Parliament couldn’t get more finely balanced than this!

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Mahathir and Anwar are in opposition ranks - but will their truce hold?

Someone asked me this morning whether I knew the current state of our 222-seat Parliament.

So I looked it up (Wikipedia 30 May 2020), rearranged the figures and then adjusted it for the Sri Gading resignation yesterday (ie assuming he joined the Bersatu independents on the PH side, which wasn’t 100% clear) and came up with this table. See full article on Aliran website

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10 Jun 2020 10.47am

Malaysia’s recent progress on the world Corruption Perception Index (CPI) could be reversed next year following the prosecution’s withdrawal of charges against former Sabah leader Musa Aman and Hollywood producer Riza Aziz, the local chapter of Transparency International indicated.

MO1 could be similarly acquitted on July 28?

8 Jun 2020 12.10pm

Economy is getting bad, more retrenchment is imminent. Now cash is king.

Worst thing is our back door government is clueless, only focus on banning liquor.

8 Jun 2020 10.57am

black lives matter. From Minneapolis, black lives matter has spread around the world, from north to south and west to east, Down Under in all majpr cities, people brave Covid 19 and even the Japanese protest against RACIAL discrimation when a turkish man pushed down. Of course, here we are third country on this matter and totally blind.

7 Jun 2020 8.05pm

Interesting comment by Malaysiakini reader: 1. Bersatu is going to merge with UMNO 2. The short-sighted non-Malay MPs who jumped from PKR to Bersatu are going to be left out to dry for their stupidity since they can’t join UMNO, they need to join MCA or MIC but they have no supporters in those parties so they’re going to fade into irrelevance 3. BN is going to win the 15th GE in 2023 and we are going to go back to the status quo of the last 60+ years. 4. Malaysia will continue it’s decline as countries around us progress.… Read more »

8 Jun 2020 5.31pm
Reply to  YMT

The greatest national and international pirates finance and demand the crude disagreements over race, religion, etc. including claims that others got a bigger share of the pie. Would anyone dare to overthrow a govt. without such support? Has there been any slow-down in the plunder — anywhere — even in the present pandemic?   In USA today, apart from getting police to assault people in full view of cameras, they are delivering pallets of bricks in the hope that the subsequent demonstrators will use them to riot.   Singapore parliament has been funtioning regularly and normally all this while. Their… Read more »

13 Jun 2020 4.31pm

Dr Mahathir: Muhyiddin will ensure Umno MPs under corruption charges will get off scot-free

In a Facebook status update, Tun Mahathir said that the 6 Umno lawmakers are Pekan MP Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Bagan Datuk MP Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Putrajaya MP Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor, Baling MP Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, Pontian MP Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan and Kinabatangan MP Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin.

“If these six are found guilty by the court, they are no longer MPs. Therefore, Muhyiddin’s supporters will drop to 108 — which is less than half.”

Khun Pana
Khun Pana
8 Jun 2020 11.07pm

Only by having a general election can settle this feud. It is insane to support those known corrupted crooks.

8 Jun 2020 3.22pm

KUALA LUMPUR, June 8 — Those with deep pockets can use big data to manipulate the minds of voters in political campaigns, and ultimately even influence (pukau) them into glorifying and worshipping a crook as a hero, Tun Dr Mahathir said today.

8 Jun 2020 12.16pm

Have you notice that Gerakan is now trying to offer itself to PN? Even rice donated by Gerakan to B40 also carry the photo of PM8.

Maybe Dominic think he could be an asset for PN to retake Penang?

But its youth Jason Loo is already not happy with Dominic.

8 Jun 2020 5.39pm
Reply to  nanho

Dominic is hoping that Muhideen and Asmin & co could join Gerakan in the event that Bersatu is dissolved by ROS? Or is he hoping to get a GLC position?

Bayi Yoda
Bayi Yoda
9 Jun 2020 11.29am
Reply to  nanho

Jason Loo alikes, young and aspirational, but progress in party being blocked by stale veterans, and should now merge with others with same enthusiams to cater for the needs of young mobile genearations.

8 Jun 2020 11.38am

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addressed the nation on Sunday (Jun 7) on Singapore’s future in a post COVID-19 world. His speech is the first in a series of national broadcasts from Jun 7 to Jun 20, when Cabinet ministers will lay out plans to lead the country out of the economic crisis.

The government of little red dot is devising strategies to face the ‘crisis of a generation’. Our PM8 can certainly learn from them.

Bayi Yoda
Bayi Yoda
5 Jun 2020 4.26pm

Anil when PH returns than cable car RM100 million to go ahead?
We look forward to new faces in GE15 as the old guards are tiring to vision?

Bayi Yoda
Bayi Yoda
6 Jun 2020 8.40am
Reply to  Anil Netto

Anil do seize the opportunity to get RM50 in your e-wallet courtesy of present government if you missed RM30 when first rolled out by Pakatan.
PN gives RM20 than PH never mind the coffer to dry up fast as future generations to bear the debt for us now to enjoy.

8 Jun 2020 12.12pm
Reply to  Bayi Yoda

got money now must take.
I pay taxes so now is time to take back.
Else money will be wasted in corrupted kleptrocracy that had returned. Since mo1 can enjoy Super Ring in glee.

8 Jun 2020 5.36pm
Reply to  Bayi Yoda

RM50 e-wallet credit conditional on downloading MySejahtera app

Not sure if MySejahtera app would collect your personal info for PN’s big data analysis, and manipulate voters as claimed by Tun M?

6 Jun 2020 2.12pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

The mess we are in is because the capital from these deficits is not returning wealth to the country, directly or otherwise. According to Modern Monetary Theory (as refined from late 1990s), it is normal for a govt. to incur deficits for productive or vital (safety) purposes. This presupposes eliminating the blood-sucking corruption or blackmail of the elite. Russia and China are prime examples. Foreign currency or exports are only relevant to pay for imports.   We now near great gasps of horror over “helicopter” money dumped on the masses — from the same gang that has been diverting public… Read more »

5 Jun 2020 2.24pm

Do not forget the new mantra:
“Ikut Nasihat Abah; Kita Mesti Menang”.

8 Jun 2020 12.14pm
Reply to  YMT

“Luaskan Kuasamu” (enlarge your power base) is the tagline in JDT. So we know what to expect. Only Tun M had to guts to counter this, not DSAI.