Listen to BFM’s interview with Reza Aslan


Did you catch the BFM interview with Islamic religious scholar Reza Aslan?

Start the interview at 19:30 to hear what he has to say about the Allah controversy.

Also read Tommy Thomas’ The Allah decision is wrong in constitutional law (Aliran).

And this is a statement by Archbishop Murphy Pakiam, the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia:

The recent judgment delivered by the Court of Appeal against the Herald newspaper has raised serious concerns to many Malaysians, especially the Christian community. As President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, I hereby state that that the three Judges were grossly misinformed when concluding that the word Allah was β€œnot the essential or integral part of the religion of Christianity”.

The First Article of Faith in the Catholic Creed and for all Christians is: β€œI believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth”. Any Christian who denies or modifies this statement of faith, incurs excommunication and would be considered a heretic. It is to be noted that for centuries the Bahasa Malaysia translation and the Arabic equivalent of the one God, is the sacred word Allah, which the Christians have been using peacefully.

Hence, to conclude that the word Allah is not essential to the Christian faith would be a grave denial of the fundamental right of the Bahasa Malaysia-speaking Christian community to use this word in prayer, worship services, prayer books, the Alkitab and other publications. This would be tantamount to signalling a form of persecution.

There are thousands of Bahasa Malaysia-speaking Christians from Sabah and Sarawak in Semenanjung Malaysia: students in institutes of higher learning, armed forces personnel, police personnel, civil servants and others in the private sector, many of whom reside here with their families. Already more than half of our Parish Churches and Chapels in Semenanjung Malaysia conduct at least one worship service or catechism lessons weekly in Bahasa Malaysia.

As committed religious leaders, we have to ensure that we respectfully minister to them in the national language. For this reason then, we do not accept the statement of these judges and stand in solidarity with other church leaders who have also emphatically voiced their objection. We are heartened that other religious leaders and organisations have echoed similar sentiments.

We, together with all peoples of goodwill, invoke the good sense of the thousands of Malay brothers and sisters, many of whom have greatly benefited from the education offered in our mission schools and are familiar with our belief in God, to allow us to continue peacefully with our use of the sacred word Allah.

We urge the Prime Minister to take positive steps to stop the indoctrination of unwitting Malays by individuals and organisations from swinging towards a divisive radicalism.

We continue to pray that God will bless and enlighten all Malaysians to accept one another in unity and diversity.

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4 Jan 2014 12.56am

A great interview with a wise man who knows no other god but God.

25 Oct 2013 6.06am

JUST make sure it is not Jesus of Nazareth that Christians wish to anoint as `Allah’ all will be fine!

Awang Selamat Ori
Awang Selamat Ori
24 Oct 2013 11.15pm

Dear Mr. Anil, I need your help. Eversince the Allah ruling, I had not been able to sleep in peace. I don’t know just what is going on. Every time I pray, I do not know whether I am praying to the right God, because now, I feel there are so many Gods? Please help me Mr. Anil, is there no other God but Allah? If so, why had the Court ruled in UMNO baru’s favour ? That non Muslims cannot use the word Allah? Do you think those UMNO baru’s folks know there are other Gods apart from Allah?… Read more »

23 Oct 2013 11.34pm

The Islamic scholar Reza Aslan’s views on this Allah controversy that is brewing in our country now i is most enlightening and at the same time embarrassing: embarrassing because this controversy should not have arisen at all if only those few so-called “champions of Islam” know the facts and history. Obviously in their ignorance their mouths shoot faster than their brains and this unfortunatelly, and sadly, spark unnecessarily, a furore threatening further the already fragile inter-faith relation in this country. All great religions preach respect for other ways of life, whatever their practises may be. If there is a segment… Read more »

Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
23 Oct 2013 10.45pm

He πŸ˜† He πŸ˜† He πŸ˜†

Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
23 Oct 2013 10.44pm

Ho πŸ˜† Ho πŸ˜† Ho πŸ˜†

Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
23 Oct 2013 10.44pm

Ha πŸ˜† Ha πŸ˜† Ha πŸ˜†

23 Oct 2013 9.14pm

how to laugh at the three … judges of UMNO.

23 Oct 2013 8.43pm

Scholar Reza Aslan is an Iranian scholar talking about Allah and Islamic faith. We understand that there are many version of translating their views. Since Syiah is the main denomination for Iranian, I am not surprise since most of Syiah have the same thinking as Reza Azlan views on Allah which is different from Sunnah views. The same happens when politician and those knowledge on Islam based on written ideas of so call ulama who actually have different views from those who speaks only based on really pious and knowledgeable in term of Islamic knowledge. Also look at different version… Read more »