Live – 2018 general election results


In the 2008 general election, the turnout was 76%. In 2013, it was 85%. Can we match that this time around or at at least exceed 80%? (It was 69% at 3pm.)

As 5pm approaches, apparently many are still in line in some places. Bersih has issued an announcement for people to remain in line. Voters who are still in the queue should be allowed to vote. Mahathir himself has asked the Electoral Commission to allow them to vote after 5pm as it is not the voters’ fault. Some queued for four hours before they could vote!

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10 May 2018 6.28am

This may be historic but its quite clear already, IF PAKATAN FAILS, Hadi’s PAS will be in position to actually take over the country. BN is done but if Pakatan allows chaos and bad habits to rule, the Hadi Awang may yet achieve is dream.

10 May 2018 3.45pm

As of 4 am or so on 10th. May as reported by Star, counting of votes had only reached 10-50% (of registerd voters) in many places. The standard answer from EC (not fake news) to concerns that journalists raised was “As we are here, we don’t know what is happening out there”. This is the same EC that had been issuing ad-hoc prohibitions on campaigning. Draw your own conclusions.

10 May 2018 5.34pm
Reply to  glissantia

On 10th. TV1 (a) kept showing the ex-PM stating that no party had a distinct lead, without stating the time of this statement and subsequent updates, from at least 10 am to at least 5 pm (b) showed a repeating label (at least around 10 am) stating that appointing PM had been put off for the day. At 5 p.m., it reported that the appointment would go ahead. At 5 p.m., NTV7 stated that Selangor govt. remained in the hands of the “opposition”. Is any of this fake? If there are exemptions, why? If not, who are responsible and will… Read more »

10 May 2018 8.56pm
Reply to  glissantia

RTM’s TV1 and MediaPrima’s TV3 need massive overhauling – those BN-inclined producers and presenters must be purged, in order to cleanse the mind of rural viewers brainwashed with Umno propaganda.

10 May 2018 6.50am

well done Tun Dr.Mahathir

10 May 2018 5.20pm

Time for Anil to write a book on the road to GE14 victory by Harapan, sure become a quick best-seller worldwide. Act fast before such books start to flood the market. Anil can draw on the personal experience of his readers like tunglang (co-writer?) and shriek.