Pas has edge in Kedah: Aspan Alias


Here is blogger Aspan Alias’ take on the situation in Kedah.

Hari ini hari kedua saya di Kedah dan saya nampak dengan jelas, kerajaan teraju PAS di Kedah akan kekal dan hampir kesemua kawasan Parlimen di negeri ini akan dimenangi oleh PAS dan parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Malahan kerusi yang disandang oleh UMNO di kawasan-kawasan DUN pun hanya menunggu masa untuk diambil alih oleh PAS.

Saya tidak mempunyai perkiraan secara saintifik, tetapi apa yang jelas UMNO sudah terlalu jelas diketepikan oleh rakyat negeri jelapang padi ini. Kehadiran dua orang setiausaha politik Perdana Menteri yang tersenarai sebagai calon BN tidak memberikan kesan positif untuk BN malahan menjadi semangat bagi rakyat Kedah untuk melakukan perubahan yang dinanti-nantikan mereka. Full article in Aspan Alias’ blog.

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17 May 2013 10.42pm

anne kedah dah jatuh ke tangan bn …nak cakap apa lagi

30 Apr 2013 3.50pm

Alor Star folks awaiting MCA’s Chor Chee Heung to belanja makan-makan and he has yet to respond knowing what has happened in Penang.

for your info, Chor favourite food is Nasi Kandar at Kim Bee Chiew kopitiam near Pekan Rabu.

Next time if you see him make sure he buys you Nasi kandat tambah sotong (his usual words to the mamak there).

29 Apr 2013 8.45pm

Anil you must be careful that often times comments, statements and blogs like the one above are biased because they are written by someone who supports PR. It is not that I do not want PR to win but I think it would be better to give ppl an independent and fair view of the situation in Kedah. Nobody can deny that the PAS led Kedah govt did a lot of good since taking power. They immediately slashed assessment and quit rent rates by half and anyone who visits knows that Kedah is a lot cleaner. However, they also did… Read more »

29 Apr 2013 8.32pm

This was LAST WEEK..The blogger very pro-Pakatan..

Where was the big rallies like when Anwar and Nik Aziz came through earlier? Many people don’t get it, with aging Nik Aziz, if PR don’t make it this time and even if Anwar go back on his word and try again, it may not work. It could be a DECADE or two before another try is possible if not this time..