Seri Setia and Balakong by-elections: Mixed results in terms of vote share


The vote share in the two by-elections in Seri Setia and Balakong revealed mixed results, so neither side can be too pleased.

Seri Setia

8 September by-election

PH – 58.6%
Pas – 41.4%
Total – 100.0% (valid votes cast)

Voter turnout – 44%

9 May general election

PH – 66.6%
BN – 22.5%
Pas – 10.4%
Ind – 0.5%
Total – 100%

BN + Pas = 32.9%

This should be cause for concern for PH as the vote share for Pas (41.4%) in the by-election was higher than the combined BN and Pas total of 32.9% at the general election. Perhaps PH would do well to look into the needs of the B40, especially the cost of living in relation to low wages. The RM50 increase in the minimum wage is hardly likely to ease the strain felt by many. If more can be done to ease the plight of the B40, chances are they would be less likely to be manipulated by the old politics of race and religion.


8 September by-election

PH – 84.7%
MCA – 15.3%
Total – 100%

Voter turnout – 43%

9 May general election

PH – 77.5%
BN – 10.9%
Pas – 11.6%
Total – 100%

(BN+Pas = 22.5%)

So the MCA did not fare so well on its own, despite using its own logo instead of the dacing and despite Pas backing it. The MCA got just 15% of the valid votes cast in the by-election compared to the BN-Pas total of 22.5% in the general election.

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10 Sep 2018 8.27am

PH must be wary of BR1M addicts shifting support to Umno-PAS alliance in protest of government’s austerity drive that will cut and eventually remove BR1M, and that mere RM50 increase in min wage. Low turnout could be due to bad weather, extra long weekend holiday that voters went outstation cuti-cuti Malaysia, and assumptions that PH could win comfortably. MCA and MIC must state their stand on the possible R&R (race & religion) tag team partnership of Umno-PAS. Zahid has agreed to participate in PAS assembly and we could possibly see MCA’s Liow and Wee there too. Meanwhile Chua Soi… Read more »

11 Sep 2018 11.25am
Reply to  Norman

Orso no forget ah pek. Kau beh kau bu and threaten to vote non pH. See how good are those dummo adun.

Long Xuan
Long Xuan
15 Sep 2018 7.04pm

Can social media spy on you?

Do not complain if you are active user of Facebook.

16 Sep 2018 12.44pm
Reply to  Long Xuan

That guy who claimed to be spied on should stop using social media to flaunt his wealth. Sickening sick.

16 Sep 2018 3.41pm
Reply to  Long Xuan

Cookies are planted to your smartphone when you visit internet sites. Your phone could even be used for crypto mining for others without your knowledge. Your photos uploaded to cloud will become public domain, in case you do not read the fine print!

12 Sep 2018 5.34pm

Danyal Balagopal is selling out Port Dickson voters to pave way for ‘6P’ DSAI? Voters turnout will again be very low. MIC must make way for Umno. DSAI must shed his Islamic agenda to get the support of non-Muslims.

13 Sep 2018 12.33pm
Reply to  Norman

The new Indian party MAP will replace MIC soon.

15 Sep 2018 10.46am
Reply to  Norman

The move to force a by-election in the Port Dickson parliamentary seat is wrong and a disservice to voters and democracy, says Datuk S. Ambiga.

16 Sep 2018 12.44pm
Reply to  Norman

Must boycott.

15 Sep 2018 10.36am

Lim Guan Eng has convinced investors and market watchers that he is at least as able as Najib in handling the Finance Ministry.

Following initial fears that the portfolio was beyond the trained accountant’s abilities, predicated on a foreign capital exodus after the general election and his erratic remarks during early days in the role, economists now believe Lim is up to handling the crucial portfolio.

13 Sep 2018 5.10pm

PAS is now playing the big brother to Umno?

Likely so, since Zahid Komedi is still clueless without any sense of direction after the 509 hangover.

12 Sep 2018 3.42am

Important factors which which be considers in such analyses are that:- Balakong (N27) is a Chinese majority seat with Chinese 61.07%; Malay 29.25%; Indian 8.79%. Seri Setia (N32) is a marginally Malay majority seat with Malay 54.13%; Indian 24.38%; Chinese 19.7%. Sungai Kandis (N49) is a vastly Malay majority seat with Malay 71.54%; Indian 15.62%; Chinese 11.67%. Setting aside the low turnout – i.e. the lower number of total votes, in percentage terms, the overwhelming percentage of votes for PH (DAP) versus MCA in Balakong is not surprising but the 8.02 percentage point swing away from PH in Seri… Read more »

Johan Khun Pana
Johan Khun Pana
11 Sep 2018 12.09am

Okay, so BN is officially with PAS. Good for them.They want to mate, let them mate. Afterall, DAP and PKR was with PAS before. The real issue is with Pakatan . Mahathir is in hubristic mode with Beijing , Singapore & Washington. In business , trade ,legal contracts & technology we do not try to act arrogant. We are not winning any. And our PH representatives (Amanah , Pribumi and Wan Azizah too) are siding with PAS when it comes to raiding and persecuting gays or lesbians. In future, a high % of voters would not even bother voting. Only… Read more »

11 Sep 2018 11.39am

“is it difficult to have leaders with visions Building a modern and a true democratic Malaysia” – The answer is Yes. Fact is “Malaysia Baru” is an amalgamation cobbled recklessly by Anwar and Mahathir to beat kleptocratic mediocre Najib. Malaysia Baru was a means, a tool, not the top priority and vision of many involved in PH. PH got is hardly safe given the many diverse and big pressure that pulls at it. UMNO is political feed to PAS. In the short term, they are real threats unless UMNO can be further castrated or amputated. PAS is too strong to… Read more »

12 Sep 2018 5.15am

“Only those who want BR1M and the Talibans will actually vote.” Such contempt shown towards BR1M recipients by presumably Pakatan supporters like you and others here puts me off. Whilst BR1M is no doubt a populist measure introduced by Najib, however it has its merits in that it provides some financial assistance to low income earners, including retirees, the elderly and the unemployed or under-employed to help them cope with the high cost of living. The amounts paid out bi BR1M are just pocket money and insufficient for most to live on for a month, especially in urban areas such… Read more »

12 Sep 2018 1.10pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

“BR1M …has its merits in that it provides some financial assistance to low income earners, including retirees, the elderly and the unemployed or under-employed to help them cope with the high cost of living.”

But are you sure up to 7 million folks really need such BR1M? Those earning SingDollar and never pay income tax to Malaysia also apply and get BR1M.

12 Sep 2018 10.04pm
Reply to  Norman

Then scrutinise BR1M applicants more stringently, not throw out BR1M altogether.

Here is a list of criteria and persons who would qualify to receive BR1M.

I’m pretty sure the 7 million Malaysians who receive BR1M is not excessive, even though there may be some amongst them who cheat.

How many heads of Malaysian households earn more than RM4,000 per month and how many young working adults earn above RM2,000 per month?

Anyway, all the people I know who have got BR1M are people over 60 years of age who are either retirees, unemployed or both.

14 Sep 2018 8.50pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

Close scrutiny no need to get workers? Pay them Rm1.5k or you think it is free?

12 Sep 2018 1.14pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss


“The president of my residents association said that the kind of changes being made by the Pakatan federal and state governments are NOT what we want from them.

12 Sep 2018 6.22pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

Money drop from sky or why not like the west tax from 30 to 50%?

12 Sep 2018 10.06pm
Reply to  Shriek

I pad my taxes when I was working, so why not I get some of it back?

13 Sep 2018 9.04pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

You pay peanuts and expect to get raja pisang? Today still can find bullock wheels?

16 Sep 2018 12.45pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

No big deal everyone paid tax on GST last 3 years.

13 Sep 2018 9.43am
Reply to  Shriek

Just see what has happened to Argentina.

14 Sep 2018 8.47pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

In short, when did dummo gomen lift up the rakyat living std for 60 years? Keep giving rakyat peanuts. South Korea, Taiwan or even China advance.
How to give $1.5k wages when now new gomen is burdened by jib khor? You want too see more taxes?

12 Sep 2018 5.51am

Contd /- On the other hand, agreed that Mahathir is damaging Malaysia’s future economic prospects and those of the people by being like a bull in a china shop in relations with China and Singapore. As for some PH representatives’ siding with PAS with regards persecution of gays and lesbians, I do not think that is a major factor in the low turnout in these two byelections, especially not in Seri Setia, an urban, lower to lower-middle income income area adjacent to affluent Sunway and Subang Jaya. Seri Setia is a marginally Malay constituency (54.13%), followed by Indian 24.38%). Such… Read more »

13 Sep 2018 5.43pm

MIC has indicated that it will cooperate with Islamic party PAS in the future.

MIC president S.A Vigneswaran said he felt comfortable after meeting PAS president Hadi Awang.

16 Sep 2018 12.46pm
Reply to  Norman

Mic why not just quit BN. Sickeningly sick.

10 Sep 2018 6.57am

The biggest issue with Seri Setia is not about comparing just to GE-14. It’s compared to Sg. Kandis result. UMNO-PAS alliance works for PAS, but does not for UMNO. This means PAS gets stronger at UMNO expense dividing this country deeper along religious lines. Throwing money at B40 without an answer to the deepening schism is bottomless waste.

13 Sep 2018 12.35pm
Reply to  Bigjoe

Tell the B40 to upgrade skills for better paying jobs before technological disruption will hit them with robotics and digitalisation. They cannot compete with Vietnam or Cambodia to do factory jobs anymore.

14 Sep 2018 2.28pm
Reply to  Thomas

Good point.

10 Sep 2018 3.18am

Thank you Anil for the wake-up call. It’s important that PH becoming mainstream will not mean emulating the characteristics of the former government.

10 Sep 2018 12.29pm
Reply to  Raz

Another wake upcall: The financial crisis affecting developing countries arrived in full-scale fashion in our region last week when the Indonesian economy experienced shocks reminiscent of the Asian crisis 20 years ago. With the crisis coming so close to home, it is time to contemplate what may unfold in the near future and list measures to respond to each scenario, so that we are not taken by surprise. PH must quickly convince rakyat that Regim BN really mismanaged and abused our nation’s coffer and plunged us with RM1 trillion debt, by quickly put to trial and jail those corrupted… Read more »

12 Sep 2018 6.04am
Reply to  Norman

Jailing the kleptocrats for a 1,000 years will not prevent the financial crisis from hitting Malaysia and if it hits and the PH government imposes austerity measures on the people and fails to mitigate its impact upon Malaysia’s economy and the people’s livelihoods, I don’t think most people affected will have the time or inclination to bother much about the kleptocrats and what they had done in the past.

Whilst most of those who voted for Pakatan in GE14 will not switch and vote BN or PAS, however they quite likely will be willing to protest against the Pakatan government.

13 Sep 2018 9.08pm
Reply to  IT.Scheiss

Why not go and vote dummo again? They are very happy to get screw and ripped off in billions in name of religion and race?

14 Sep 2018 2.29pm
Reply to  Norman

Warren Buffet and Gordon Brown both predicted financial crisis will come again. Be warned.