Hulu Selangor by-election afterthoughts


For the BN, nothing to be proud about winning in this way. The means are just as important as the ends.

It was always going to be close, either way. In the end, it was 52:48 in the BN’s favour.

A political economist friend of mine was right when he told me to listen to the Pas campaigner I referred to a number of times in this blog (even though I did get a bit swayed by the large turnout at the PKR ceramah on the eve of polling).

This Pas campaigner was accurate in his prediction of a 54:46 outcome (plus/minus 2 per cent margin of error) in favour of the BN, which he consistently stuck to throughout the campaign and polling day itself. He had campaigned for Pakatan across Hulu Selangor and developed a gut feel for the area, especially the kampungs and Felda settlements. He felt Pakatan could have received around 35 per cent support (“not more than 40 per cent”) in these areas. This seems consistent with a Pas MP who predicted 36 per cent support in these areas.

This was where the election was going to be won or lost. The Pas campaigner observed Najib’s promises and cash to the Felda settlers played a big role in influencing voters and made it difficult for the Pakatan to make much headway. Money talks, it would seem. (What has the Election Commission got go say about this? Its silence is deafening.)

The rural voters were also relentlessly bombarded by propaganda from the mainstream media and they had little access to alternative sources of news, he added. Pakatan has to find a way to overcome the media stranglehold especially in rural and outlying areas.

The Pas campaigner also claimed that hundreds of voters – many of them PKR supporters – had been transferred out of the area.

Pakatan now has to go back to the drawing board and find out what went wrong. Do the people know about its policies? Are these policies relevant to the needs of grassroots and rural communities? What are its specific politicies to improve the lot of farmers, estate workers and kampong dwellers? Is the Pakatan really committed to a minimum wage? What are its policies for affordable housing, food supplies and accessible quality public health care – the issues that matter to most people? Perhaps too much was made of Apco, hand-kissing and university certificates rather than these issues.

For all his progressive views on the Malaysian nation, Zaid was the right man in the wrong area, remarked a veteran political commentator.

For the BN, the Hulu Selangor outcome raises huge questions for its race-based political coalition, now warped by the Perkasa brand of right-wing politics and an overwhelming reliance on Umno to deliver the votes. The blatant money politics was a sign to all Malaysians of a desperation to win at all costs.

Can the BN now claim to represent all ethnic groups, 1Malaysia notwithstanding, given the sharp erosion in support for the MCA? It is the Pakatan that now seems the more multi-ethnic of the two coalitions in its representation, and therein lies its longer-term appeal.

One of the enduring mysteries of the Hulu Selangor by-election is, why did Muhyiddin predict a 6,000 winning majority for the BN when almost everyone knew that was way too optimistic?

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29 May 2010 6.58pm

WHy BN dont have chinese and indians??
WHY MCa,MIC and UMNO merge did not merge into one party ???
WHY THe NEP is still there where it should be abolished??
WHy DO we need 1 malaysia concept while we speak of multiracial long long time ago ??

2 May 2010 3.48am

Aint Pakatan a Racist Institution?
Y shdnt DAP n PKR merge into one Party?
Y shdnt a Penang CM be a Malay or Indian?
Y shdnt Penang PDC Chairman/PPC Chairman/INvest Penang be a Malay or Indian?
Aint Pakatan was going to “Change” !


29 Apr 2010 11.21am

DPM does not show convincingly that he support Najib’s the question of how long 1Malaysia is as good as how long Najib stays PM.Unless 1Malaysia is concrete, voting fr BN is just as good as today becos tomorrow DPM will turn to racist like perkasa n mahazir.PR must show it has continuety in their policies irrespective of Anwar in malaysians malaysia.if every malaysian is race first malaysian second then 1malaysia has no meaning other than a deceiving propaganda produced by mind controllers.PR will ensure peace n harmony in malaysia.perkasa racist threats n suggestive violence threat is causing (unease)…. BN… Read more »

29 Apr 2010 1.57am

I am an indian & I know many Indians who have NEVER voted for BN in their lives.

This IRON fella sounds like a BN mole:

1. Propogates racism
2. LGE/DAP bashing

It is through racism that BN survives & engaging with groups like PERKASA to instill fear in the Malays that without BN they are doomed.

29 Apr 2010 9.28am
Reply to  JerryMohan

I am an indian & I know many Indians who have NEVER voted for BN in their lives.

Yeah, yeah, I can also say the same, or opposite, or whatever.

Anecdotal evidence doesn’t gel.

Truth, however, tells us that the Indians in HS has voted overwhelmingly for BN.

But of course, if you are scared of the truth, you can say anything you like. 😀

Oh yeah, on DAP bashing. So you are saying that everyone should sayang LGE instead? LOL !!

29 Apr 2010 9.35am
Reply to  JerryMohan

Oh, I almost missed this:

1. Propogates racism

The vast majority of Chinese in HS have voted for a Malay.

How about the other group?

They voted for a Malay or they voted for their own kind?

Who is more racist?

The Chinese or the other group of people? 😀

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
29 Apr 2010 11.25am
Reply to  JerryMohan

Iron try to import “Ketuanan Melayu” into PR. I observed many of his comments that based on a simple concept, i.e. “Everything Malays first”. Perhaps he wanted PR to adopt the NEP.

30 Apr 2010 7.53am
Reply to  Gerakan K

“Iron try to import “Ketuanan Melayu” into PR.” Surprise surprise ! Who would have thought someone who have wholeheartedly supported “Ketuanan Melayu” is himself lamenting that I am supporting it. “I observed many of his comments that based on a simple concept, i.e. “Everything Malays first”.” Nope. Never said that. However, I admit I did say something along the line of “Without the support from the Malays the Pakatan ain’t gonna win Putrajaya”. There is a difference, you know? Oh wait, I almost forgot, for someone who have been actively supporting NEP all his life, of course that guy does… Read more »

30 Apr 2010 10.28am
Reply to  Gerakan K

After mulling over what you said, things suddenly become crystal clear – you, Gerakan K, are afraid that what I say might be adopted by the Pakatan Rakyat ! If the Pakatan Rakyat finds a way to get through to the Malays, causing the Malays to switch their allegiance from BN to PR – resulting in the collapse of the racist BN regime. THAT would be your nightmare, wouldn’t it? That would spell THE END OF YOUR COMFORTABLE AND PROFITABLE LIVELIHOOD, wouldn’t it, Gerakan K ? Muahahahahaha ! No wonder a guy like you who have been actively supporting NEP… Read more »

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
30 Apr 2010 7.17pm
Reply to  Iron


that was my observation and I didn’t say whether it is good/not good for PR or I was deeply worried about it.

You have assumed too much in my simple observation. No hidden intention my friend. But I always suspect that you and I are from the same team.

Iron maybe the supporter of Unity Government (between UMNO and PAS). So by incorporating “Ketuanan Melayu” into PR then both sides clicked and mission accomplished !!!

29 Apr 2010 6.50pm
Reply to  JerryMohan

According our past history, 90% Indians voted for BN in every GE except for last election.

My conclusion is Indians themselves are asking for bad treatment from UMNO for last 50 years.

For god sake, 30% of them already wake out now. You as an Indian should play active role to awake them.

My family members except my old mum are always voting opposition regardless (of) the candidate…

28 Apr 2010 5.34pm


Pakatan lost the HS election, but I am here to report to you a good news —

The Chinese in HS, who voted over 70% for the Pakatan, finally got RM 3 Million to build their 70 year old local vernacular school. 😀

Who says you need to vote BN to get money ? 😀

29 Apr 2010 3.08am
Reply to  Iron

BN will learn from this hard lesson. Please do not treat Chinese as by-election beggar.

29 Apr 2010 9.30am
Reply to  nkkhoo

It never cross my mind that the Chinese are by-election beggars.

What I am saying was, that the Chinese – unlike the other group of people – have voted AGAINST the BN and yet BN still had to give out the RM 3 Million they promised to help rebuild the Chinese school.

On the other hand, that other group of people who have voted for BN — their Tamil schools got RM 3 Million or not? 😀

29 Apr 2010 6.41pm
Reply to  Iron

There are “candy” promises giving to Indians during this by-election? Like, electricity supply to Indian village in the estate, etc.

In a true democratic system, winning party should not punish those voters not voting them. Political parties shall work harder to change their mind in the next election.

28 Apr 2010 4.18pm

Dear Anil…. A lot has been written on the HS by election. The fact is PR lost and BN won. The fact is , there was a lot of corruption involved and the SPRM and Election Comission will not (likely) do anything about it. Call me a pessimist, but after being away from Msia for more than 11 years and following the political landscape for more than 25 years, all i can say is in my lifetime i will never see BN defeated as (a lot of) the goverment machinery right from the civil servants to the higher beings of… Read more »

29 Apr 2010 6.51am
Reply to  Ben

“The fact is , there was a lot of corruption involved and the SPRM and Election Comission will not (likely) do anything about it.” Believe it or not, no matter it is BN or PR holding the government seat, corruption will be with us. It has become part of the Malaysian culture. That is not to say we do not fight it. But realistically I do not see any hope of eradicating corruption from Malaysia. “Call me a pessimist, but after being away from Msia for more than 11 years and following the political landscape for more than 25 years,… Read more »

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
28 Apr 2010 1.33am


It’s possible to lose at the poll
And still gain respect for the soul
Not due to heavy prices paid at the toll
But the solid principles and ideals freely sold

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 280410
Wed. 28th Apr. 2010.

28 Apr 2010 1.22am

Wondering aloud, could it be that those voters are actually very smart – afterall in 2 years or less GE13 is coming, can change. So, during this short span, its not too bad to net in $$ from the tightfisted BN? Eg Orang Asli has also demonstrated recently for their rights? Chinese also get funded, likewise Indians and Muslims. Duh Iron-man, 1. WRT HS voters behaviourals and KBP issues – I have my say, you can have your bull-says. This is a democratic forum, so champion your opinions, but do tone down on your passionate diatribe 🙂 2. I only… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 9.37pm

I am an Indian in HS. My family and all the Indians that I know in HS vote for Pakatan. I even know some MIC ppl who are silent PKR supporter. People no longer vote according to race, but party.

28 Apr 2010 3.29am
Reply to  Cumene

If BN candidate is a Malay, do you believe BN will get 59% vote from Indians?

(Many) Malaysians especially Indian still vote along racial line.

27 Apr 2010 7.11pm

Dear Anil, I had attached some articles for Malar, Sharath and Laugoo to read, and I am wondering why they are not attached in my reply to them? This is a fact, if those people dare to make it so obvious, I do not see any reason why you censored the same? The Rakyat need to know, and those postings came from their people. Just to let the Rakyat know how extreme those people are? Anyway, I respect your decision, but, it only makes me suspect that you are their mole? Cheers bro, I know you are not, your blog… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 5.42pm

1. Don’t b too hard on the Indians, Orang Asli. Refering Organization Behaviour(MBA)-Heirachy Of Needs, poorer people (usually Indians, OrangAsli) will worry about food on the table. BN gave $$ which solves their immediate problems at hand(safety Needs). Chinese and more liberal-minded(translated to educated) Malays are higher in the HON, hence they look for Social-Needs which covers fairness, justice, transparencies, accountability ie… CAT-sort of. 2. Utaya is taking the championship to push Indian up the bracket of needs. Only that he ignored the fact that Malaysia is multiracial, so rubbing into the other races’ self-righteousness. So forgive him. 3. Today… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 8.23pm
Reply to  RYN

Pardon moi, “1. Don’t b too hard on the Indians, Orang Asli. Refering Organization Behaviour(MBA)-Heirachy Of Needs, poorer people (usually Indians, OrangAsli) will worry about food on the table. BN gave $$ which solves their immediate problems at hand(safety Needs). Chinese and more liberal-minded(translated to educated) Malays are higher in the HON, hence they look for Social-Needs which covers fairness, justice, transparencies, accountability ie… CAT-sort of.” BULL ! Hierarchy of needs only goes so far. Beyond that is selfishness. And you paint in such broadbrush as if all the Chinese and Malays are well to do. BULL again ! There… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 5.05pm

Fatimah emphasized that BN has reform. It is good to know that Fatimah has been very honest that BN needed reform in the past. I asked that Fatimah give the blind supporters of Pakatan , point by point on the areas that BN needed to reform in the past and clarify on the reforms that has been successfully implemented today. Perhaps, the blind supporters of Pakatan can be convinced on this reforms .

27 Apr 2010 8.15pm
Reply to  DG

Did you see drug addict reform?

28 Apr 2010 11.15am
Reply to  nkkhoo

There are (former) drug addicts that have completely stopped using drugs.

My friend – a Christian pastor – runs a half-way-house for drug addicts and there are success stories.

Please have a heart.

Unlike the Umnoputras, there are drug addicts who earnestly want to get rid of their bad habit.

28 Apr 2010 5.20pm
Reply to  Iron

Sorry, I did not see a single drug addict in my village reform to a normal person. Some of them are my classmates, neighbors, friends, etc.

90% of them already gone.

New generations are taking ketamin is going to kill more Chinese youth.

29 Apr 2010 7.04am
Reply to  nkkhoo

Maybe you are unlucky. You do not get to see reformed drug addicts. I do.

The addiction will forever be there.

It does take will power to fight the urge to shoot up drugs. And this internal war lasts as long as the drug addict is alive.

I have met a couple of reformed (former) drug addicts and I salute their willingness to fight that urge every single day of their remaining lives.

29 Apr 2010 6.35pm
Reply to  Iron

UMNO (bumi!) addicted to NEP is similar to a person addicted to (substance).

The probability of reform voluntarily is very rare.

27 Apr 2010 4.57pm

Why do any GOOD party loses ? (I emphasize only in an example of a good party losing) It’s because there is a high concentration of this kind of people in an area…. a) there are people who are desperate for money or greedy b) racists amongst the voters c) there are uneducated, misinformed people d) there are die hard loyalist… This generally sums up why some people chose to vote the way they do…. Take your pick… The only people that can still be “saved” are GOD fearing people because in truth an individual can be all the ABOVE… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 2.27pm

If Hindraf claimed that Indians are causing Zaid lost pls think again. In 2008, 3 DUNs in HS parlimentary were won by BN with a total majority of 6, tell me where was Hindraf factor then? The late Datuk Zainal won by majority of 198 votes was merely on Malays factor , protesting on the choice of candidate from MIC, Datuk G. In 2010, the Malays again were the kingmaker, and come on la , not Hindraf la. Pakatan cannot be hold “ransom” by this Hindraf demand for this and that.The 23000+ votes for PR showed that PR can moved… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 7.57pm
Reply to  satriani

UMNO is playing racial card to ensure at least 60-70% Malay behind them. 30% Malay is always PAS staunch supporters, PKR can influence 5-10% Malays only.

Consequently, Chinese will response to UMNO racist policy by siding PR.

Like it or not, Indian is a king maker in West Malaysia in the GE13. Those ignore Indians will end up as a loser.

27 Apr 2010 2.07pm

I think many so-called politics experts are talking nonsense.

Let the facts do the talking.

PR lost 5% Malay votes and PR gained 10% Chinese votes compared to GE12. This lose and and gain more or less is cancelled out.

So the king maker in the Hulu Selangor is Indian voters. As I mentioned earlier, 800 votes will change the course of history in Hulu Selangor.

27 Apr 2010 1.51pm

The fact is merely 800 votes from Indian voters will change the history of Hulu Selangor.

This is 0.8% of Indian voters who casted their votes.

PR dares to publish how many % Indian votes go to Zaid?

27 Apr 2010 6.40pm
Reply to  nkkhoo

You get it totally wrong !

The Indians are not the kingmakers.

It’s the Malays. They have the number !!!

27 Apr 2010 8.08pm
Reply to  Iron

Be realistic. Forget to change 60% Malay UMNO hardcore supporters who are in receiving side of NEP. And PAS can only get 30% Malay votes.

I do not say 10% Malay fence sitters are not important. What PR can offer to these Malays? They have number, but PR has no resources to buy them over.

From DAP own analysis, Indian votes drop from 51 to 41%. If PR can gain 1% Indian votes, Zaid will be the winner.

Keep ignore and insult Indians as LGE did. Let see BN or PR will be in Putrajaya in the next GE.

28 Apr 2010 7.05am
Reply to  nkkhoo

“Be realistic.” But I am ! “Forget to change 60% Malay UMNO hardcore supporters who are in receiving side of NEP. And PAS can only get 30% Malay votes.” There are always hardcores out there that are un-changeable, but the figure you gave, 60%, is waaaaaay to high ! I’ll put that as 30% because it’s part of nature after all — no bell curves are exactly the same but they do have something in common, the extreme ends always taper off, and in the case of NEP and the Malays, 30% is more than enough to categorize those hardcore… Read more »

28 Apr 2010 10.46am
Reply to  Iron

30% Malay is UMNO hardcore supporter is too optimistic. I’ll agree with this number if no NEP racial policy in place.

My estimate is NEP will push another 30% Malay to UMNO. So my number is add up to 60% hardcore supporters.

I do not disagree on DAP is “too Chinese” and an easy target for UMNO to label PR is Chinese-controlled ally. They are just pretending as a multiracial and democratic party, but in reality the father-son controls the show.

28 Apr 2010 11.34am
Reply to  nkkhoo

30% Malay is UMNO hardcore supporter is too optimistic. I’ll agree with this number if no NEP racial policy in place.” I used to think like you until I took on a project several years ago, and met a lot of rural Malays who genuinely wants to make their lives better and willing to put days/months/years of hard work to achieve it. I used to be snobbish – had that racist thought that only the Chinese are willing to work hard, and the Malays are too lazy. That encounter changed my perspective completely. You see … the Melayu are a… Read more »

28 Apr 2010 5.54pm
Reply to  Iron

Most likely you had mingled with PAS-influenced rural Malays during your field study.

Did I say Malay is stupid and lazy? No! I always say Malay is very smart because they can get free money from others legally.

My friend (Chinese in this case) got a RM20,000 per month contract from a UMNOputera for 10-hour per month “ronda” work in XXXXXXXXXX. More than a million RM easy money already go into his pocket.

I’ll stop working if I can get free money as many UMNOputeras.

27 Apr 2010 7.45pm
Reply to  nkkhoo

Analysis from DAP Selangor says Indian votes drop 10% from 51 to 41%.

PR is better to re-examine their strategy to work with Hindraf and recruit more Indian leaders with grass-root connection.

Let forget Karpal Singh and his son to be real Indian leaders

28 Apr 2010 7.09am
Reply to  nkkhoo

Tell me, what is the total percentage in terms of the Indians versus the total population of Malaysia?

Even if 0% of the Indians vote for the Pakatan, as long as the Pakatan can garner more bumi votes, Pakatan will still be safe.

28 Apr 2010 5.37pm
Reply to  Iron

Are you fighting for justice or winning more seats?

Indian is the most marginalized group, helping poor Indians should be emphasized by PR.

As a saying in the Buddhist, good karma will come with your good work.

29 Apr 2010 5.18pm
Reply to  nkkhoo

“Are you fighting for justice or winning more seats?” Ahhh.. good question ! What is “JUSTICE” ? To me it is one thing, to you it is another. To the Malays “JUSTICE” means this, to the Chinese “JUSTICE” means that, to the Indians “JUSTICE” means something else altogether. Now, how about the Orang Asli, the Ibans, the Dayaks, and Penans, and so on ? Easy to say “Fight for Justice” but if we can’t even pin down what that “JUSTICE” really is, “Fight for Justice” sounds so empty. That is why right now the aim should be to gain more… Read more »

30 Apr 2010 5.52am
Reply to  Iron

Open up any dictionary to know what is justice instead of spinning.

Give you a clue, my multimillionaire umno-linked friend by right he should vote BN to keep his bowl, but he did not do so.

In his heart, he know his wealth is from an injustice system. This is justice!

27 Apr 2010 12.35pm

“how can the chinese vote for … complete racist

I think you’ve answered your own question.

Ong Eu Soon
27 Apr 2010 12.33pm

The most worrying trend in Pakatan is its tendency of relying on chinese votes. Pakatan already forgotten about the Tanjong 2 battle where DAP scored more than 80% chinese votes which translated to only 25 parliamentary seats. To depend on the chinese for support is a suicidal strategy. Pakatan need to bulk up by implementing real reform and change in the way the state government is being run. An ambition that Elizabert Wong professed but fail to carry out until now. Pakatan state governments after 2 years in power only proved that they are copy cat of BN without independent… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 6.34pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

The most worrying trend in Pakatan is its tendency of relying on chinese votes.

Not only that … they have practically abandoned the rural Malays !!

Me as a Chinese have a very uneasy feeling about this.

I do not want Pakatan Rakyat become yet another DAP !

I want a Pakatan Rakyat that represents all people, and Malays being the largest group of people in Malaysia, they *MUST* be represented.

27 Apr 2010 8.29pm
Reply to  Iron

Chinese is not supporting PR blindly, they are just responding to UMNO racist policy. Chinese can swing back to BN IF PR take granted for their support as we have seen in 1990.

What PR as opposition can do to win over rural Malay?

Are you expecting PR to come out more racist policies to compete with UMNO?

Ong Eu Soon
28 Apr 2010 12.42am
Reply to  nkkhoo

Why do you need a racist policy to win over support? Can’t Pakatan do something decent? Like fight against the exploitation of Felda people when Pakatan has the chance. Not a last minute attempt when Pakatan is the one that run the Selangor state government!

28 Apr 2010 3.18am
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Felda is a few real projects benefiting poor rakyat especially Malays. Those settlers are truly grateful to BN.

Felda settlers are (allegedly) receiving free money each month by just sitting at home. Unlikely these people reject free money flow for no reason.

Of course PR especially PKR and PAS have to work harder to penetrate Felda fortress to win back at least 40% Malay support.

28 Apr 2010 7.12am
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Can’t Pakatan do something decent? Like fight against the exploitation of Felda people when Pakatan has the chance.


DAP does not want to have (much) to do with the Malays.

For DAP always think that the Malays gonna vote for UMNO anyway.

So why the need to help the Felda folks when they are going to vote for UMNO anyway?

Even if PKR / PAS want to do something DAP would drag their feet, and in the end nothing gets done.

28 Apr 2010 7.18am
Reply to  nkkhoo

“What PR as opposition can do to win over rural Malay? Are you expecting PR to come out more racist policies to compete with UMNO?” Care to re-read what you wrote above, Mr. Khoo? You know what is the problem with you and your DAP comrades? You guys are too snobbish. You guys always think that … in order to get Malay votes you have to act just like UMNO and play the “Ketuanan Melayu” game. Unless you guys can change yourselves, there is no hope for any cooperation between you guys from DAP and the Malay people. No one… Read more »

28 Apr 2010 10.29am
Reply to  Iron

When I join DAP? You submit the form for me? Are you chopping off free money flow from someone if you are beneficiaries of NEP? The majority of rural Malays support UMNO for free money reason. They are not stupid not knowing UMNO is a corrupt party. Please tell me how many percentage of Malays are willing to stand on their own? Yes, there are some like Zaid and others who already rich enough and willing to do so. 5%? 10%? Prove me wrong that Malays are willing to get rid of 40-year old NEP. Are you willing to reject… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 12.23pm

Anil, I was on the ground for this buy-election. Maybe about 300 probably Pakatan voters were transferred to another constituency and if the number of voters are the same, it means that they have been replaced with 300 people from another constituenc who will (probably) vote BN. This will make a difference of 600 votes between BN and Pakatan. Some Orang Asli’s IC, say may be 300, were witheld and can be used by phantom voters to vote and this will make up a difference of another 600 votes in BN’s favour. More than 14000 people have their polling centres… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 11.10am

how can the chinese vote for a BN that hav ppl like ibrahim ali n mahatir who r complete racist suffering frm inferior complex.tis is the reason chinese wont vote BN if they continue to hav utusan…,mahatiracsim,ibrahim… hypocrite around.this win is nothing if BN do not hav the change of character n shed off their ‘good cop n bad cop’ role playing between umnoo n perkasa.stop putting up a drama.masia is not committed to getting rid of racism once of for all.this is why PR will continue to win as many young generation NO LONGER believe in racism n do… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 2.20pm
Reply to  charliechang

how can the chinese vote for a BN that hav ppl like ibrahim ali n mahatir who r complete racist …”

What the HECK are you talking about?

Forget to take your medicine or what???

The Chinese voted over 70% for the Pakatan !!!!!

It’s the Tamils that voted over 70% for BN.

27 Apr 2010 9.32pm
Reply to  Iron

i am refering to the gundu’s adnan on the loss of chinese votes…relax,bro. Msia has changed to a point BN has to resort to all kind of selling.all BN need to to do is be a clean gov and truly help everyone.they would have won the hearts of masian but their greed has blind them to their destruction.PR needs to start to think like a new gov if they ever want to go to putrajaya… they should have qualified professional based representatives.

27 Apr 2010 10.55am

Here’s another theory- The Felda Malays are not bodoh. The issue of Felda owners being cheated have been going on far too long. Some are being cheated for 2 generations. They are giving a last warning to BN One doesn’t have to be highly educated or have access to internet to experience corruption and greed. They are losing the battle in order to win the war. Now the only way to get what is due to them is to show a “temporary” support to BN and also give face to Najib, once come the next GE, if they still… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 2.22pm
Reply to  CW

Putting up a bold face after the lost ain’t gonna do Pakatan Rakyat any good.

No matter how you spin it, a lost is still a lost.

27 Apr 2010 9.59am

After spending millions only to win by a 1,700+ majority is nothing to shout about. In fact, it’s a sham victory. Without the millions in gifts, promises & in kinds, BN would have dug its own grave. Some of the lessons learned at HS are: 1. The EC is as tinted…. It’s just another tool of UMNO; 2. Money politics is here to stay. It’s the main course & life-blood of UMNO; 3. PKR should take this defeat as a lesson. The lack of directions, unwillingness to enforce party discipline, internal disputes and other factors only serve to indicate that… Read more »

27 Apr 2010 9.33am

Summary of my thoughts in this “Buy-election”.
The economical deprived and faked champion of Melayu rights demand to continue to be supplied with cluthches, each of these “poor malays” have a different reason…
The majority Indians have chosen their fate, to allow themselves, to be a “UMNO Thambi”
Only the Chinese were prepared to (express at the ballot box how they they felt about) Ketuanan Melayu…especially people like Ibrahim Ali, the ugly Perkasa figure.

27 Apr 2010 8.53am

The train of discussion miss the big point. What happened at Hulu Selangor is nothing else than a national shame. You can argue with details but the big picture is that PR, PKR, Anwar and Zaid did no great wrong. In fact, EVERYONE rose to the challenge and performed like they never did before. (In fact, Nik Aziz should have been given MVP!) The bottom line is simply that BN had the resources and tools that far exceed PR. No matter what PR, PKR and Zaid did, UMNO/BN can always more than match it when it comes down to it.… Read more »

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
27 Apr 2010 8.29am

Dear Anil

We need to keep in mind the phenomenon of
“split ticket voting” for the next General Election i.e. “pragmatic voters” voting for a politician who is perceived as being able to provide the goodies at the local level (BN politician? At the ADUN level) and for a politician from the other side for a higher level of political office (PR politician? At the MP level).