Egypt: Christians, Muslims for freedom


More images and accounts have emerged of the Muslim-Christian understanding on the streets calling for a new dawn in Egypt.

A Muslim holds aloft a Qur'an while a Christian carries a cross in a mark of Muslim-Christian solidarity in Tahrir Square - Photo credit: Huffington Post

See another picture here. And see this Reuters video.

This is an except from an Irish Times report:

MUSLIMS PRAYED with Christians yesterday in Tahrir Square at the heart of Cairo. A priest from Egypt’s ancient Coptic rite held high a cross, read verses from the Bible and in a deep, sonorous voice led hymn singing. The mostly Muslim throng joined in, familiar with the Arabic phrases the faiths share.

They closed by rendering softly, then belting out lustily the Egyptian national anthem, Beladi (My Country), concluding with the cry: “We are united, Christians and Muslims, we are all Egyptians! Hurriyah, hurriyah! Freedom, freedom!”

Muslims performed the noon day prayer before the Copts held a second prayer meeting. A woman in red standing next to Irish Ambassador Isolde Moylan and me translated the words of the priest.

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8 Feb 2011 12.37pm

If Mubarak goes today or later this week, Egyptians will debate why it took so long to rid themselves of this tin-pot dictator. The problem was that under the autocrats – Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak and whomever Washington blesses next – the Egyptian people skipped two generations of maturity. For the first essential task of a dictator is to “infantilise” his people, to transform them into political six-year-olds, obedient to a patriarchal headmaster. They will be given fake newspapers, fake elections, fake ministers and lots of false promises. If they obey, they might even become one of the fake ministers; if… Read more »

7 Feb 2011 10.17pm

Meanwhile closer to home:

… It’s nice to see these guys having an untraditionally good time together, but it must be remembered that the motivation for their solidarity is not religion.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
7 Feb 2011 9.53pm

Brother Bob Marley sings “One Love”

7 Feb 2011 7.28pm

The A-word is not a problem with these Muslims and Christians.

8 Feb 2011 12.28pm
Reply to  LBJ

Jakim must learn from the Egyptian Muslims on tolerance and acceptance of other religions.

7 Feb 2011 5.20pm

All the prayers from the Muslims and Christians will not bring about a fruitful outcome…they need Uncle Sam! All Uncle needed to do is to pull the plug from the Egyptian dictator and everything will collapse with him…the only problem is, there is not a worthy successor who will play ball with the West.
This is not only an Egyptian dilemma, it is also, a Yankee’s dilemma! we are just seeing the beginning of a difficult march on a long and winding road.