Poll: Should Kedah charge Penang for raw water?


Kedah Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir wants to impose a charge on Penang for raw water.

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To help you with the poll, here is a map showing the Muda River flowing from the north and then westwards along the northern Penang border with Kedah.

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Desmond Lee Chee Moon
3 Jul 2013 7.34am

This River belongs to the Nation and RAKYAT. of Malaysia and is a God given privilege to mankind for all to use. Only stupid and irrational leaders wants to exert and show they have power over God,nature and Rakyat by trying to impose charges on river water. Even the law of the nation does not permit such a thing as it is divided by the boundary by state or country. Penang is getting from Penang side of the river so no need even to discuss anything. Unless Kedah is supplying treated water as a service to Penang then it is… Read more »

2 Jul 2013 11.12pm

Stealing the duty free status from Penang was not enough, now want to seek no-work-done rentals brought to inheritance by Kutty Disease of 50 decades of rotten shame. This kind of rent seeking has brought about laziness of certain people whether in education competitiveness, economic pursuits or wealth building. Certainly, it doesn’t help in nation building of 1Malaysia, but create mistrust, envy & divisiveness between the haves & have nots of states. The inexperienced, green horned leader figure of Kedah may do well to learn the difficult art of mindful cooperation, tactful negotiation, manly-with-‘hoot’ grace & street-wise politics than to… Read more »

Kwok Weng Tuck
2 Jul 2013 4.35pm

Ground water is also possible next to the water table beside the Kuda River!

2 Jul 2013 1.08pm

Should charge but 1 rm per month

2 Jul 2013 3.43pm

Just like the m kutty who wanted to charge 3 cents to RM6.00, that is 200 times or revenge with a crooked bridge. Singaporean said haha go ahead and build your crooked bridge and what happened, the cronies get paid 100 millions for a few piling done. Now tried using the same tactics to Penagite. Can we allow it. Definitely nop with exception of super crony GK

2 Jul 2013 11.25am

EVEN if Penang was another country.. Kedah cannot charge for water under international laws and convention. The UN voted on this long time ago and many times.

Mukhriz may not be very bright but he knows this. He reason for raising this matter is something else. If you ask me, the real reason is HE IS JUST NOT A VERY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES and covering it up with something else.

inkless online voting @ GK
inkless online voting @ GK
2 Jul 2013 1.13am

Pakatan as always will promise you everything free even it is impossible to do so.

I see people cheating on this poll again.

2 Jul 2013 11.42am

No not cheating on polls. Its the m kutyy that tried to cheat the people of Penang.
His father tried to do that on the Singaporean and they fail.

They tried to (hoodwink) the Selangorian but the Selangorian see through the deceit and lies and PR gets a bigger majority. Now they try to do it here. Only (someone) like you support such action

1 Jul 2013 11.45pm


The article talks about an existing international agreement in principal, of «equitable utilization» of shared watercourses and the commitment not to cause «substantial injury» to co-riparian states.

So since the Sungai Muda flows naturally thru Penang, Penang owns some of the water. Of course what is a fair share can be debated. Kedah may have a case if they are also using lots of water and there isn’t enough to go around. But currently, excess water is flowing into the sea. If Penang doesn’t use it , its wasted, right?

sptay Penang
sptay Penang
1 Jul 2013 10.50pm

Kedah based its claims based on the fact that the headwaters of the Muda River starts in Kedah. If that is the case then China should charge India, Burma, Thailamd, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam for the water because most the rivers have their source in China….

1 Jul 2013 10.21pm

Nature’s water, forest & fresh air are national assets to be shared FOC within the nation’s boundary. Every Rakyat has a citizen’s right to these natural resources given by God Himself for mankind to use with care & neighbourly sharing, responsible attitude. Even at times of scarcity or crisis, these natural resources are not to be selfishly harboured, hoarded, fenced up or be used as high priced, non-negotiable commodities to one’s state ulterior advantage. At this present time, we should count ourselves blessed manifold with no long term water crisis that frequently befalls other nations/continents such as Africa & Central… Read more »

1 Jul 2013 10.09pm

Like his father try his luck with Singapore.Hopeless agreement with Singapore can’t solved but talk big until 2day.
rajraman.The son looks worst than the father – try to make money from ordinary Malaysia. Bully punya keluarga.

1 Jul 2013 9.38pm

This is rent seeking, pure and simple.

1 Jul 2013 9.32pm

Were there any charges when both were BN states? If not, isn’t it oppressing those who exercised their democratic right to vote their preferred representatives? No brainer.

Andrew I
1 Jul 2013 11.21pm
Reply to  klchan

Well, according to the msm, PAS wanted to charge when they were state government. Can anyone confirm?

2 Jul 2013 3.37pm
Reply to  Andrew I

Nobody can verify except the lies of m kutty and son