DAP senator, assembly member hauled up


Two DAP politicians have been hauled up, one for allegedly speaking about the Bersih event and the other for allegedly sporting a Bersih T-shirt.

Senator S Ramakrishnan was hauled up for speaking on the Bersih rally during a Kuala Langat DAP dinner earlier tonight. His statement was recorded at the Banting Police Station in Kuala Langat.

An accountant by training, Ramakrishnan lectures at the Metropolitan College, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

Selangor state assembly member Philip Tan Choon Swee (Teluk Datuk) could be in trouble too for allegedly wearing a Bersih 2.0 T-shirt, tweeted Lim Kit Siang.

Both politicians are being investigated for a possible charge under s112 of the Criminal Procedure Code. They were released on police bail late at night.

Meanwhile, Anwar Ibrahim, Nurul Izzah, Latheefa Koya, Surendran and Sivarasa have been called to give their statements at the Dang Wangi District Police Headquarters tomorrow, Tuesday.

Maria Chin Abdullah, Irene Fernandez, and Hisham Rais have been asked to give their statements on Wednesday.

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28 Jun 2011 12.24pm

Definasi Kriminal di mata mata-mata Msia cukup kelabu (grey) ?

Kes ugut, kes samun, kes buang bayi, kes rogol, kes ugut, kes rasuah itu betul betul kriminal dan patut diambil tindakan tepat dan telus. Polis harus dideploy untuk kes kes tersebut.

Peaceful gathering bermaksud Aman berkumpul.

28 Jun 2011 10.13am

No wonder your crime rates have gone up exponentially as limited resources are being diverted for all the wrong reasons. I think this time, the rakyat are really fed-up up to their eye brows and will make their intentions known at the next GE. No decent human being can think of belonging to BN and their aligned parties when even Pak Samad is being questioned for reading out a poem when we all know he deserves nothing less than another gold medal!

28 Jun 2011 10.03am

Come on true Malaysians who believe in DEMOCRACY, all wear the yellow bersih T, are they going to haul up everyone!! Yellow Bird come sing along with me….
It is time up for these dodgy, corrupted liars. …Unity is Strength!

28 Jun 2011 8.22am

HAve a couple of standard templates for giving police statement so that the public (everyday 10,000 potential “offenders”) can use for supporting Bersih be it for wearing Tshirts, handing out leaflets, waving flags, public speaking, assembly, raising the fists, kopitiam forums, etc so that the police stations become the country’s centers of economics activities whereby vendors set up stalls aroud the police stations. 1Malaysia Transformation programme!!!!

28 Jun 2011 6.23am

The way the police are hauling up everyone for questioning, makes me feel like we are in state of emergency, that our country is about to be invaded by some foreign forces and the conspirators of the enemy are now being brought in for interrogations. For heaven’s sake, you mata-mata, it is only a peaceful march by the rakyat to seek simple reforms to our electoral system. It is not like we are going to start an armed revolution of sorts….

Jalil Din
Jalil Din
28 Jun 2011 6.38pm
Reply to  Billy

Polis chief Ismail reports to his master Hishamudin.
Pasti ‘ikut perintah’ BN tangkap orang konon nak buat kacau padahal cuma ‘peaceful walk’.
Prioriti dah salah!