Umno’s shocking implosion: Onn Jaafar’s vision is the party’s last hope

An Umno rally in Bukit Jalil in 2012

With most people absorbed by the ongoing implosion of the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), a major shift happened a couple of months ago which may have gone largely unnoticed.

For the first time in 63 years, going back even before the independence of Malaya in 1957, the largest party in the country is no longer a race-based party but a multi-ethnic party – the People’s Justice Party (PKR), which now has 50 seats (as of 12 December).

The second largest party, the Democratic Action Party (DAP) with 42 seats, is also multi-ethnic to a certain extent.

This trend is a distinct move towards multi-ethnic parties, including in Sabah and Sarawak. Full article on the Aliran website.

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Cheong Kian Kok
15 Dec 2018 8.27pm

Onn Jaafar vision already implemented in DAP and PKR.

Elvin Ang
Elvin Ang
21 Dec 2018 4.31pm

Recently there was a call by the Deputy Minister Of Education, YB Teo Ni Ching on certain quarter to stop emailing her to issue SUPPORT LETTER fork contracts. And she rejected these requests. I want to praise her for doing the right thing. But some quarters are accusing her of scolding them. Obviously this is twisting the fact. I cal upon those who want business, please go through the normal process in bidding or sending your proposals to the ministry. REFRAIN from asking support letter as it is tantamount to gaining favors. Please help not to build another OLD REGIME… Read more »

15 Dec 2018 9.17pm

let it die a natural death…they will never learn..not only.racist to the core..but dumb as well

21 Dec 2018 1.08pm
Reply to  bornrebel

What was founded on envy and hate cannot but disintegrate. They though they were clever in avoiding the apartheid label.

Cygnus Knight
Cygnus Knight
21 Dec 2018 5.34pm

Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB) has declared an income distribution of 6.5 sen a unit and a bonus of 0.5 sen for Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) for the financial year ending December 31 (FY18).

20 Dec 2018 2.01pm

Since Bersatu started inducing Umno members to leap frog, I begin to have reservations of the survival of PH n have doubt of it’s sincerity to change for the betterment of the country. The same mentality of self interest first is so obvious, except for some mainly from Amanah n Dap. Have things changed as compared to the previous govt? I think we are at status quo momentarily. Tun must reverse n reconsider his many dubious statements n decisions, lest PH will disintegrate n all effort wasted. The frustration n disappointment of the voters will be deeply felt.

Jilla Shakthiar
Jilla Shakthiar
18 Dec 2018 5.24pm

I don’t remember reading anything about Onn Jaafar’s vision in my SPM Sejarah. Time to review the syllabus?

21 Dec 2018 1.06pm

The official history in schools, etc. is a big joke.

18 Dec 2018 2.20pm

PH needs to manage the implosion of Umno. It has ensure no large scale shift to ultrareligious like PAS and at the same time not to provide an easy refuge for criminals and thieves. PH should encourage opportunistic umno leaders to quit and thus cleanse Umno … Let Umno regenerate under KJ or Hisham. Keep people like thamby chik in a suspended mode. Neither yes or no. Once all these … quit and stay in holding pattern, malaysia politics will have a chance to move forward. Encourage them to quit Umno but play coy letting them join PH.

Jilla Shakthiar
Jilla Shakthiar
18 Dec 2018 5.21pm
Reply to  Shah

All component parties in Harapan including DAP and PKR are expected to do their part to ensure Harapan government deliver what they promise Malaysians for voting them into power. In order for true reform to happen in Malaysia, Harapan government needs to ensure their leaders are honest, high integrity, focus on uniting the people and country, get rid of corruptions, racism and religion extremism. We expect Harapan to focus their energy to take Malaysia to new height which will bring development, prosperity and unity to Malaysians. As you can see Malaysians after been abused by BN particularly UMNO for more… Read more »

18 Dec 2018 2.06pm

Malay anxiety increase with the impending demise of Umno?

18 Dec 2018 8.57pm
Reply to  Smity

All because of Tongkat Ali? Demise of UMNO would deprive them of TA, as imprinted by UMNO into their feeble, bogeymen fearing minds.

Cygnus Knight
Cygnus Knight
20 Dec 2018 8.23am
Reply to  Smity

Pacific Research Centre principal adviser Oh Ei Sun said that Umno was so used to being in power that its members are unable to function without the perks and benefits of being part of the ruling coalition.

“They quit because having been used to Umno’s money politics, they simply could not stomach being Opposition MPs without the attendant interests and benefits. By jumping they could at least position themselves to continue with the new government’s gravy train again.

17 Dec 2018 7.30pm

The left should not be happy at the demise of UMNO because the default is PAS holding the Malay centre and we have a religo political contest in Malaysia and everybody loses.

16 Dec 2018 10.20pm

This could be UMNO’s art of war strategy using ex-UMNO members (those leaving en mass) as infiltrating agents: 1) Implode & disperse its agents into PH coalition of parties as they knew PH eagerly want a majority vote in Parliament to push thro’ its plans, policies & fulfilment of its PH Manifesto. 2) Agents to contrive with those in PH not aligned to Anwar to create a split starting with PKR & self-appoint a future PM (Hishamuddin?) within their ranks. 3) Agents to use PM Mahathir as reason for supporting him by mass resignation to gain a favourable (quickie) acceptance… Read more »

17 Dec 2018 10.31pm
Reply to  tunglang

2018 Dr. Mahathir Cried (Touching)

Cygnus Knight
Cygnus Knight
20 Dec 2018 8.08am
Reply to  tunglang

Mengapa Najib Dan Kak Ros Tidak Pakai Baju Lokap Jingga?

16 Dec 2018 5.12pm

Once a parasite, always a parasite. Why contaminate Pakatan Harapan?
A doctor like Mahathir should know very, very well of them like white ants – white + holy on the outside, destructive once left alone in the dark.

Cygnus Knight
Cygnus Knight
18 Dec 2018 12.31pm
Reply to  tunglang

Kadir Jasin wrote in his blog:

Saya mohonlah kepada mereka yang ghairah memujuk bekas pemimpin Umno masuk PPBM agar berhati-hati sikit bagi mengelak PPBM daripada menjadi parti murahan dan dalam proses itu melemahkan semangat ahli yang sedia ada, khususnya golongan muda.

Ingatlah, walaupun hari ini mereka keluar Umno dan menyertai atau menyokong kita, dulu mereka adalah musuh politik kita.

Sekarang mereka hendak menyertai kita kerana parti mereka sudah rosak dan kalah. Siapakah yang rosakkan Umno kalau bukan mereka sendiri?

16 Dec 2018 3.47pm

So there is a rumour that Nazri proposal to work with Anwar and DAP is actually Zahid Hamidi/Najib behind it.. Anyone have any news?

16 Dec 2018 10.44pm
Reply to  Bigjoe

One of the art of war strategies is to create confusion & suspicion within the enemies ie PH. The end result is more than the perceived implosion in UMNO.

17 Dec 2018 9.07pm
Reply to  tunglang

Like kau beh kau bu?

16 Dec 2018 2.42pm

Former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik will leave Umno to join Bersatu.

Umno virus is contaminating PH via Bersatu?

16 Dec 2018 5.07pm
Reply to  Norman

What will LGE feel about this fella in Pakatan midst?
C’mon, Bersatu. Have respect for LGE’s sacrifice in jail for fighting for justice for a Malay girl.

17 Dec 2018 7.33am
Reply to  Norman

Bersatu, you’d better think carefully just b’cos you want the numbers (a flock of 100 ex-UMNO members) dangled by this Rahim? There are more honest Malays to pick from out there in the streets than in this tainted, corrupt party.

Cygnus Knight
Cygnus Knight
18 Dec 2018 11.34am
Reply to  Norman

Bekas Ketua Menteri Melaka, Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik ialah dalang utama …

16 Dec 2018 11.42am

According to scriptwriter Joceline Tan, next April will see Umno-reinforced Bersatu (with Hisham and Azmin) will stop DSAI frim becoming the next PM. So a civil war in Pakatan next?

Xie Huang
Xie Huang
16 Dec 2018 12.29pm
Reply to  Norman

She is a MCA agent trying to disrupt Pakatan with her imaginary story line.

18 Dec 2018 2.08pm
Reply to  Norman

2019 will see power struggle between PKR and Bersatu. You think Tun M will pass the baton to DSAI? This is Malay hunger for politics after all!

16 Dec 2018 11.24am

Zahid wanted to align Umno with PAS to save himself and the party. But Wee Kar Siong can propose to merge Umno, MCA abd MIC into a single BN party as per Onn Jaafar’s vision?

Xie Huang
Xie Huang
16 Dec 2018 12.30pm
Reply to  Norman

MCA should keep quiet for now like Gerakan as it has little credibitility after GE14.

16 Dec 2018 9.31pm
Reply to  Xie Huang

MCA, MIC & Gelakan should by now RIP in the Book of Life + Death!

15 Dec 2018 11.17pm

In a Malaysia Baru, race + religion, the twins of discriminative excuses should take a back seat. Which also means relook at the National Constitution … Article 153… Article 11 (freedom of religion) was taken to the extremes in fact the opposite of what it originally called for. Respect + tolerance are the keys to make it meaningful without extremism of threats, damage to properties & illegal kidnappings. And Article 12 (rights in respect of education) should be understood & put to practice even if it means abolishing the discriminative Matriculation which is against Article 12 – provides that there… Read more »