I know many of you are taking a keen interest in this by-election, perhaps hoping it would send a message to certain parties. Well, here’s your chance to share your thoughts even though you may be outside Tanjung Piai. Consider it something of an unscientific opinion poll or barometer of what many others in the country may be feeling. It may be a difficult choice as each of the main parties carries with it heavy baggage.
Please also write your reasons for your choice in the comments below.
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MCA and MIC appear to be signalling that they are part of the Muafakat National alliance with PAS.
In his opening speech at a BN-PAS ceramah last Wednesday, MCA president Wee Ka Siong referred to Muafakat Nasional as a form of opposition solidarity.
MCA/MIC is used to sugarcoat the toxicity of Umno/PAS R&R?
MCA will just be a parasite in Muafakat Ummah.
Don’t ever vote for MCA, else regrets later!
Give Gerakan your vote since it dares to desert BN!
For the moment, in order to prolong its political relevance, MCA sorely needs the Malay votes which overwhelmingly voted for Umno and PAS in the last general election, and therefore it (MCA) would not unduly upset both its Barisan Nasional affiliation and its indulgence of Muafakat Nasional.
MCA is in no position to challenge PAS, & therefore not publicly object to the Islamist party’s plans for hudud.
To Muafakat Nasional, MCA is nice as some sort of multiracial window dressing, but it’s not as crucial electorally as the other way around, as Chinese support for MCA is not significant.
A BN win will signal the acceptance of race and religion in our politics. Truly a sad day for new Malaysia. Why is it Malaysians can accept 60 years of mismanagement and abuse of the constitution by BN but are holding PH to such high standards that they must fulfill their promises in the 1 and half years of governance?
The plight of 4th generation fishermen in Kukup (Tanjung Piai), difficulty in finding successors in this 100-year old trade.
Probably Gerakan….why? Because no other better choices…. just want to let current government know that malaysia is belongs to all malaysians but not some particular race
A protest vote to give current government a wakeup call
don’t get me wrong…. unlike some political party I will direct say “no” to them without even bother to cast a protest vote
I would not vote for PH because there is so much infighting going on instead of good governance nor would I vote for BN because of their past. I would for Gerakan as a form of protest vote.
Najib is hoping that the Tanjung Piai by-election will be a stepping stone, not only for the Barisan Nasional to return to power, but for him to become prime minister again.
When the voters of Tanjung Piai cast their vote tomorrow, this is one consideration they have to take into account.
BBC HARDtalk with Minister for Islamic Affairs in Malaysia -Mujahid Yusof Rawa
Are racial and religious divides threatening Malaysia’s stability and future prospects? Zeinab Badawi speaks to Malaysia’s Minister for Islamic affairs Mujahid Yusof Rawa
GeraKan got zero Malay vote!
Now Jason Loo is blaming Dominic wasting resources with an entire entourage down south!
poll shows the true love and affection for million dollar men ,wee, naji, zahi, keris,anan, hadi’s party from the “green warriors”….no wonder they oppose the dap government every step of the way… hehe