No good time for Najib


When will the next general election be held? If Najib is waiting for an opportune moment, it may never come.

This is a piece I wrote last week for Asia Times:

Malaysia’s ruling coalition is having second thoughts about holding an early snap general election. The problem for Prime Minister Najib Razak and Umno-led administration, however, is that time is running short to win a pre-emptive electoral advantage before the current five-year parliamentary term expires in April 2013.

Speculation about snap elections has intensified as parties led by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (People’s Justice Party) begin to fancy their chances of wresting power from UMNO and the Barisan Nasional coalition for the first time since independence.

Full article in Asia Times Online

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31 Jul 2012 4.33pm

Najib’s logo for Merdeka day is a desperate attempt to appeal to people to ‘balas budi’. He should have sacked Rais long time ago. Rais is a disgrace as a lyricist.

24 Jul 2012 12.58pm

Najib is seeking the help of Finas & Mdec to rally malay support in the new May 13 movie ”Tanda Putera’ that courts controversy???

Tanda Putera, the latest offering from local director Shuhaimi Baba, has received flak over what some say is a skewed re-telling of what happened during the 1969 race riots. Some accused the RM4.8 million movie of demonising early leftist movements and more hero-worship than tribute to former premier Abdul Razak Hussein, who is Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razakโ€™s father.


18 Jul 2012 7.43pm

I dont know why some … kiwi want to disrupt the peace in our country ….. I hope some Malaysians here would fend for our country from these clowns who want to instigate trouble from far far away…

Super Senior
Super Senior
19 Jul 2012 3.59pm
Reply to  Chronic

A BTNised person is always on denial mode, should be thankful of a chronic wake-up call from the outside world.
Don’t forget the sun rises earlier in NZ and an early reminder is good. Unless you are that apanama who cannot understand why people call him a dictator/mahazalim.

18 Jul 2012 4.43pm

Too much BN scandals proping up one after another.
I guess the big one will be unveiled the moment the election is called by najib.
That’s why he dare not call for the GE.
He is likely to go to Tanah Suci one more time.

18 Jul 2012 1.50pm

I believe in destiny.
Najib occupies the final slot of the RAHMAN prophesy.
Whatever he does, he cannot change destiny and the weariness of Malaysians over a continuous fifty over years of UMNO rule and abuse.

Andrew I
Andrew I
17 Jul 2012 8.15pm

Ok Gherks, you got your work cut out for you.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
18 Jul 2012 11.00am
Reply to  Andrew I

Well as predicted more pakatan troopers in anil blog. Some even from nilai zoo (nz).

18 Jul 2012 5.52pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

PR in Anil blog & BN with Mat Rempit

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
17 Jul 2012 7.10pm

Foreigners are predicting the fall of BN/UMNO/PBB, & ascendance of PR/PKR/DAP/PAS. Corruption is a crime. We urge all cronies, TanSris, Datuks, YBs to heed your conscience and dignity and withdraw support for the criminals now. Hopefully youโ€™ll be granted amnesty from prosecution. Twitter quote: โ€˜Mubarak cried and resisted leaving the helicopter that took him to prison.โ€™ Let this, Gaddaffi & Saddam etc be a warning to others. Jumping ships and a domino effect has started! Pundits expect this to set in motion a domino effect as people fled the decaying BN, helping to pave the way for the country’s first… Read more »

18 Jul 2012 7.40pm

Hey Alan, I guess you are just jealous because Malaysians have a better life than you fellows in NZ or wherever the …foreigners who predict whatever nonsense about Malaysia are, dont have to compare Malaysia with the middle east countries or those neighbouring to us, we are unique, day to day life, everyone lives peacefully, it’s just the politicians who make most noise…… I guess many are jealous because we are doing well economically too ….. If you happy in NZ, just stay put, dont have to butt in our politics , and dont have to instigate our fellow Malaysians… Read more »

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
17 Jul 2012 7.09pm

Your PM calls โ€˜1Malaysiaโ€™, when: A) Sabahโ€™s Musa, NFCโ€™s Shahziratโ€ฆ.& Sarawakโ€™s Taib, in power 31 yrs & …; one sonโ€™s divorce settlement alone is RM400milโ€ฆ.while Sarawak natives lack roads, electricity & drinking water. B) UMNOโ€™s corruption & mismanagement cost the country US $100 billions (not millions) as estimated by overseas financial analysts. C) They make up stories to blackmail Anwar, the Opposition, the NGOs & Bersihโ€ฆfor decades. D) For 55 years UMNO & BN fooled and fleeced the nation with controlled media, national election resources, gerrymandering, vote buying, rigging & manipulated elections, even (allegedly) using illegal migrants as votersโ€ฆ.the list… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
18 Jul 2012 10.57am

Your tone of comment is very KL very local, hmmm got rasa sayang feel ~

18 Jul 2012 5.49pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Local or where else does not matter.
As long as it is the truth

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
17 Jul 2012 7.06pm

Your PM calls 1Malaysia when: 1)You practice extreme discrimination & apartheid, eg: when almost 100% of National Oil Petronasโ€™employees are Malays, while other races are 50% of the population (more in Sarawak & Sabah), when President Obamaโ€™s black ethnicity comprises only 14% of US population. 2) When (many) Chinese & Indians & Dayaks are (often) the last to get University entry of govโ€™t jobs. 3). You … spent RM200mil on a plane & 3 million on a trip to Dubai, Milan (super luxury goodsโ€™ capitals) when the many are poor. 4) (They grilled) Oppositionโ€™s Teoh B H (and this led)… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
18 Jul 2012 11.17am

What happen to Obama Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay detention camp promises ??? Anwar = Obama. We HAVE THE NUMBERS !!! Sila senyum selalu, LOL !!!

18 Jul 2012 5.48pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Najib support Obama against Iran.
It should be OBAMA = NAJIB

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
17 Jul 2012 7.00pm

You don’t find one sentence on the Scorpene scandal in the mainstream press, New Straits Times, The Star, Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian. You don’t hear a word about the Scorpene scandal on RTM 1 radio. You don’t see a single picture about the Scorpene scandal on RTM TV1, RTM TV2 or TV3. Tells you something, doesn’t it? Namely, that it is such a BIG thing and not a whimper about it in the mainstream media mean the so-called journalists, radio and tv broadcasters are all UMNO-MCA-MIC paid goons. This is deception & blind-folding, to support multi-billion thefts. This is… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
18 Jul 2012 10.50am

Saya Gerakan K dari GT, P.P. Sudahlah jangan tipu. Saya tidak percaya terhadap komen kamu. Betulkan kamu menonton rancangan televisyen malaysia satu and lain-lain ??? Bunyi macam kelentong aje. Boleh pahamkah Bahasa Melayu tulen Malaysia ke ???

18 Jul 2012 5.46pm

I and all right mind Malaysia will surely believe you for the truth and explaination. We don`t hear about all the scandals in the mainstream media and the PM has become a dumb one to deny or explain on all these scandals. His predecessor was a sleeping one and now Najib has become a dumb PM. By being dumb will not absolve him from (his administration’s) guilt and scandals.

17 Jul 2012 3.59pm

Husni: GST on hold for better understanding
Bernama | 9:23AM Jul 17, 2012 | 4
We want everybody to be familiar with it. Once everybody is okay, only then will we implement it,’ says second finance minister.

Didn`t I told you so about GST, GST, GST
They will implement it after the GE

Hudud for all ( Muslim and Non Mulsim) by UMNO
They will also implement it

WISE UP GUY. and make sure N
………………………………………………………go … out

22 Jul 2012 9.48am
Reply to  Yang

According to the newsbar on Astro Awani, 5% GST will be implemented in Malaysia in 2014.

Not surprise as it is payback time for all the BR1M you have got.

17 Jul 2012 1.16am

I guess only way to know the reality for now is to talk to people on the street and find out whom do they support.

KL Sam
KL Sam
16 Jul 2012 11.53pm

There is one small factor which has played the devil with Najib’s mind over the date to call for GE13, which is the possibility of the 4 Pakatan states delaying dissolution of their state assemblies. That has been on the cards for Pakatan, as it will allow more focused effort in the Parlimentary seats, given the lack of resources in the Pakatan camp. So if Najib delays the GE till the eleventh hour, the 4 Pakatan states might not have a choice but to dissolve their state assemblies at the same time, thus stretching their resources to the limit. Of… Read more »

18 Jul 2012 1.58am
Reply to  KL Sam

KL Sam,

Ref your para 2, I agree and I think you hit the nail on the head,
though I believe that may not be the only reason why Najib is dragging his feet.

Maybe at long last he is beginning to think, grudgingly accepts Pakatan is indeed a threat and a force to be reckoned with. This ninny is so eeriely ‘cuak’ he is the ‘N’ of “RAHMAN”!

Letting go is hard, holding on is even worse, …torturing!

19 Jul 2012 1.21pm
Reply to  KL Sam

Najib will hold the Umno assembly first to get re-elected, consolidate his Umno position and purge those ‘enemy-within’ which may include his deputy (said to be collaborating with son of Apanama) who is impatient to unseat him.

Najib will never win 2/3 majority in the general election and the risk of him being ousted by his deputy is pretty high. So he is taking one step at a time despite more dirty deeds of BN being unearthed each day.

16 Jul 2012 8.33pm

Najib is the end

16 Jul 2012 5.48pm

You are so right….as things stand, there is NO good time for Najib to call GE13. Early polls, late polls are all posing their own set of problems.
I have a side bet that this administration will just muddle through until March 8, 2013, on which day, this Parliament’s life runs out and stands automatically dissolved. According to the constitution, elections must then be held within 60 days.

That is…if the powers that be don’t decide to postpone elections in Malaysia”indefinitely”….

Super Senior
Super Senior
16 Jul 2012 4.36pm

His deputy is getting impatient too, while Jibby is giving away helmets, after tyres to taxi drivers, to young rempits.

What’s next? maybe KS1M i.e. Kondom Selamat 1Malaysia?

19 Jul 2012 1.17pm
Reply to  Super Senior

The 1kondom initiative is a good idea so that the poors can have family planning to achive better quality of life with fewer kids.

16 Jul 2012 4.28pm

The thing that struck me most about the “Bersih, bersih” video from London was how well-attended the event was and how few of them seemed supportive of the protest even when it was obvious that there was no imminent personal risk.

UMNO++ is a very well-established business model which has made a lot of people rich beyond their abilities. That kind of “work smart” shores up a community self-esteem that might, in the face of fair, open, regulated competition, be exposed to some disorientating realities. 98% of that crowd in London won’t be voting Anything But UMNO.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
16 Jul 2012 4.12pm

Maybe 2013-3-08 (308 version 2.0) ???

Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
16 Jul 2012 7.52pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Ho ๐Ÿ˜† Ho ๐Ÿ˜† Ho ๐Ÿ˜†

๐Ÿ˜† maybe after GE 13th …this naughty naughty GILAkan will need to pack its bag n follow … fat mama going shopping forever!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehehehehehehe ๐Ÿ˜†

Ho ๐Ÿ˜† Ho ๐Ÿ˜† Ho ๐Ÿ˜†

16 Jul 2012 11.11pm
Reply to  Ho Ho Ho

no, if PR wins we build a bungalow for him but within lynas compound. radioactive material will keep him straight.

Rumah Attap
Rumah Attap
16 Jul 2012 3.52pm

Yeah looks like tomorrow will never come, so said his 2nd wife… ๐Ÿ˜€

16 Jul 2012 3.19pm

In theory the best time for Najib to go for GE is in Sept after Hari Raya..But the Budget is expected after that which is why they are speculating December. I say its still better for Najib to go in Sept without a budget..I can’t see him announcing a good budget one way or other – if he has lots of goodies, the opposition will ‘scream Greece’ and GST.. If there is no goodies like BR1M-no 2 , what is the point of waiting? Also in December, the effect of BR1M and Felda listing will be much reduced given a… Read more »

Andrew I
Andrew I
16 Jul 2012 3.01pm

16 Jul 2012 8.20pm
Reply to  Andrew I

It really is ‘Its now or never’. The non-Malay population in this country is declining what with low birth rate and immigration. IF PR do not make it this time, the non-Malays will give up on this country and simply pay any price for their young to leave. Even the likes of Ng Yen Yen will not have her grandchildren here..They simply won’t wait.

The effect will be productivity decline that will destroy this country as even the young Malays will leave too for lack of prospect from an laggard economy.

19 Jul 2012 1.15pm
Reply to  bigjoe

Kepala Batas and Tasek Gelugor, may no longer be โ€œsuper-safeโ€ seats for Umno.

Read it on The Sun today:

Battle in Penangโ€™s Malay heartland

29 Jul 2012 11.19am
Reply to  Andrew I

While waiting for PRU13, let’s review janji-janji manis Najib: