

This is the question on the lips of many Malaysians. Obviously some people are not feeling very confident.

Someone sent this to me by email. I don’t know who designed it but I think it sums up our situation. Is the delay because more vote-buying (aka handouts) has to be done?


This whole charade and guessing game over the election date is ridiculous and turning us into a laughing stock. It has drained the country of resources (incluing public financial resources for handouts) and energy.

The guessing game smacks also of a power-trip for ruling coalition leaders. They seem to enjoy keeping the public waiting and guessing while they search for “inspiration (ilham)“.

There has to be a better system and hopefully, we won’t see a repeat in GE14. If the BN government wants to wait for the full term, then let’s go for full terms from now on – barring ‘no confidence’ motions – and come up with a new rule that forbids handouts of any sort (apart from institutionalised welfare assistance) in say, the last three months before the term is up.

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Gerakan K
Gerakan K
2 Apr 2013 6.19pm

So goood !!! RM1000 for petronas staff[1] !!! ‘WHEN’ is your turn to receive windfall from BN ??? We feel so good about BN administration. Unlimited prosperity ahead if people giving a strong mandate to BN.

Do the right thing, Janji Ditepati,

BN [X] – Pakatan [ ]

[1] Najib urges Petronas staff to back BN, announces RM1,000 handout (http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/najib-urges-petronas-staff-to-back-bn-announces-rm1000-handout/)

2 Apr 2013 10.33am

Jangan-jangan Naj1b nak PRU13 pada Mei 13 demi mencapai tujuan sebenar filem Tanda Putera ia itu jadi hero melayu macam bapa dia?

2 Apr 2013 7.22am

For many of us, it’s not the question of “Bila?” For 5 decades (that’s a lifetime) of …. evil propensities unheard of pre-Merdeka days of mutual co-existence, the Rakyat across racial lines have had suffered in the halo names of Malay Dilemma, 513, Bahasa Melayu, 1-Race Supremacy, Education>Employment>Financial>Culture Hegemony, & all the nonsense preached & made common practice… Our patience will not wear us out. Like Harimau Malaya, we will wait patently to pouch at the given opportunity – to VOTE OUT this … diseased regime from every bit of soil of Tanah Cinta Ku. For many of us, it’s… Read more »

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
1 Apr 2013 10.55pm

When FLOM gives the nod !

1 Apr 2013 10.36pm

That’s a good design which sums up the frustration of many Malaysians who are eager to VOTE ! I have been waiting for a year now, “living my life” months by months, allowing me the possibility of having to go back to vote at short notice – no thanks to our hesitating undecided govt !!!! At one stage with high anticipation of GE to be around, I bought lots of chocolate, biscuits, etc … yummy stuff usually requested back home …but in the end have to eat them all by my family or given away before the expiry date! But… Read more »

1 Apr 2013 9.13pm

When Mahathir gives the nod

1 Apr 2013 8.48pm

Let us all come out in full force to make sure that PR achieve a very substantial victory. It will be a useless victory if PR win by less than a simple majority of 10 seats as Ah Cheap will resort to the same scenario such as the Perak grab. Please PR people don’t be too happy now.

Lets us assist and come out in full force to counter these cheat and buying of adun

1 Apr 2013 7.26pm

Parliament will dissolve automatically by end of April. So please define late. Today is 1st of April.

2 Apr 2013 4.12am
Reply to  Carlos


1 Apr 2013 6.10pm

We must thank PM for entertaining us:

1 Apr 2013 5.29pm

Yes, ““ the word now is “When, When, When, When is the CHANGE ““`.

Don`t worry it will not be long

1 Apr 2013 5.01pm

Wow just got the news that Ah Cheat has already dissolved Parliament.

Arh, I just don`t believed it. You know why !!!. He is such a chicken and will be going to pray for his survival. Would he want to lose a few days of campaigning!!!

SL Wong (@wong8898)
1 Apr 2013 3.45pm

The enemy are relaxing in the dark & we are tiring in the bright. They kinda waiting for something (chance) that could surely boost their fighting spirits to the max then the war shall begins.

Hope our “UBAH” spirits & determination to fight the devils will continue from now on & keep pushing to no end. I am sure the victory is with us.

najib manaukau
1 Apr 2013 3.38pm

As I predicted, since Najib took office, he is going to enjoy the glamour of the job as P.M/ for as long as he can or as long as the law allows. There you are !

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
1 Apr 2013 3.35pm

‘WHEN’ is the popular word now. Not the word ‘CHANGE’ or ‘UBAH’. ‘WHEN’ is my turn to receive santa claus gift from BN ??? Someone told me that now BN is practicing GENUINE negara kebajikan !!! Not the ‘janji tidak ditepati’ negara kebajikan by PAS. There are lots of excitement in current atmosphere and people are expecting the next windfall for their segment. BR1M, BR1M 2.0, youths, students, civil servant, armed forces personnels, Telekom, Pos Malaysia, etc. Who next and ‘WHEN’ ??? Hmm, this is the joy of waiting the next windfall from BN !!! p/s: I can’t wait to… Read more »

1 Apr 2013 5.39pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Yaya, now I know who are the “REAL“ touch and go candidate, Penang UMNO & Gerakan 2nd boo hood Teng Chang Yeow

Running away from his 3 terms constituency.

Win 3 times, lose 1 time and already a chicken.

And you call that a leader who fight for his people, My foot

1 Apr 2013 5.45pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Lots of windfall now
Vote Ah Cheap again
You will get sky falling on you

Andrew I
Andrew I
1 Apr 2013 5.58pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Sung to London bridge is falling down tune:

Gher-kin K is wor-ried now, wor-ried now, wor-ried now,
Gher-kin K is des-perate now
For his P-M.

1 Apr 2013 8.41pm
Reply to  Andrew I

Ha ha I like it…

2 Apr 2013 1.58pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Borrow money, go into debt, to give away money now…then pay interest. That’s a good plan?

1 Apr 2013 2.43pm

Recently Hisham and the butoh m kitty has been talking of chaos chaos chaos by PR when in fact they are the guys that have been doing it. Are they trying to extend their life line by creating a reason for an emergency ordinance that will postpone the election indefinitely?

2 Apr 2013 10.37am
Reply to  Yang

Sementara menunggu PRU13, mari kita hiburkan kita dengan video ini:

1 Apr 2013 1.12pm

Don’t know why Najib and UMNO/BN worry so much. Their Kollywood hero is out there to Rambo all their enemies all at once

1 Apr 2013 1.00pm

Yes there is a better system.

It’s a set date in the constitution for GE so that everyone knows that Parliament will be dissolve on the last Friday of a specific month, and there will be approximately 4-5 weeks of campaign period, and election date will be the first Saturday/Sunday of the 2nd month after Parliament’s dissolution, every 4 years.

That will take the guess work out of when it’ll be, and would not impact the country economically with the endless guessing game and also the forcing of employees to take “Cuti” just to go back and vote.

1 Apr 2013 2.49pm
Reply to  mandom808

Don`t bet on 4-5 weeks of campaigning unless that EC Chairman suddenly got attracted to Anwar. If you got 10 days, it would have been damn lucky for PR. In fact campaign has already started.