

A haunting melody by songwriter Amirah Ali, who won the Best Pop Category for “Tell Me”  in the 2008 Signature Songwriting Competition.

Thanks for the lead, Sivin. While listening to the song, check out the report “Four reasons for controversial ‘Allah’ ruling” in the Malaysian Insider here.

Music and Lyrics by Amirah Ali
Engineered by Jon Gillespie

I am saddened and angered by the recent happenings in my country, Malaysia. I would like to share with you this song that I wrote. We are all ONE and so is GOD.


Hari ke hari ku cari
Tapiku tidak pasti
Seribu malam ku mimpi
Tapi ku belum fahami

Adakahkanku namaku
Adakahkanku kulitku
Ugamaku dan bangsaku
Tradisiku, negaraku
Akalku, buatanku, niatku

Oh Ya Allah
Ya Allah

Hari ke hari ku pandang
Tayangan hias bumi
Seribu malam ku kira
Bintang-bintang menawan hati


Seluruh dunia di dalam
Sebutir tanah pasir
Kecil-kecilan hidupan
Merangkumi semua angkasa


Jauh di dalam lautan
Rahsia anak ikan
Pusaka lama disimpan
Cantik lagi bahaya


English Translation by U-En


Each passing day I seek,
And yet I am unsure.
For a thousand nights I dream
And still my doubt endures.

Am I but a name?
Mere colour of my skin?
Am I just my faith, beholden to my race?
Am I tradition, blood of a nation?
Am I thought, an act, intention?

Oh God
Tell me
Oh God
Tell me

Each passing day I gaze
Upon this ornamented world.
For a thousand nights I count
The stars that bind my heart.

All the world contained
Within a grain of sand,
Life’s merest whisper
Encompasses the firmament.

Deep beneath the tide,
Secrets still abide.
An ancient heritage endures,
Perilous and ever fair.

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19 Jan 2010 1.47pm

Ya, i cant agree more with Samuel Goh, … we are all kins…

Why do we want to fight when we are all kins, cant we just live peacefully and harmoniously side by side…

Please give peace a chance… and stop all the arguings and fightings about things… it is just pure waste of time and

I feel tired, dont you?

19 Jan 2010 11.27am

Good song and lyric reminds me off where I am now Malaysia or Indonesia. In Indonesia where I used to be is a place of religion freedom. In Malaysia
UNMO blends Islam with Ringgit and hate. PAS used the
beautiful Quran to express Islam. We have a choice now that is get UMNO out of the picture.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
19 Jan 2010 2.48am


Others try to draw a line to keep me out
But I draw a bigger circle to bring them in
For this is what “loving your neighbour” is all about
For under the fatherhood of God we are all kins

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 190110
Tue. 19th Jan. 2010.

anna brella
anna brella
19 Jan 2010 1.44am

Hello Anil. Hope you had a happy Christmas and a good start to the New Year.

Can you please clarify the definition and meaning/s of some Malay words used in the lyrics of the song written by Amirah Ali.

1.What do the words “merangkumi” and “pusaka” mean?
2.What does “kecil-kecilan hidupan” mean?
3.Does the word “angkasa” mean “outer space” or “the universe” or something else?

Thank you.

Sivin Kit
19 Jan 2010 1.01am

you are welcome Anil …

18 Jan 2010 6.48pm

The decision is made in the best interest without favour, it is UMNO that makes the expert judgment controversial, by their exploiting the above issue for their selfish political gains! It looked that it gained nothing but more hatred and discontent among the people against it. The greatest loser that was intended with this issue, PAS and PKR, came out shining. PAS as always stood by its principal and made their decision according to the teaching of the holy Quran, knowing that it may lose substantial support amongst the Malays, but it bit the bullet and took the risk, and… Read more »