applications from the Churches and Temples. It was the main reason that the BN lost Selangor. I quote from: HUMAN RIGHTS IN MALAYSIA – DAP H R COMMITTEE PUBLICATION – 1985 REV DR PAUL TAN said at page 98 ” I… Read more »