Najib rebrands for Malaysia’s polls


Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Razak is bidding to overhaul his administration’s public image just weeks ahead of a general election in Malaysia.

The polls scheduled for 5 May are expected to be the most tightly contested in the country’s post-colonial history.

Early signs indicate Najib’s campaign will emphasize his government’s national unity by promoting a “1Malaysia” logo and policies while playing down association with his multi-party ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.

“1Malaysia” flags and banners have been posted separate from BN’s campaign materials in many areas of the country. The logo ”1”, draped in the colors and design of the national flag, has assumed greater prominence than the BN’s traditional measuring scales (dacing) symbol.

The move comes in sight of a Merdeka Centre opinion poll conducted in February that showed Najib’s personal approval rating stood at 61% while his BN coalition measured 48%. Survey respondents indicated that corruption, widely associated with BN politicians, and the high cost of living were their priority issues.

Full article in Asia Times Online

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23 Apr 2013 11.41am

Najib has spent a total of RM57.6 billion over the past four years since he became PM on election-related incentives. To put in another way, the estimate suggested that the Najib administration has spent an estimated RM4,363 per voter so far. This is by far the most expensive election primer in Malaysian history. Given that money has been allocated to different candidates for the campaign, more money is coming.


Bayi siapa mati?
Bayi siapa mati?
22 Apr 2013 6.46am

Najib cannot erase his bodyguards involvement in the murder of a pregnant mongolian woman. Failure of the ?.. courts to seek the individual/individuals whom ordered the murder did not go un-noticed. No amount of swearing in the Masjid can absolve that.

20 Apr 2013 2.54pm

No matter how he rebrand, it would be just like the fake pasar malam Rolex (passed off) as the original.

20 Apr 2013 1.46pm

hahaha, najib, enough of lies. step down gracefully for now.

Penang Ah Pek
Penang Ah Pek
20 Apr 2013 10.53am

GK, what a scrumb bag and this is why we need UBAH. UBAH is about making Malaysian equal rights and opportunities, NOT as slaves/beggars awaiting for BRIM. Only jokers like you with Katak mentality and narrow mindset, society will never prosper if we have this approach. Society have WOKE UP and UBAH forward, really pity GK who is still dreaming and contented being scrumb bags.

20 Apr 2013 12.28pm
Reply to  Penang Ah Pek

Never trust the 1 Charade.

Mike Terrence
Mike Terrence
20 Apr 2013 8.15am

The … gang is hell bend in performing its Final Grand Master illusion Trick as last min survival. Its action plan – Hindraf changed, ROS changed, EC changed going one direction to morale bankruptcy while its marketing slogan of False Hope total opposite direction. No matter what Analyst says, in the end the ballot paper from rakyat will still tell the truth…or would it?

20 Apr 2013 7.05am

Najib said before ” we will give you a surprise ” I wondered is ROS’ strategy is his surprise?
I am glad ” HE’s AIN’T HEAVY, HE IS MY BROTHER ” is robustly demonstrated in GE13.

Syabas PAS & PKR!!!

20 Apr 2013 4.44am

1Malaysia is already a joke among Malaysians and I don’t see how Najib see it fit to use that as his logo. Come on Najib, show us your true color?

SL Wong (@wong8898)
20 Apr 2013 2.12pm
Reply to  Robert

What to transform? Transform more corrupted $ inside your own pocket ah? Be a thief & shout to catch thief. Keep breakthrough with your BR1M (allegedlly) Bantuan Rasuah 1Malaysia, it won’t work lah, ppl take the $ but will still vote BN out.

“Help me if u love me”, “Pls don’t let us eat egg” more like … asking for banana. Teruk & u deserve another egg for your so called “improvement”.

UBAH !! Means send BN & cronies to hell

Gerakan K (Team)
Gerakan K (Team)
20 Apr 2013 1.15am

People can see 1Malaysia PM Najib transformation efforts and results. Transformation means continuous improvement in pace suitable for all Malaysians. I pick the most notable one. BR1M 1.0 is a breakthrough. Then BR1M 2.0 RM500/RM250 is an improvement. Then the next BR1M RM1200/RM600 !!! So good, everyone love it. Continuous improvement. Those shouted for UBAH must be first clarify UBAH means what ??? UBAH to PAS hudud ??? UBAH to replace old politicians like Nik Aziz (82 !!!), LKS (72) ??? UBAH to replace arrogant Tokong Lim in Penang ??? So, dear voters, beware. The UBAH in your thought could… Read more »

Andrew I
Andrew I
20 Apr 2013 8.41am

Ubah Cronyville to Wonderland.

20 Apr 2013 12.51am

The 1Malaysia is a bluff & deceit.
Tell it to his deputy who says he is a Malay first and Malaysian second.
Tell it to Noordin whom he nominate for Shah Alam who belittle the Hindu religion.
Tell it to himself who used it for the election when it is an initiative for the govt for the people

landak tua
landak tua
20 Apr 2013 9.43am
Reply to  Yang

Despite so much publicity (propaganda in disguise) surrounding 1Malayisa, it is clearly a facade to hide the ills of BN, namely in corruption and mismanagement of public fund. We are now confuse as 1malaysia is now being marketed like a public domain by pro-BN NGOs.