Saiful’s father Azlan Lazim speaks (Video)


Saiful’s father Azlan Lazim joins PKR and addresses the press, raising more questions in the minds of the public about what actually happened.

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SL Wong (@wong8898)
14 Mar 2013 11.25am

A beautiful trap must follow with some actions. What are the possible actions to gain votes? I got one here.

One or more PR man couple with the old actor suddenly appear to confess the setup of this drama. That could give PR a suprise uppercut

13 Mar 2013 10.56pm

Saifool is happy that he can get so much publicity that the whole knows that his backside has been ….. but the court say otherwise. If you back side has been sodomised would you be so happy to let the world know …

13 Mar 2013 9.31pm

I thought I read somewhere some BN analyst saying this won’t affect the vote i.e., that the issue has no milleage anymore? So why are the UMNO/BN cybertroopers all so worked up?

Calvin Sankaran
Calvin Sankaran
13 Mar 2013 7.18pm

It is sad to note that a formerly respected NGO activist has stooped so low to engage in such political partisanship. All we see here is anti BN propaganda. What relevance has Saiful’s father in the whole scheme of good governance and social justice? Just yesterday Anwar, Wong Tat and LGE made a massive U-turn and now say they will let Lynas operate if LAMP proves to be safe. Why don’t you cover that ? Why don’t you publish what happened during Sunday’s meeting with CM on the mega projects ? Why not tell everyone how LGE stubbornly refused to… Read more »

najib manaukau
13 Mar 2013 3.46pm

Almost daily scandals after scandals about Umno are being revealed to the public, thanks to the internet. Now all Malaysians, especially the morons in Umno, know that and there is absolutely nothing they can do to prevent them being revealed. These morons know their days are numbered and that is why Najib is just giving away the country’s money, after all it is not their own money. Just let the incoming regime tackle the problem when they take over Putrajaya. Everyone knows why even after their mandate to be the tenant of Putrajaya has run out as I predicted soon… Read more »

KY Ong
KY Ong
13 Mar 2013 2.43pm

There are 2 probable conclusions out of this: A) A father who sells his son to gain something personal for himself from Anwar Ibrahim. or B) A son who sell himself out for his own gain. However, regardless whether who is actually the one who is speaking the truth (whether it’s the father or the son), the father shouldn’t be seen joining PKR becos’ this will only make the entire scenario look like as if it’s ANWAR IBRAHIM & PKR who are the ones (enticing) … the father for such a sensational news. Hilariously the subtitle in the video dubbed… Read more »

13 Mar 2013 2.35pm

Unfortunately most malays still believe in Saiful as he made his sumpah in a mosque.