Johor by-election results: The implications


So the voter turnouts in the Pulai parliamentary by-election and the Simpang Jeram state seats have been poor: about half the voters in Pulai turned up compared to 70% in the last general election. The turnout at Simpang Jeram of 56% at 4pm was only slightly better.

Was it just the poor weather or was it voter apathy or worse, disillusionment with the main political players, given recent events?



PH – 62% (2023) 55.3% (2022) 63.8% (2018)

BN – N/A (2023) 27.0% (2022) 30.5% (2018)

PN – 38% (2023): 17.7% (2022) 43.1% (Pas 2018)

Voter turnout – 47% (2023) 70.1% (2022)

Simpang Jeram

PH – 56.5% (2023) 40.9% (2022) 61.6% (2018)

PN – 42.2 (2023) 29.7% (2018) 9.0% (2018)

BN – N/A 28.4% (2018) 29.3% (2018)

Voter turnout – 60.1% (2023) 54.7% (2022)

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15 Sep 2023 11.39am

The government needs to reduce subsidies to the rich before reintroducing the Goods and Services Tax (GST), Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said.

During the interview with Bloomberg’s Haslinda Amin at the Milken Institute 10th Annual Asia Summit, Anwar admitted that GST is the most efficient and transparent tax system.

Rally On
16 Sep 2023 9.11am

“Syed Saddiq, speaking truth to power or just an ingrate?”
by Shankar R. Santhiram dd 15 Sep 2023, 9:00am


“The Muda president seems to be the only person brave enough to question this unity government’s backtracking on institutional reforms.”

>>> Here is an article written by one of our Nation’s regular columnist. An objective, truthful and very ‘succulent’ article to read on MUDA and our Nation.

March on forward, Youth of our Nation, it is Time to take Charge and tell our Old Guards politely, to give themselves a good long rest.

22 Sep 2023 4.01pm
Reply to  Rally On

Youth should speak against parties promoting race and religion. Do youth need handicaps to compete? Time to run, swim or jump and compete like all the rest of the world. Ethiopians are poor but to they run with the rest of the world

24 Sep 2023 10.01pm
Reply to  Shriek

But But, comms ministry say, no can do. No talk talk 3R. So, why are you promoting talk talk 2R?…

30 Sep 2023 9.58am
Reply to  Rally On

The Farmer and the Snake:

The farmer knew how deadly the snake could be, but he still picked him up and held it against his bosom to warm him back to life. The poor snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, he bit the farmer who had been so kind to him. The bite was deadly, and the farmer realised that he would die.

2 Oct 2023 4.18pm
Reply to  Luca

But then you need to understand, they are not snakes, scorpions or whatever, just humble people living in difficult times, circumstances and fear. How many foreign countries have occupied this land in the near past, in the name of friendship and trade?

15 Sep 2023 10.34am

As Anil supports PSM that is having partnership with MuDA, clearly Anil dare criticise Muda or Siddiq Boy despite many criticisms from readers here.

15 Sep 2023 7.16pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Anil could have added his charismatic personality to make Aliran more “fluid” and appealing to the public?

Aliran currently a bit off the track and appears to be more relevant than Aliran, this isy personal opinion.

15 Sep 2023 8.18pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Better be a political commentator and talk and talk to live up to what stands for, since no accountability is involved.

27 Sep 2023 12.57pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Anil can look forward to the new Indian party? Third force to comprise these new parties?

Green Wave
18 Sep 2023 11.36am
Reply to  Ahsoka

Yes, many criticisms from clueless readers, blindly aligned to political parties, they assume is their life savior.

Look at the bigger picture, they were told. Go for the greater good, they were impressed upon. Choose the lesser of the evil and fear the green wave, they were scared into believing.

And towards the end (not yet), they were gifted with a DNAA. He he. 

14 Sep 2023 8.12pm

Poor understanding of the situation. As usual clueless supporters. Unity do not need MUDA or any Opposition to ‘destroy’ it. Unity seem to be it well all by itself.  When Unity said and keep saying, it is dedicated and committed to eradicating corruption it should not be just talking about it, Unity must be seen doing it. Tell us Rakyat, all you clueless supporters, what has Unity done so far on this matter? Unity had a court cluster as DPM, now charges discharged and have become a DNAA DPM and later what? A fully acquitted DPM? At the time of… Read more »

18 Sep 2023 5.09pm
Reply to  Public

Unity seem to be _ it well all by itself.” It should read as ” Unity seem to be doing it well all by itself.

19 Sep 2023 8.59pm
Reply to  Public

young people? where are they during voting period? Many lost their deposit. Only cluelesss lost their $$$$

Young Ones
20 Sep 2023 11.20pm
Reply to  shriek

So what if they have lost their deposit? Young people still have many more years to go, they can try and try again while old people have a limited numbers of years left.

28 Sep 2023 5.06pm
Reply to  Young Ones

Young people has $$$$ to throw. Losing deposit is chip chip. They earn their income from crowd funding. They appear like David Copperfield only during election day and vanish into air again. During election no need $$$ for banners, posters and running here using aqua to run their kapcai.

Night Owl
14 Sep 2023 12.46am

“Unity government not in favour of GST system, says Rafizi”  by Kevin Komora dd 13 Sep 2023, 10:40pm ======== Ya, your party Chief have already said earlier, not in favor of GST due to current economic situation but you did not pay attention, said the opposite and now am sure MCA leadership hung up on GST, have to go back to the drawing board. And now economic minister, SEA has a new problem – shortage of white rice and price increase and we are said to be a 30% rice import Nation and in our country it is a… Read more »

19 Sep 2023 9.05pm
Reply to  Night Owl

clueless going like CIRCUS all around. From GST to beras. You are clueless there are many countries not rice growing. Indo, Timor. Singapore, Brunei. You think we are NATO? We are Aseans and SE Asians rice eaters and not beef eaters

Moral Excellence
12 Sep 2023 11.16pm

What about DAP? What is its stand on this? Will it be leaving the coalition? Or it is going to suck it up and remain there? Throw integrity, morality, honesty and all good virtues it claims to stand for, out the window.

Last, we Rakyat heard, your SG asked for a detail explanation from the AG office on the DNAA. Now gone silent. Probably, Toe the party line. Do not question party policies kicked in.

19 Sep 2023 9.08pm

Your Dr M when he was PM with BN said whisper will do. Need to shout and let you hear? Who are you? You cluelesss

12 Sep 2023 6.58pm

“Call for Umno to distance itself from DAP a ‘personal view’, says Loke”
by Chia Wan Rou dd 12 Sep 2023, 10:32am


Fractions represent the parts of a whole or collection of groups. These collection of groups make up the whole. That is the situation with UMNO now. So, the call for UMNO to distance itself from DAP can’t be just one man’s personal view, can it?

18 Sep 2023 1.31pm
Reply to  Opposition

If one is PM of malaysia, everything he talks represent all Malaysians? One cant talk about friends, you, pets, favourite food etc. All represent Malaysian?

11 Sep 2023 11.47am

Apologise to us, MCA leader mocks DAP’s sudden embrace of Zahid
By The Vibes Team dd 11 Sep 2023 10:00AM


Yes, have heard them use such nasty words on others when they were the Opposition. No need to ask for apology. Waste of time. Just return the favor. Let them know who they are now. They have become slaves by their own doing. 

Righteous Universe’s system of check and balance? 

Very nicely said MCA vice-president, Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker.

12 Sep 2023 3.05pm
Reply to  Public

UMNO is terribly weak. Other the Chief what is PKR? And then there is DAP who seem to be enjoying an almost full support from their clueless supporters.

These clueless supporters believe in the “lesser of two evils” principle meaning when faced with selecting from two immoral options, the least immoral one should be chosen. Hypocrites. Their voice of reasoning is that poor.

Rakyat believe immoral is simply immoral, doesn’t make the lesser evil any better or as righteous people.

15 Sep 2023 4.48pm
Reply to  Opposition

Weak and clueless still won state and federal election. Strong and think and know everything knows how to lose both state and federal seat. No place to sit now.

12 Sep 2023 5.12pm
Reply to  Public

MCA can embrace Muda/Psm/Pejuang as a third force….

16 Sep 2023 3.39am
Reply to  Thrawn

Embrace the dark side? Similar to the concept of Fallen Jedi in the Star Wars saga?

Ahsoka can elaborate?

Kee Cheong
Kee Cheong
12 Sep 2023 7.08pm
Reply to  Public

MCA is no longer needed by umno.

So where to go? Join the 3rd force and be subservient to Muda boy?

12 Sep 2023 7.20pm
Reply to  Public

MCA is trying to outdo Gerakan to be more irrelevant? Who cares what MCA say?

MCA is no longer needed by anybody powerful. So it is quite likely that all losers like PSM, MUDA and Pejuang can form an alliance – at least look big in number although have nothing to show in parliament.

13 Sep 2023 11.39am
Reply to  SiangYee

Gabungan MCA, MIC, PSM, MUDA, Penang as third force in GE16?
What say you?

14 Sep 2023 10.50am
Reply to  dsn

MUDA’s chances of being a third force in Malaysia is almost zero as it only has two elected representatives, one in parliament and the other in Johor, pundits said.

Analysts said the youth-based party does not carry much weight in the current political climate of a multi-racial coalition against a Malay-Muslim based coalition.

A Honor
11 Sep 2023 10.44am

“Quit your Muar seat for by-election, Syed Saddiq told” by Dineskumar Ragu dd 10 Sep 2023, 10:20pm ======== There is absolutely no reason what so ever for the MUDA chief to vacate his Parliamentary seat which he says he won under his own party. Now all he has to do is to rally all the youth of our Nation to support for more youth representation in Parliament come GE16.  Just that is good enough for now. No political party rules such as “Toe the party line” or “Do not question party policies” DAP is no longer a “freedom ” party… Read more »

22 Sep 2023 4.05pm
Reply to  A Honor

If don’t toe, why join the party? Party has set of rules everyone has to follow.R you Malaysians? If you are one, you have to follow rukun negara.

11 Sep 2023 7.57am

With Muda’s withdrawal of support, the unity government coalition of Pakatan Harapan, Barisan Nasional and East Malaysian parties commands a total of 147 seats, one seat short of a two-thirds majority.

11 Sep 2023 12.00pm
Reply to  Luca

But MUDA did say, it will continue to support in matters such as institutional reforms, which require a two-thirds majority vote in the Dewan Rakyat.”

Simon Tambiahrajah
Simon Tambiahrajah
12 Sep 2023 6.19pm
Reply to  Public

Muda with just one seat courtesy fromDAP ungratefullly talks a lot but are you sure they are so righteous? Do not discount the possibility that the M guy is pulling the string as Tok Dalang.

13 Sep 2023 7.03pm

For now it is just one seat. What do you think it will be, come GE16 with the way Unity is now presenting itself ?

There are 4 more years to go.

At the same time, more qualified independents should come forward and contest in the General Elections.

18 Sep 2023 1.34pm
Reply to  Public

Jeya, Siti, Gafar, and many from PSM – not qualified and well known. The sucess rate are very very slim and to make obess person slim

13 Sep 2023 11.11am
Reply to  Public

No need to think highly of Sidiq boy. We won his seat with DAP support in Muar. We could see his inabilities as minister last time – a lot of talk but no substance. He may have to vacate his seat for by-election if his court case does not favour him.

Wan Wajadi
Wan Wajadi
14 Sep 2023 11.25am
Reply to  Murugan

Now people especially the young ones begin to see the true colours of Syed Sidiq – his link to Mahathir out to destroy PH.

A Honor
10 Sep 2023 7.45pm

“Muda pulls out from supporting govt, wants to be ‘third force’”
by The Vibes Team dd 10 Sep 2023 6:44PM


Its about time you did it. It is also the honorable thing to do since you publicly announced you are going to do it.

Not sure what you mean by ” “Let me be punished for losing my principles and committing a great sin.”

From what we Rakyat can see, principles were uphold and no sins was committed. You kept your word.

11 Sep 2023 12.54pm
Reply to  A Honor

MUDA’S decision to neither ally itself with Pakatan Harapan or Perikatan Nasional is good for the unity government, DAP’s Ong Kian Ming said.

The move could spur PH and PN to work together and open the door for the unity government to sign a deal with the opposition to support some government bills, the former Bangi MP said.

12 Sep 2023 2.41pm
Reply to  Luca

DAP can dream about it. PN involves Bersatu, PAS and Gerakan. So, how friendly is PN with Pakatan Harapan people.

Right now PN has no intention of working with but to simply take over. But MUDA has already said that if the government reform bills are for the benefit of the Rakyat, they are always there to support it.

So, what is the difficulty for PH?

12 Sep 2023 5.13pm
Reply to  Luca

Immature young boy throwing tantrum because he could not get a cabinet position?

12 Sep 2023 7.22pm
Reply to  Thrawn

He still have to face the court for allegedly mishandling fund. Hopefully he is convicted then we have another by-election to restore two-third majority for unity government !

14 Sep 2023 5.15pm
Reply to  SiangYee

MUDA has not hold election to appoint office bearers.
May become illegal entity if this persists

The Future
12 Sep 2023 11.45pm
Reply to  Thrawn

Most politicians, regardless of age are most times immature and childish. Why only this young boy? As for a post, he is the leader of MUDA political party. Some consideration should have been given.

Any which way one wants to looks at it, MUDA and its youth and other possibly similar youthful political parties are going to be the future. No doubt about it.

24 Sep 2023 12.08pm
Reply to  The Future

You think you mature? You first time show here and then disappear with another changed name. Budak main main sahaja.

13 Sep 2023 11.12am
Reply to  Thrawn

TMJ was right about him. Looking back we must say TMJ has great foresight. Maybe there are other things yet to be unearthed about him, like his association with Mahathit.

15 Sep 2023 7.32am
Reply to  Murugan

Siddiq has controversial association. How to trust his words?
Forward Looking
17 Sep 2023 1.51pm
Reply to  Luca

Maybe it was a one time thing. Ask him again and see what he says about it.

Judgement Day
10 Sep 2023 6.57pm

“Idrus insisted on seeking DNAA for Zahid before retiring, says PM”
by Faisal Asyraf and Faiz Zainudin dd 08 Sep 2023, 3:48pm


“Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said former attorney-general (AG) Idrus Harun insisted on seeking a conditional discharge for deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi before his final day in office.

The JAG (Idrus) said the earliest date the court could set was on Sept 4, and Sept 5 was his last day (in office).

Judgement Day
10 Sep 2023 6.56pm

” “I myself sought an explanation from the AG. I don’t blame the people for seeking further explanation,” he said. ”

>>> Is the 1st 2 paragraphs a BEFORE and the third paragraph an AFTER? It sounds like the Chief has already discussed about the matter with the AG where a decision has been made before the court ruling and then it seems sought for an explanation from the AG after the court ruling.

Is this right? Does it make sense?

Wan Wajadi
Wan Wajadi
14 Sep 2023 11.26am
Reply to  Judgement Day

Judgement Day or End of Days?

Before Kingdom Come beware of false prophets!

The Truth
14 Sep 2023 8.45pm
Reply to  Wan Wajadi

Yes, beware of them. They claim to have the authority to decide who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. They do not know that they too will be judged.

The perfectly ‘created’ subtle Mind by Almighty, records every activity that one does here in light or in darkness together with one’s intention. One can’t lie nor cheat nor give any nonsense excuses on the other side.

The mind do exist, right?

10 Sep 2023 12.11pm

Che Det racist remarks failed PAS in Johor?

Bangsa Johor reject PAS and Bersatu?

12 Sep 2023 5.14pm
Reply to  Ahsoka

Johor Sultan said let Unity government rule for 4 years to ensure stability. Somehow Hadi and mahiadin failed to get the message!

13 Sep 2023 7.35pm

Yes Murugan, you may feel that way but he is young and he is learning. It is good that he learned early on that MUDA is not going anywhere while being under Unity.  And so far, MUDA was the only political party that stood up and voiced its opposition in the DNAA issue. No others in Unity did. And MUDA kept its promise to move out and it did. Now MUDA must work hard, its goal, to get our country’s youth to support MUDA in the next 4 years with the aim of having more youth representation in parliament and… Read more »

13 Sep 2023 6.27pm

To Kee Cheong and Siang Yee, believe both may be supporters of DAP and Unity. If you know DAP’s history, it took them about 50 plus years or so, to be where they are today and PKR shorter still. Check the past General Elections and see how seats they won in each of these elections over the years. So ask yourselves, where will MUDA and PSM and other like minded political parties ( East Malaysia) be, say in 15 to 20 years time or maybe less in this digital age.  Why is DNAA happening under unity rule which claims to… Read more »

17 Sep 2023 7.13am
Reply to  Opposition

Now you make noise. Now you kbkb about LCS? Now you only only wake up? You don’t talk about Pewaja, 2 case Bank Bumis, MAS and many cases sweep using old brooms

17 Sep 2023 7.51pm
Reply to  Opposition

How many turn up to protest? Mass demo but turn out to be countable. What a mosquito. Shout shout and in the end a yawn.

18 Sep 2023 7.26pm
Reply to  Opposition

DAP was often used as a bogeyman, the tip of the spear of the non-Malays out to destroy the Malays. A study by Iman Research after the 2018 general election shows that this anti-DAP sentiment remains entrenched even among the urban middle-class Malays as the result of such indoctrination.

These beliefs became the dogma that shaped the worldview and voting behaviour of many Malays.

13 Sep 2023 11.07am

“Takiyuddin questions DAP leaders’ silence on Zahid’s DNAA” 
by Martin Carvalho, Ragananthini Vethasalam and Gerard Gimino 
dd Tuesday, 12 Sep 2023 3:48 PM MYT


Ha Ha. Some of us will call it, ” Getting caught with their pants down”
Can DAP say it as otherwise.  

“The phrase “caught with their pants down” is an idiomatic expression that means someone has been unexpectedly caught in a vulnerable or embarrassing situation, often referring to someone who is unprepared or unaware of what is happening. It can be used figuratively to describe someone who is caught off guard.”

17 Sep 2023 7.46am
Reply to  Opposition

Reform party even more embarrassed, they orso known as justice party. Good u bring out. PN orso caught with sarong down.

17 Sep 2023 7.54pm
Reply to  Opposition

How many turn out to demo even after approved by polisi? Caught with sarong. Countable but try to say nice things thousand turn out. Can gather thousand?

Moral Excellence
12 Sep 2023 11.16pm

“Syed Saddiq has no moral ground to criticise Zahid’s case, says DAP leader” by Sean Augustin dd 12 Sep 2023, 9:45pm ======== Ah please, don’t be so hypocritical. Your coalition chief has already said before and emphasized strongly, “Innocent until proven guilty”. So what now? This does not apply to MUDA also? Principled MUDA left the coalition saying PH ‘crossed the red line’. So, what does ‘crossed the red line mean? It means to go beyond a limit or boundary, often in a negative or unacceptable way. It suggests that something has been done that is considered improper, inappropriate,… Read more »