Radio Free Malaysia makes debut (Audio)


Radio Free Malaysia, an offshoot of Radio Free Sarawak, went on air last night, broadcasting in Malay. Check out its inaugural transmission last night (below).

RFM broadcasts on 1359kHz from 9.00pm to 11.00pm nightly.

Will this radio transmission make a difference in the coming general election, especially in reaching the Malay-speaking electorate in rural areas? What do you think?

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Badaruddin Mahmud
Badaruddin Mahmud
27 Mar 2013 8.43am

I am a sarawakian, apolitical and remain so until PRU-13. Both pro-BN and PAKATAN accused each other of throwing “FITNAH”.Looking at the political scenario objectively, rationally and intellectually without element of bias or blind of emotion, it is difficult for voters in general to clearly draw a line between these two factions on who is the right or wrong. Nonetheless, I would still consider BN faction as the capable side that can manage and administer this country to greater heights. Tunku Abdul Rahman had laid the foundation, Abd Razak had built up the pillars and walls, Hussein Onn putting up… Read more »

SL Wong (@wong8898)
26 Mar 2013 12.45pm

24 hours on air pls.


26 Mar 2013 12.10pm

This is good while Najib is wasting rakyat’s money to boost his ego with TV ads/propaganda for self-praise.

I hope it will bring the same impact as Radio Free Sarawak.

Do you have the link for internet broacast of RFM?