What will happen at the Pas central committe meeting tomorrow?


Some thoughts on what could happen tomorrow:
– the Pas central committee appears to be split 50:50 between the conservatives and those who are more forward looking.
– the unhappiness over not being consulted over the Kajang Move runs deep. So there is some dissatisfaction with Anwar’s unilateral moves and Pas having to make one concession too many.
– by extension, the choice of Wan Azizah as MB does not appear to have gone down well in some quarters.
– Khalid has been consulting certain Pas leaders especially Nik Aziz.
– but the party will find it difficult to back him now that he has been sacked from PKR.
– Pas is unlikely to covet the MB’s post for itself.
– but it may want another PKR candidate other than Wan Azizah.
– the committee may not be keen on cooperating with Umno
– instead it is likely to prefer to continue cooperating with Pakatan.
– it is unlikely to want fresh elections
– this may be because there is a realisation within Pas that all three Pakatan parties have let the voters down.
– there may not be a vote in the meeting
– instead, much discussion on what the party should do next.

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18 Aug 2014 1.20pm

Nothing much have happened, the situation as predicted will remain the same, in fact it is getting worse by the hour and can only get even worse until the return of the Sultan on 27/9.

18 Aug 2014 7.09pm
Reply to  charleskiwi

Umno is in crisis!

Tun Mahathir today lashed out at Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration, saying he was withdrawing his support for Najib as his criticism had fallen on deaf ears.

19 Aug 2014 8.01am
Reply to  herman

Najib is recuing MAS, no more money for Proton?

Tun M said of Najib: ‘He just stays quiet. When problems arise, he doesn’t respond.’ How true! A good topic for Anil to open further discussion.

19 Aug 2014 11.46am
Reply to  herman

Malaysian mainstream newspapers were silent today over Dr Mahathir’s attacks against Najib and his administration although several of those linked to the former prime minister had said this was festering for months. Most pro-Umno bloggers were also quiet, with only Syed Akbar Ali, who blogs at Out Syed The Box, discussing Dr Mahathir’s withdrawal of support for Najib. The lack of mainstream media coverage suggests that editors have deliberately muffled any criticism against the current prime minister.

19 Aug 2014 11.14am
Reply to  charleskiwi

Anil should have a discussion on this or its readers may turn to other blogs for the opinions in the cyberspace. Perhaps Tun M was the one who exposed PM Najib’s 2-week holiday with the 1st Lady in Europe after their visit to Amsterdam on the MH17 issue?

Anyway, I do not see any significant direction set by PM Najib for the nation except asking us to wave the flags to show our patriotism.

18 Aug 2014 10.51am

Your consultant Ong Eu Soon was allegedly assaulted by a certain security. Any update on this?

19 Aug 2014 2.55pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Yes, don`t jump to conclusion. It seem many always jump to conclusion when something happen to PR and the opposition.

18 Aug 2014 10.46am

The progressive faction in PAS overruled the decision by the conservative faction/Hadi Awang. This is a good development for Pakatan.

18 Aug 2014 9.34am

off topic, Beware, look at happen when you oppose the kucing. No different from BN.

18 Aug 2014 7.58am

I believed that this will be the beginning of the end for the 3billion. He knows he would be going to jail soon. … he know he must succeed this time to stay out of jail. The last time (16 Sept) he failed was because he did not have the money. Now he must succeed at all cost and to succeed at all cost he must have his wife as MB at all cost. We have NOT got a new coalition that fight for justice but one that is even worse than BN. They are fighting for themselves. Everyone must… Read more »

18 Aug 2014 12.34am

Khalid is still officially the MB until another one has been sworn in. Remember Pas asked for 2 to be submitted to the Sultan for consideration but PKR and DAP manipulated to say that they have a consensus of only Azizah as the sole condidate. Khalid may inform the Sultan about this and like Sabu said, PAS cannot do anything if the Sultan rejected Azizah as PKR and DAP did not abide by a consensus decision to submit 2 names. This is not the end. It is the beginning of the end for PKR as Khalid has reported to ROS… Read more »

18 Aug 2014 12.15am

It is a sad sad now when PKR and DAP is manipulating PR and deceiving the people to the most highest when PAS ask for 2 names to be submitted and now they tell the world that PR has nominated Azizah as the sole contender. What is the motive we have yet to see. It will be a very sad day for Selangor RM3 billions.

17 Aug 2014 3.26pm

Nasrudin tidak terima notis saman Lim Guan Eng

Is this not another sandiwara shouting to get attention from who else I guess. The smart guys. .

17 Aug 2014 3.18pm

Yes, Tidak sopan dan biadap, (Insolent) I think the opposition and opposition NGOs and lawyers are getting too big for their shoes. Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng are both firing away until today with both guns blazing to demand that Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim resign from his post. This is in spite of His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor’s very clear and very precise titah (royal command) for Khalid to not do anything or say anything until HRH is back in Malaysia on 27th August 2014. What is wrong with these people? Why do they insist… Read more »

17 Aug 2014 2.11pm

PAS proposes Azizah and Azmin for MB post
The unanimous decision was reached after a lengthy in-depth discussion and deliberation.

The issue can now be resolved but if Anwar PKR and DAP LKS and son still insist on Azizah alone, it mean that they must have an ulterior motive.


17 Aug 2014 2.13pm
Reply to  Yang

If DAP LKS and son and PKR Anwar still do not want to resolve this issue which PAS has propose, its better that there be a SNAP poll

17 Aug 2014 10.20pm
Reply to  Yang

From what we can see, DAP LKs and son is sniffing the back of … PKR while it kowtow to PAS.

17 Aug 2014 3.08pm
Reply to  Yang

Finally it reveal to us who is the Taiko in Pakatan Rakyat

17 Aug 2014 7.11pm
Reply to  Yang

At least in Pakatan all members have equal voices and willing to speak up their respective stand. This aspect really put MCA, MIC and Gerakan to great shame since they are only obey Umno quietly and sacrifice their own principles to ikut perintah.

17 Aug 2014 1.08pm

Yahoo, indeed we can trust the few good men in pas compared to mca, gelakan and mic, i have binned them since long time ago.

17 Aug 2014 10.18pm
Reply to  kee

Sure I can trust the few good men in PAS and will sue the bad man. hahaha the bad man said I have yet to receive your saman. Are you bluffing ….. or lying ….. or making a sandiwara…… for them to see. . Good. next time we want hudud do something like !!!!!!

18 Aug 2014 8.49am
Reply to  Ananars

Good outcome afterall as the progressive faction of PAS was able to make the party align with the wishes of PKR and DAP. Hopefully this mark the beginning of the dwindling influence of PAS consevative in the Pakatan coalition.

17 Aug 2014 12.53pm

Will the people vote the same way they did in the last GE ?