Kee Thuan Chye reads from his new GE13 book in Penang


The prolific writer Kee Thuan Chye will be reading excerpts from his latest book, this time on the general election, at a bookshop in Penang.


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5 Sep 2013 11.46am

As noted by Patrick Teoh in his blog: FINAS is clearly headed by people UNCLEAR ON THE CONCEPT. Read these statements and be convinced. Hee hee hee…. “This is shameful and sad,” said Finas Compulsory Screening Scheme (CSS) chairman Datuk Mustapha Maarof, pointing out that the film production cost was RM4.8 million. (he was referring to the poor boxoffice of Tanda Putera) “Tanda Putera is a good film but the taste of viewers vary. The film now has to be shown in smaller cinemas because of the poor response.” “Among the reasons cinemas reject local films was because of the… Read more »

15 Sep 2013 11.50am
Reply to  Hamtaro

Strongly agreed!

joo kok
joo kok
4 Sep 2013 12.04pm

Anil please provide the soundbites or video of the event as I am not able to attend.

Aidil Yunus
Aidil Yunus
2 Sep 2013 12.02pm

Having read Kee’s earlier books, I must say I truly enjoy the many political quips by him, put together with a sardonic tone that makes it all the more amusing. His talented persuasive style of writing leaves you with a new perception on current Malaysia situation. His book has bluntly pointed out the areas where politicians lies to cover up their blunder, as many dirty politics played by the one ruling party has brought about damage than fortune to our beloved country. He opens our mind to some hidden reasons of the government’s actions. Maybe he is not 100% right,… Read more »

Tanda Cinta Malaysia
Tanda Cinta Malaysia
1 Sep 2013 11.00am

Not Yet the Real Merdeka By Kee Thuan Chye Yahoo! News 29.8.13 As we prepare to commemorate Merdeka Day this Saturday – notice that I do not say “celebrate” – it would be timely to acknowledge that the real “Merdeka” has not happened yet. I say this because we are still not free. We are still under the thrall of the masters who took over from the colonial ones in 1957. They are no different in their intent to oppress us. In fact, over the last few decades especially, they have proven to be even more oppressive. And if the… Read more »

don anamalai
don anamalai
31 Aug 2013 2.27pm

I have just receive a tweet of all the errors in Tanda Putera as compiled in one photo here:

It shows that Suhaimi Baba is not ready for such project.

joo kok
joo kok
4 Sep 2013 12.03pm
Reply to  don anamalai

proton iswara is advertised there too!

4 Sep 2013 1.13pm
Reply to  joo kok

That is Umno’s product placement.

The movie shows Malaysia has already got CCTV in 1969, to monitor opposition?

5 Sep 2013 12.39pm
Reply to  don anamalai

If Tanda Putra was about the life of Razak and his deputy Ismail what was the purpose of slotting in snippets of May13 that occurred during the Tunku’s watch? Why not show Razak visiting Chairman Mao in China to promote better understanding of Chinese culture? What about elaborating on Razak as a Bugis descent? Why ‘Putera’ when both of them have no royal blood? Was the urinating scene necessary? Obviously Suhaimi & her sponsor had an ulterior motive in this venture little realizing that she was needlessly slandering and provoking the real taxpayers who were footing her propaganda movie. The… Read more »

don anamalai
don anamalai
31 Aug 2013 2.19pm

If only the RM5 million spent on Tanda Putera be used to stock up Kee’s books at all public and school libraries.

don anamalai
don anamalai
31 Aug 2013 1.41pm

It is unfortunate that Suhaimi Baba did not draw reference from Kee Thuan Chye’s well-researched books in making her movie, but chose to exercise her so-called ‘creative licence’ granted by Umno to twist and turn historical facts.

1 Sep 2013 4.09pm
Reply to  don anamalai

Tanda Putera is a proof that Malaysian history can be distorted and manipulated by corrupted hands. Do not be surprised if the “mastermind” offer free tickets to all their members to watch the movie in the pretext the stinking movie got overwhelming support!!

Aidil Yunus
Aidil Yunus
2 Sep 2013 12.08pm
Reply to  Saradevi

Suhaimi Baba could next use her creative licence to turn the controversial ‘Interlok’ into another propaganda movie? Afterall, she does not have to worry about the box-office taking of the movie that hardly draws any crowd so far.

3 Sep 2013 1.10pm
Reply to  Saradevi

It is OK to have a movie depicting the life of Tun Abdul Razak. However, playing on racial sentiments to get the crowd is a very cheap tactic. The producer and director should be more professional. Someone in UMNO has lost ideas on how to win over the rakyat. Sigh!

4 Sep 2013 10.56am
Reply to  Saradevi

The Tanda Putera movie is nothing more than an attempt by Umno to unite the Malays after the decreasing support due to urbanization and realization and awakening of young Malays. So it is the ‘Chinese Bashing’ by evoking the memory of communist bogeymen to make Malays despise DAP. We can expect more to come as Umno is under the siege mentality of Malay Dilemma that blames everyone else but themselves.

The Malaysia takraw team lost to Korea, Umno will come up with something to blame the Chinese for their failure here?

joo kok
joo kok
4 Sep 2013 12.25pm
Reply to  Saradevi

actually Umno should have a movie blaming the Portugis for bringing down Kesultanan Melaka in 1511, else malays will be powerful today. part 2 of movie can blame the Dutch, part 3 blame the British, then it will be a trilogy and suhaimi baba can call it a day.

eng hock
eng hock
31 Aug 2013 8.06am

Some of Kee’s books which should be good Merdeka Day references :

Ask for No Bullshit, Get Some More! (Marshall Cavendish, 2013)
No More Bullshit, Please, We’re All Malaysians (Marshall Cavendish, 2012)
March 8: Time for Real Change (Marshall Cavendish, 2010)
March 8: The Day Malaysia Woke Up (Marshall Cavendish, 2008)
1984 Here and Now (Marshall Cavendish, 2004)