Post-election doldrums hit Malaysia


Roused by the soaring rhetoric of pre-election campaign promises, many Malaysians have settled into a state of post-election despondency as the economy weakens and politics return to business as usual. The letdown was palpable on Independence Day, where unlike previous August 31 celebrations few private buildings or cars displayed the national flag.

A sense of lost opportunity has permeated the country in the aftermath of the May 5 general election, a poll plagued by vote-buying, electoral roll irregularities and bogus constituency boundaries that only narrowly returned Prime Minister Najib Razak’s long-ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition to power. BN garnered just 47% of the popular vote, compared to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition’s 51%.

The BN retained control of parliament despite widespread complaints about the way constituency boundaries were drawn to give greater weight to remote and rural areas, where the BN benefits from its dominance over the traditional mainstream media and populist schemes and hand-outs targeting the poor. Although the BN won fewer parliamentary seats, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), the largest party in the ruling coalition, notched more seats than it did at the 2008 election, further entrenching its dominance within the BN. Full article on Asia Times Online.

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22 Sep 2013 5.56pm

Please accept apology Anil.
Don’t keep silent.

rajraman.Just receive this.Do you send this?

New post on


by Anil Netto
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Anil Netto | September 22, 2013 at 4:30 pm | URL:
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Aminah Sobri
Aminah Sobri
22 Sep 2013 10.56am

POST GE13 & Pre UMNO election :
New UMNO Warlords to control the Supply Chain of Bolehland’s economic pie. More proxies cronies in the making should new breed replace the aging ones ….

Hooi Guan
Hooi Guan
23 Sep 2013 4.58pm
Reply to  Aminah Sobri

Umno cronies add no-value as middlemen in supply chain, causing price to go up (living up to Barang Naik?).

Swee Huat
Swee Huat
24 Sep 2013 3.39pm
Reply to  Hooi Guan

But this is the way Umno folks cari makan!

Club41 Oon
Club41 Oon
22 Sep 2013 10.12am

At least Anil retains his Indian name despite being a Christians. There are however, many Indian Christians who adopted 100% mat salleh name in an attempt to erase their Indian roots and heritage, so that nobody will ever make reference to the caste their ancestors belong to.

22 Sep 2013 11.42am
Reply to  Club41 Oon

Club41 Oon,
I very much respect Anil (Netto, its a rare name).
rajraman.The game have ended too soon when Anil not responding.It’s a soul searching game.I am sorry if I offended you Anil and your have all the rights not to answer.
See you one day you will see me as another person.( depended very much on my billy milligan state of mind)

21 Sep 2013 7.18pm

So Anil,
You have adopted the UMNO media name Deepavali as Diwali.Only northern Indian call Deepavali as Diwali and its started with UMNO goons love to watch Hindi movies.

rajraman.Do you celebrate Deepavali as your Indian roots,as Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year as one.although they are Christian/Muslim/Buddhist ( Maybe except Riduan T … thinking he his Malay like Mahathir) or you only celebrate Christmas?

My icon change again.Lets the game continue Anil.

21 Sep 2013 1.06pm

Gerakan Kulup should not reptroduce Awang Selamat’s nonsense here.

Aminah Sobri
Aminah Sobri
21 Sep 2013 11.12am

Crimes like stealing, murdering and corruption are diseases that we dislike and government has not done enough to convince the rakyat of their safety and livelihood (survive in high inflation barang naik environment) ???

21 Sep 2013 10.52am

We are contented with what we have got today is through our hard work not CRUTCHES & HANDOUT.

We are not contented when cronies or the people got rich or anything through corruption, cheating, racism, crutches and handout that deprive others of equal opportunities. .

najib manaukau
21 Sep 2013 9.07am

Umno knew the constitution anomalies from day one, for example, just compare Putrajaya to that of the constitution of Teresa from DAP the winning margin alone of Teresa is more than the total number voters in Putrajaya by 200%. If that is not gerrymandering what is ? Yet is Teresa’s voice louder than the BN’s MP in parliament ? In BN controlled parliament they are equal in everything and that is First Past the Post system we have and that is exactly how Umno got their 88 M.P. in parliament. Yet they have the audacity to claim they got 88… Read more »

21 Sep 2013 7.00am

Anil, your post is a good way to reveal Umno’s shenanigans at the expense of other Malaysians but sadly they will continue business as usual. My opinion is that these scumbags will only stop when Malaysia is exposed to another GFC like disaster aka the coming After Shock via the impact of America’s Quantitative Easing measures. Just read TheAfterShock by Bob Wiedemer.

21 Sep 2013 6.33am

When my race call as Pariah, Beggars and the Soul of Indian temple littered with cowhead – the spirits of Merdeka gone long time ago.Najib only provided his red lips service to Indian.
rajraman.Gelah Patah Declaration what’s happen?Also another Lips service or only champion temple demolishing and dead Indians.
I think so and i will be whack again by organised political activist.

21 Sep 2013 1.12pm
Reply to  rajraman666

Bro Raj,

The problem with our community is hoping for others to help us. They are waiting for Sivaji The Boss?

What happened to those successful Indian professionals? I bet most of them distant themselves from helping their poor brothers and sisters as they still have the caste mentality. They dissociate themselves from the community by converting and adopting non-Indian names as mamaks or Christians

21 Sep 2013 4.25pm
Reply to  kannan

Bro kannan, Indian community not expect much help from others.They just a victim of racist Politician and businessman who need cheap labourer…. Regarding Indian caste i agreed.At many occasion i wish Indian Christian Happy Deepavali but the moment I wish them they said they are Christian. Not like other race when wish them Selamat Hari Raya, Happy Chinese New Year they wish back although they are belong to other organized religion. Regarding Indian Muslim – I gave up. As far i concern Politician only champion Indian dead bodies and temples issue but not economy of Indian including Pakatan Indian Politician… Read more »

23 Sep 2013 11.03pm
Reply to  kannan

Bro.Kannan (with respected capital K).
One of my Indian friends was an apprentice 20 yrs ago, who was so humble at the time I was a professional. After having achieved success & owns a print shop & a big car now talks to me with an ‘air’ from the nose.
To blame entirely on the Indian caste system may not be correct but to put some blame on the British colonial ‘air from the nose’ may do justice to some Indians who believe in perpetual humbleness ala Mahatma Gandhi.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
21 Sep 2013 2.48am

You see aNIL, I did read your article in full and spent some precious brain cycles to CORRECT your obvious misunderstanding. Problem #1: aNIL seemed detached from reality. The hot issue now is how much BR1M 3.0 for people in coming budget ??? RM1000 for household / 500 for individual ??? Problem #2: Lots of people displayed our flags. You just need to go out and ‘see’. Problem #3: Inability to comprehend the rationale behind the appellate court verdict on that case. aNIL is emotionally driven and maybe blinded by RPK stories ??? Problem #4: aNIL keeps harping on unsubstantiated… Read more »

21 Sep 2013 10.47am
Reply to  Gerakan K

1. The problems is after getting Brim 3 RM500 or 1k, you will get GST 7%, rise in gas and electricity tariff and another round of petrol increase. And the jerk forgot about the spiral increase of prices like taxis, bas sekolah, oustation bus and many other goods and commodities. Or maybe he is too ignorant to see that insurance premium, lawyer fee, private car park and various taxes have been increased. Or he is too blind to see that we will have to give back 10 times and more while the cronies continue to suck and suck our resources.… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
21 Sep 2013 1.16pm
Reply to  Yang

Dear Yang,

we just cannot have the cake and eat it !!! You are now dreaming of buying a Ferrari at Toyota price !!! Singapore and hundreds of other countries have implemented a fairer taxing system (i.e. GST or equivalent) long long time ago. What is the problem ???

The new taxing system is clearly part of BN manifesto and it has accepted by people via the strong mandate given to BN. On the other hand, the new taxing system only mainly applicable to luxury/lifestyle products. Daily essentials are exempted.