Reconsider decision to drop reform-minded political activists as candidates


Many people are disappointed about this. Aliran has just issued the following statement:

It is deeply disturbing to see dedicated politicians of integrity being dropped by Pakatan Harapan as candidates for the next general election.

Several of these are individuals, mostly from activist backgrounds, who are known to be hardworking and caring towards their constituents. As a result, they have gained traction with many of their constituents across the spectrum because they have been sensitive to their needs and concerns.

These electoral assets – Charles Santiago, Maria Chin Abdullah, R Sivarasa and others – do not deserve to be cast away after having effectively served the people and their respective parties with sheer dedication.

These politicians, through their inclusive approach, have made a marked difference in a society riddled with corruption, discrimination and the toxic politics of race and religion.

If anything, their political and societal contributions could have provided political ‘ammunition’ for PH in the face of intense competition from rival coalitions.

It is also important to remember that some of those dropped were involved in the movement for reforms and change, from Reformasi in 1998 until the defeat of Umno in 2018. This people’s movement for change is much bigger than the mainstream political parties. To discard such people who have played such a key role in this wider movement leaves a bitter taste, especially when remnants of the old discredited order are still clinging on to power.

We call upon PH leaders to reconsider their decision, which many people have received with disbelief and utter disappointment.

Whilst it is the prerogative of the leadership of the respective coalitions and parties to pick candidates whom they believe are ‘winnable’, there is also a need to instil confidence in voters by putting forward credible candidates. There must be greater transparency and accountability to voters who are the final decision-makers in the electoral process.

As for the proposed PH electoral pact with the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), the delay in finalising negotiations for an electoral pact, which finally fell through, will affect PSM and its candidates’ preparations for the general election on 19 November.

PSM chairperson, Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, was an outstanding two-term parliamentarian, familiar with the concerns of grassroots communities. It is a pity that there is no place for him and other reform-minded political activists in PH, which is standing on a reform platform that should also encompass a broad range of grassroots concerns.

It is high time to review the first-past-the-post electoral system. We call on the Election Commission to seriously consider other more viable options, like the proportional representation system, for implementation soon. This would allow voters to cast their ballots for the party of their choice separately from their choice of candidates.

We call on all political parties to have more reliable and valid criteria for the selection of candidates. They must have integrity and competence and practise inclusivity. They must be aware of the critical global issues – like climate change and international human rights treaties – that will have an impact on the local situation.

Candidates should also be able to wholeheartedly uphold and put into practice the key principles of the People’s Agenda, which has been endorsed by 58 civil society groups:

  • Uphold the dignity and quality of life of the people
  • Promote equitable, sustainable development and address the climate crisis
  • Celebrate diversity and inclusivity
  • Save democracy and uphold the rule of law
  • Fight corruption and cronyism

In short, parties must select candidates who put People and the Ecosystem before Profits.

Aliran executive committee
31 October 2022

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3 Nov 2022 7.25am

The ringgit is likely to hit 5.00 against the US dollar, its record low, in the next six months.

The Malaysian currency is also expected to fall slightly against the Singapore dollar to reach a new low of RM3.35 to RM3.45 range, if ringgit volatility rises sharply and the Singapore dollar remains resilient.

3 Nov 2022 8.53pm
Reply to  Viva

All Pha very happy to see under BeEnd to hit RM5. Truly Instant Asia and Truly Boleh??

Hew Man
Hew Man
7 Nov 2022 1.43pm
Reply to  Viva

Why PN and BN dare not tell us why they caused ringgit downfall?

I trust PH only can reverse the downward trend of Ringgit!

3 Nov 2022 4.02am

Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) has revealed that it will only be vying for seats in BN strongholds in this general election.

PSM deputy chairperson S Arutchelvan told reporters at a press conference today that the decision to still contest came after much deliberation within the party’s central committee.

Did you get it, Siti Kasim?

Hew Man
Hew Man
7 Nov 2022 1.44pm
Reply to  luca

Siti may not get back her deposit as voters do not want to split votes for BN to profit!

7 Nov 2022 9.38pm
Reply to  Hew Man

We need some independents in the Parliament. They are no yes persons. Siti is flamboyant and will make the Parliament more interesting. Under BN, they control the way Rakyat had to dress. PKR just keep quiet. Former actor and actress P Ramlee and Saloma will be turn away and had to dress more middle east. Malaysia not instant Asia but instant Mid-East. More other races are wearing kebayas than the original race

2 Nov 2022 7.15am

Trending in GE15 is dropping old guards?

BN drops Umno warlords Annuar Musa, Shahidan Kassim, Tajuddin from GE15 line-up

2 Nov 2022 12.47pm

R Sivarasa could be reinstated to rival Khairy at Sungai Buluh?

3 Nov 2022 8.57pm
Reply to  luca

PKR boss does not want Sivarasa again just like DAP to Charles. Get it? Tan, Theresa, Fong are on 5 and 6th terms.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
4 Nov 2022 12.51am

shriek Reply to Alpha 888 ( A Voter ) 3 Nov 2022 6.52am – ( All pha, many …… ) ======== Hallo shriek, have you noticed that for this GE15, DAP did not come up with any silly slogans….. so far. Have they wised up about using slogan in this GE15 election especially with Alpha and Omega lurking around ? Hee Hee. Maybe they may, sometime later, within the next 15 or so days during their campaigning if they have to announce some news not acceptable by their supporters. Heard Pakatan Harapan Opposition has an election theme for this GE15, called ” Kita Boleh ” and… Read more »

6 Nov 2022 5.22pm

All pha – you dont know Bah Mal? After 88 years you dont know what is “kita” and its meaning? All Pha you have many to say because you takut and believe PH will win.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
4 Nov 2022 10.16am

” MAT HASAN : KJ WILL DO WELL IN SUNGAI BULOH ” by Sarban Singh dd Friday, 04 Nov 2022 ======== Very true, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan. Many a sleepless night must have been spend trying to figure out how to contain the spread of Covid-19 from destroying our Nation and its Rakyat. Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin with his dedicated team of planners etc, and together with his dedicated front liners, finally managed to contain and bring down the spread of this deadly virus. Now our Rakyat are able to breath and move around a lot more better. But the work… Read more »

6 Nov 2022 5.18pm

All pha – tell us or link us which country in the world is not doing well? Which country is overwhelmeed by Covid? Please tell us 1/888 of the countries in the world is badly affected by Covid

7 Nov 2022 6.31pm

Why have so high regards for KJ?

He graduated from Oxford but mingles with corrupted people. Strange? Cannot understand why he chose wrong party if he has the IQ or EQ.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
9 Nov 2022 12.26pm
Reply to  Owyeong

Why high regards for KJ? Because he is good in his planning, operations, logistics and coordination on a national scale platform. Now, that requires brains.

And it will always be strange for you and because of it you will never be able to understand.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
2 Nov 2022 5.16pm

A1 == PKR MAY RECONSIDER SG. BULOH CANDIDATE AFTER KJ NAMED AS BN HOPEFUL, SAYS RAFIZI dd Wednesday, 02 Nov 2022 12:33 PM MYT ======== Khairy Jamaluddin aka KJ and his team worked tirelessly to secure our Nation and protect our Rakyat from a deadly virus called Covid-19 that impacted the whole world and the work is still ongoing. We Rakyat appreciates Barisan Nasional for recognizing its member/s tireless efforts in ensuring the safety of our Rakyat and the security of our Nation Unlike the Pakatan Harapan Opposition coalition which has dropped most of it hardworking members from contesting in… Read more »

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
2 Nov 2022 5.16pm

A2 == WE RAKYAT ARE ASKING…. SERIOUSLY, IS GOVERNING OUR NATION NOW A FAMILY BUSINESS ???  Are there no other capable members in the Pakatan Harapan Opposition Coalition to choose from to contest in the coming GE15 ??? Why drop these hardworking members from contesting in the coming GE15 ??? Why bring in family members to contest in a General Election ??? Is it because of the huge salaries, allowances, fees and a life time pension ??? Some politicians hold multiple position, as MP’s, state assembly-persons, chairman of state agencies, some even in different states. Must be some kind of super politicians.… Read more »

3 Nov 2022 6.52am

All pha, many gens in pekan? Your BeEnd started this culture to make Little Napoleons jumping with joy.They have to pander to divison supporters

3 Nov 2022 6.07pm Your MCA wants to bring panda to Taiping as compare to Charles talking about National Water and Enviroment. Looking after Panda – not chip chip. Panda needs Air Cond environment otherwise will be jumping and turn into Monkey. I have seen Pandas and they only eat and sleep.

6 Nov 2022 10.04am
Reply to  shriek

Already got Food Panda, enough already.

Don’t waste money to maintain real Panda, also unlikely PRC can give you.

Can go to Zoo Negara or Mandai Zoo to see real pandas.

11 Nov 2022 12.43pm
Reply to  Brocky

Also can watch Kung Fu Panda on your TV Box.

MCA Youth said things without using their heads. How to represent us in parliament?

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
2 Nov 2022 10.12am

dd Tuesday, 01 Nov 2022 10:38 PM MYT


You are nationally known as the person ( with your team ) who arrested the spread of Covid-19 in our country. Anywhere you contest in our Nation for this coming GE15, you should be a WINNER. That is the least we Rakyat can do for you to show our appreciation and gratitude. Thank you.

3 Nov 2022 6.57am

All pha- what so rocket science in arresting Covid? Even a std 6 can do it as everyone knows how Covid spread and how they can be stopped. See India with 1.3B solve their Covid. What appreciation? Rakyat has to pay for additional vaccines as they are outsource to private. How much are those vaccines? Cost more than the Local Struct Plan Report.

3 Nov 2022 2.17pm

KJ looked good because his predecessor Adham Baba was simply terrible as Health Minister. Anyway it was vaccines that arrested the spread of Covid-19.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
5 Nov 2022 4.37pm
Reply to  Silverberg

Hallo Silverbird, so you think KJ is just a pretty boy and the vaccines moved their way around all on their own, found the humans and injected themselves into their bodies. How chaotic was the Penang’s Covid-19 situation? How many died due to the deadly virus ? 

We had the Opposition leaders running the show in Penang, with all the contradicting instructions, finger pointing and blaming each other. Then KJ stepped in, and there was order and the subsiding of the deadly virus.

6 Nov 2022 10.07am

Without Sheraton Move, Lee Boon Chye could have done similar job, if not better to begin with. KJ is overrated.

7 Nov 2022 2.31pm
Reply to  Brocky

KJ looks good before the rest of Umbo is hopelessly useless. Simple as that.

6 Nov 2022 5.28pm

All pha – In the states who are the health exco? Any state education exco? None. All under under your BN Health Minister and Education. KJ takes over because the BN predecessor knows how to tell rakyat drink warm water to cure covid and many houses put up flags and beg for lunch boxes. Why all pha no mentions this?

Purple Haze
Purple Haze
10 Nov 2022 8.25am
Reply to  shriek

Whatever praises may be showered on him as the sole shining star and the best of the decadent Umno, he is after all a conscious card-carrying loyalist and conformist extension of the worst case of kleptocracy, the most corrupt, the philosophically bankrupt and apartheid-enforcing party of the modern era that stands out for all that is bad in this country.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
10 Nov 2022 1.44pm
Reply to  Purple Haze

Phew! Purple Haze, you got me floored here reading your comment. So, what you simply mean is that because of the type of company he keeps, he must also be of the similar type.

7 Nov 2022 11.19am

All pha. Yes, in Penang, Gomen is PH and who are the oppositions? Your BN,MCA and Gilakan are in opposition. For first time you manage to bring out 888 points as how oppositions so disorganised and running in circles and point at each othe and especially you all pha.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
9 Nov 2022 12.40pm
Reply to  shriek

Well, the Oppositions will always be the Oppositions regardless of. They couldn’t even hold on to the Rakyat’s mandate as a ruling government and lost it in just 22 months.

So, when ah say Oppositions, you already know who ah mean. there is no need to juggle about the Oppositions as this and that.

13 Nov 2022 8.47pm


Remember how KJ treated Bersih?

8 Nov 2022 10.37am

“KJ is allegedly to be directly and personally responsible for the RM360 million MySejahtera ‘scam’ for refusing to disclose the details he knows, only to save himself for another day. To claim that he has no idea how it all happened is a bit of a stretch.”

Hew Man
Hew Man
7 Nov 2022 1.46pm
Reply to  Silverberg

Well said, Silverberg!

KJ is overrated. He is normal if he is in PH. Got Oxford credentials yet still want to associate himself with corrupt party!

8 Nov 2022 10.39am
Reply to  Hew Man

The vaccination success is due mainly to the rakyat’s willingness to be vaccinated and credit should go to them.

Meanwhile, instead of using schools for vaccination, since schools are not in use by students, thus making access easy, Khairy chose to rent expensive places (wonder why?) where there were big crowds and often confusion reigned. Did he do a good job? Definitely not!

10 Nov 2022 11.30am
Reply to  Esme

We still don’t know how much he actually procured the vaccine since no transparency on purchase price.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
11 Nov 2022 5.18pm
Reply to  Esme

” Did he do a good job? Definitely not.?? ”  

Gees, on which planet are you in now, Esme. Traffic jams are back. The Malls are filled with people. Restaurants are filled with people. Rakyat are moving about everywhere. All this, back in action, in just after 27 months after the 1st lockdown. Excellent job by the Health Ministry.

And just in case you don’t know, to this day, parts of China are still under lockdown from Covid-19 virus attack. 

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
2 Nov 2022 5.16pm

A3 == The hypocrisy of it all. The so called opposition champions of our Nation and Rakyat, people like Rafizi etc, etc, etc, who talks so much about the well being of our Nation and Rakyat , please do give us an answer. Is this what our Nation needs, a family incorporated Opposition to govern our Nation. Has our Country, our Nation and its Rakyat, have become the Opposition’s family backyard now. Do know that it is we Rakyat who make our Nation, not the Opposition Coalition or politicians. So, all our Rakyat should know what to do when going to vote for… Read more »

7 Nov 2022 11.16am

All in the family serves the nation. What is wrong? Your[party] family anyone serves the nation? Your party family members only gorek and 10% family. See how many handbags, watches etc. Rakyat has to write cheque without asking. Have to give without asking questions

7 Nov 2022 5.31pm

all pha. Until now you cant tell your BN and MCA what your BN and MCA give to the nation. Tell you. They give Race. Tuanan and religion and is RM3 to Sing ! or RM5 to USD 1.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
11 Nov 2022 5.32pm
Reply to  shriek

hallo shriek, do you know, you have unknowingly given a solution to what you are saying above, in one of your comments?

7 Nov 2022 6.33pm

60 years of damage by BN not enough?

Just look at Ringgit – falling each day!
Inflation up but currency down under BN!

8 Nov 2022 4.35pm
Reply to  Owyeong

every thing is fall- education, standard of living, corruption index. etc. Only cost of living and to survive in Malaysia is going up

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
9 Nov 2022 2.06pm
Reply to  Owyeong

If it is so, do tell us the Rakyat how is Pakatan Harapan coalition going to do different that will strengthen the Ringgit and bring down inflation.

During their 22 months of ruling were they able to push up the value of the Ringgit? Were they able to bring down inflation and the prices of food, its security and sustainability and other consumer goods, etc etc and etc?

Just a few for you to ponder.

Alpha 888 ( A Voter )
11 Nov 2022 5.43pm
Reply to  Owyeong

Did Pakatan Harapan managed to do anything about it in the 22 month they were governing earlier? Did their so called experts put in place any checks to prevent the ringgit from falling? How about the inflation? Why don’t you tell us something about it.