Who was that gagged man?



It’s a lone ranger: A silent, solo protest yesterday by an unidentified man outside the Perak state government complex – Photo courtesy of Kula’s blog, which has the full story here.

It was a day of solo protests yesterday – in Ipoh and Penang. A single-person protest cannot be deemed an ‘illegal assembly’, right?

In Ipoh:

In short notes to (Kula’s) Political Sec in a piece of paper, he wrote “People 1st, Performance Later” and also “I don’t support any party. Just as Perak Citizen, all I want is 4 my state to be at peace. Just make the people who can do something, do it now.”

And in Penang, a similar ‘lone ranger’ protest was undertaken by a Penang Pas member who spent eight hours up a tree opposite the Penang State Assembly.

“What BN did in Perak was a rape of democracy that we all cherish. It was blatant disrespect to doctrine of separation of powers,” he shouted from the tree.

“I am here atop a tree as a Malaysian and a Penangite,” he told Malaysiakini.

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18 May 2009 5.33pm

Is that a uniformed policemen at the background? Dude, what the … are you PRDM (no, that’s no typo) doing there? The criminals are running amok in this country (at the most top, as well as at grassroot level) and you’re not going after them. How bad must the situation become before you start doing something? The law-abiding citizen of this country deserved to feel safe from criminals and not the other way round. We’re suppose to feel safe when you’re around, not fearing if we’re going to be arrested for wearing black, lighting a candle or just simply being… Read more »

17 May 2009 11.58pm

Perchance it is a psychologically reversing kickback from the poor rakyat from the overdose of hundreds and thousands of psychotically stupid 🙁 cannot, cannot, cannots imposed on their poor overloaded heads by the silly Keystone Kops and their yukky UMNO/BN compadres without one iota of necessity at all. The GLB says that the doctrine of necessity is the mother of invention so thinking laterally outside of the given Box can help one find many smart ways to skin an unruly cat. 😐 Hmm, not quite sure what that’s all about so perchance it’s time to go and cogitate calmly over… Read more »

R.Prem Kumar
R.Prem Kumar
17 May 2009 6.48pm

I salute these guys. They have, definitely, b….

17 May 2009 12.49am

A little confused. If Nizar is not the legal MB as claimed so what does it mean by applying vote of no confidence to remove him as MB ?

17 May 2009 12.23am


17 May 2009 12.22am

MALAYSIA BLOH !!!….rite now i really really hav 2 say tis 4 ur sake la….”KERANAMU IPOH PUN BOLEH”…u dare i dare ….salute u

16 May 2009 11.49pm

for moment there, at a glance….i tot i SAW ZAMBRY THE …

16 May 2009 10.52pm

salute bro…


16 May 2009 8.47pm

Mr,Anil, a reminder to rocky….today in India ,,130 billion ppl have declared loud and clear….SING IS KING…AH

16 May 2009 5.11pm

that was a brave thing for a guy to do alone !!
no one should laugh at him ….u rock!!
don’t give a s… about what others may say!!

16 May 2009 4.38pm

My “salute” to you, brother….!!!

So…., I guess the more we protest the more people will be thrown in jail…..!!!
They better start constructing more cells……….!!!

Yes ! Better let the goverment “keep on” suppressing the rakyat.
Wait for next GE lah……………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16 May 2009 3.13pm

I am with you bro…sadly, now the tape is on the lips of mother justice..

16 May 2009 2.48pm

Ya, this is another option of protesting. We can have many individuals around provided they are not in a team, presummed not knowing each other should be legal.

16 May 2009 2.07pm

that guy sure looks alot like my old friend navinthar..height, color, face..
too bad i’ve lost contact of that guy to confirm this info..

16 May 2009 1.28pm

I think now the BN will surely cover the loophole….that is get a court order to declare that solo protest is also illegal assembly!!!

tan, tanjong bungah
tan, tanjong bungah
16 May 2009 1.15pm

Hi everyone, I hope that the courts would rule in favour of the usurper Dr Zambry! I also hope that BN UMNO (the other BN component parties are mere ‘spectators’ and their opinions are only toothless) would not agree to dissolve the Perak State Assembly to resolve the impasse! Let the court cases drag on another year or two and inch closer and closer to the 13 GE. Let BN UMNO continue to shoot their own foot as this would continue to p… of and alienate more and more rakyat! That makes the people’s task of choosing a people’s govt.… Read more »

16 May 2009 12.44pm

an hero is you……..winrar

16 May 2009 11.23am

Bravo, that’s the spirit!!

Yeah standing next to the picture of the absent Sultan who may be away out of the country – US or China? Yes, … you are BRAVE!

Sivin Kit
16 May 2009 10.53am

Perhaps solo protest or 3 is enough is another valid way to go. 🙂 The mass reactions can come on virtually with pics like this flooding the cyberspace.

The image of a man with his mouthed taped, and another on a tree is empowering the imagination of those who might be asleep.

Loads of precedents flood my mind now, the two Martin Luthers – one in Germany the other in USA, Rosa Parks on a bus, the strange monks in the desert whether living in a tomb or sitting on a tree. . . the list goes on.