How did it come to this for Khalid Ibrahim?


From various accounts, it was Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim’s perceived lack of consultation that resulted in faltering support from his Pakatan colleagues, especially those from within PKR.

It is a salutary lesson for all. In a democratic system, real consultation and participatory decision making is necessary. If you are a visionary leader, there must be space for friends and foes to critique that vision – and buy into it – if it is to be successfully realised.

One Pakatan elected rep in Selangor revealed to me that only exco members and YDPs in Selangor were invited for a two-day retreat to chart the vision for the state in the coming years. He said other elected reps could have provided valuable feedback about the sentiment among the grassroots and their aspirations.

It is important to consult and be in touch with the grassroots. For instance, wider consultation with the grassroots would have told Khalid that the decision to award hefty pay hikes for elected reps in Selangor, including a raise of 231 per cent for exco members, was ill-advised especially at a time when the people are hurting from the higher cost of living. People don’t want to see their leaders living the high life – moving around in flashy limousines and receiving hefty pay increases – when the rakyat on the grond are finding life much tougher.

Khalid’s tough stance in protecting the people’s interest during negotiations between the federal government and the state government for control of Selangor’s water assets and in staving off increases in water tariffs for six years won him many admirers. But concerns surfaced over whether any new concession agreement would be lopsided in favour of the corporations after Khalid announced that the state and the federal governments would jointly take over the water assets.

Much has been said about the RM2.8bn in Selangor state reserves (this figure needs to be independently verified) that the Khalid-administration was said to have accumulated, and no doubt some politicians will be jostling for control over how that is spent.

One of the criticisms was that some of that money should have been spent on easing the plight of the lower-income groups in Selangor and improving amenities. What is the point in the state accumulating so much money in reserves when people need to be helped and empowered?

It is a pity it has come to this for Khalid as the MB has had a real chance to show how a state government should be led in one of the jewels of the federation.

Now Anwar is standing for election in Kajang, considered to be a safe seat for Pakatan. In the 2013 general election, PKR’s Lee Chin Cheh polled 19571 votes over his MCA opponent (12747) to win by an increased 6824 majority (2008 – 3268 votes) with an 88 per cent voter turnout. But Pakatan cannot take for granted that election-weary voters will turn out in numbers for a by-election.

For Anwar, winning the Kajang seat would be the first step in lifting his public profile and ensuring he remains in the public eye in the years approaching the next general election. He may have a better feel for grassroots sentiment in the state than the present MB; it remains to be seen whether his entry will result in the state being more effectively managed (though Khalid has said he remains the MB for “the time being”). Anwar’s entry may also signal his intention to intervene in the state to bridge the uneasy rift between Azmin Ali and Khalid and defuse the situation before it gets out of hand.

What’s your take on what’s happening in Selangor? Is Anwar’s entry a smart move? How will voters react to such an early by-election caused by internal problems?

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1 Feb 2014 8.09am

I think Rafizi should be made MB of Selangor. He took the … rap for everybody.

Forget Khalid. He sounds like a court clown and joker….

What Rafizi could do is get PR top honchosto agree to some guidelines that he will be boss of PR Selangor. You think he’s too young? Some PR people are old enough to drop dead.

Then he comes up with a list of things to do, which will require PR honchos disciplined adherence. He achieves those targets, he stays. If he doesn’t he’ll probably step down himself.

29 Jan 2014 2.29pm

Time for MCA to show Kajang chinese that new aspiration is more than just singing in Chinese New Year song in a music video! However, KJ has already told MCA to step aside!

29 Jan 2014 8.38am

Kajang Rep can resign and Anwar can contest because there are no laws to prevent such a move. Good or bad for the people? Nobody can tell. I think it’s better than seating down and do nothing.

Rich Daddy
Rich Daddy
29 Jan 2014 1.08am

See this >>>>>>> RM2.8bn in Selangor state reserves <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

29 Jan 2014 12.23am

I believed it’s something more significant than the Khalid-Azmin spat and/or Anwar aspiring to be MB. I am inclined to think it could possibly to thwart a Perak style coup de’tat by BN. We all know the PM is salivating to take back Selangor.

Batu Ferringhian
Batu Ferringhian
28 Jan 2014 9.28pm

Personally, I’d rather sit quietly and observe how this will unfold in the next couple of days/weeks. In politics, you never expose your next move, you position yourself before you go for the ‘kill’.

I was shocked – just like everybody else but I feel that we shouldn’t assume and speculate. We need facts unfortunately, we’re not in any position to obtain these facts.

We’re mere peasants.

I’m still fuming about paying RM14 for 1kg of ikan temenung!

28 Jan 2014 7.27pm

Interesting to see if the MCA with its new aspiration and leadership of Liow and Wee will accede to Umno to make way again. With more cash handouts fir hard pressed rakyat, BN could possibly spring a surprise fir Anwar?

Fake Malaysia News
28 Jan 2014 7.07pm

Ultimately self interest drives all politicians. Lee stepped down because he was inventivised to, and now Anwar is doing what he needs to do for reasons yet unknown. It’s just shameful these people can deny running on Monday then announce it on Tuesday.

Remember the old joke? “Never believe anything until it has been officially *denied*!” 🙂

najib manaukau
28 Jan 2014 6.35pm

I have often said politicians, regardless of where they are from, are of the same kind ! That is why I hope and pray that none of my descendants will ever become one in Malaysia. Since independent there was only one dedicated politician I truly respect and he is Tan Sri Dr. Tan Chee Khoon ! Nevertheless just to move Malaysia towards a better run country, at least for now, we must change but as long as any administration is in power there can be no change. Corruption will no doubt slowly creeps in who ever becomes the tenants of… Read more »

29 Jan 2014 11.40pm
Reply to  najib manaukau

There’s Dr. Jeyakumar, MP for Sg. Siput

Kok Keong
Kok Keong
28 Jan 2014 6.19pm

Well, what do you think of Azmin saying the resignation paving the way for the Kajang by-election that will surely get Anwar to be elected in order to take over the position of Selangor MB from Khalid has been “planned all along”. This is truly sickening, to say the least. What does the “all along” mean? Dating back to when? And why now is all this taking place? Sounds like Azmin has no respect for democracy let alone the idea of serving the rakyat. I don’t know enough about him just as I don’t know enough about his spat with… Read more »

28 Jan 2014 6.06pm

On the contrary I think Khalid’s closed-doors style makes for good long-sighted decision making – analyse the decisions made …founded on good rationales. Too many cooks spoil the broth and lead to standstills in decision making. Plus he chose to put Selangor affairs above party affairs – for which he earned the respect of many. Its the internal politics within PKR messing up teh situation now and not his leadership style.

Ed G
Ed G
28 Jan 2014 6.02pm

The manner in which the Khalid administration increased their pay and subsequently tried to appease (or dupe) the people with ‘their little donation out of the hefty pay increase’ is certainly a sign of being out of touch with reality, or to put it more bluntly, arrogance. This arrogance was further manifested by the manner the number two man of the MB’s own party was bundled out from PKNS. Khalid further spat out inane reasons on why the bad decisions could not be reversed. If Khalid and his circle were to conduct some form of serious self-examination, he would probably… Read more »

28 Jan 2014 4.54pm

I concur with your points about Khalid not consulting more widely. That eye-popping pay hike was especially ill-timed and not right. Still, overall Khalid has done a good job. I never liked Azmin. Compared to the hordes of UMNO-BN wolves, he is an angel. He is much better than the turn-coat Ezam. But his mind is rather closed in too many ways; his ambitious politician side is rather dominant. And how Anwar panders too much to Azmin is difficult to accept. If that soft-spot for Azmin is behind a Kajang by-elections gambit to unseat Khalid, then Anwar-Azmin have gone too… Read more »

28 Jan 2014 4.20pm

Seriously, James Chin equate to role of a MB to a town council president.

Perhaps James reminisce the days when Georgetown city council collected double the revenue of those collected by the States

Hehehehe, what about mustapha mohammad then? Ok, he will never become PM……It’s fine…..Hahahaha

28 Jan 2014 4.09pm

Its the abuse of the democratic process and public resources and money by Pakatan Rakyat.

28 Jan 2014 4.02pm

It’s not going to be a walk in the park for Anwar. The stakes are high for Anwar. There’s every chance of Anwar losing in Kajang. If he loses in the bye-election, that’s going to be a big slap on his face by the voters in Kajang. But then Anwar could have come into Selangor and lead Selangor PKR without having to ask Lee to resign as ADUN for Kajang.

28 Jan 2014 3.48pm

Khalid is no great politician. The problem is PKR has the biggest political challenge of all the parties in Pakatan. Khalid certaintly has not excel politically but its what we Selangorian want. Do Selangor want to be the supplier of PKR political capital? Not that much but that is precisely what PKR wants to do. So the conflict is not simply Khalid with Azmin or PKR, its mostly Selangorian wtih PKR. Anwar is likely going to sit on the Exco and try and improve the political capitalization of PKR using Selangor. The issue is can it be done without pushing… Read more »

Rufus Mallu
Rufus Mallu
28 Jan 2014 3.31pm

My take? Anwar is power hungry. He’s controlled by the double headed … Azmin Ali. Both wants power and then abuse it! The fact that the current MB has done a good job so far does not matter all all!! God help Selangor!

28 Jan 2014 7.57pm
Reply to  Rufus Mallu

LGE & LKS are also pwoer hungry…..See so many Penang Hills being destroyed…..Time to give Najib 222 constituencies & voted Rosmah as President of the President for Life……All Hail Rosmah! All Hail Rosmah!

28 Jan 2014 2.57pm

Totally agreed with the 3 comments above. Should teach PKR a lesson

28 Jan 2014 7.40pm
Reply to  illusionary

In that case, Mahathir should come back to contest Anwar either on Umno ticket or as an independent candidate, and teach Najib how to be a leader.

28 Jan 2014 7.55pm
Reply to  illusionary

Good! I want Karpal Singh to be PM of Pakatan Rakyat……Yeah!

Meanwhile another penang lang has spoken.

28 Jan 2014 1.45pm

Well, you have said nothing about the ethics of resigning from the post few months after the election, supposedly for ‘the greater good of Pakatan”. Isn’t this a mockery of democracy and treating election and voters as tools that to be manipulated for personal and party interests ? And why of all people, Anwar, is standing in Selangor when his home base is at Penang ? Can he do an effective ADUN for Kajang? As for the merits/ demerits of Khalid, I don’t think it got to do with the salary increase or the water deal. It is clearly has… Read more »

Jamal Majid
Jamal Majid
28 Jan 2014 1.28pm

No doubt that Khalid had made some mistakes and these were used by Azmin and his merry gang to bring him down. These mistakes can be corrected without him giving up his post. The bigger issue is that Azmin as head of PKR Selangor wants the party to have a bigger say in the running of the state. Personally I hope Kajang voters will give BN a free seat. The loss of the Kajang seat will not really affect the PR state government. Instead the voters will be sending a strong message to all elected representatives that their utmost duty… Read more »

28 Jan 2014 4.09pm
Reply to  Jamal Majid

That means Anwar political career would end…….Some folks especially KT Moc, RPK & Gobalakrishnan would be overjoyed. Not to mention Mahathir would laugh till he mampus when he hears the news of Anwar mampus politically

Kok Keong
Kok Keong
28 Jan 2014 1.15pm

Interesting that you have nothing to say about the spat between MB Khalid and Azmin. Also, yes, the opposition won the Kajang seat handily in the last couple of elections. What’s disgusting is the arrogant assumption by PKR that it will be a piece of cake for them to regain the seat in the by election. If BN would demonstrate this kind of arrogance in this day and age, there would be loudly slammed. I hope an independent or PSM candidate will contest and win in the by election, instead, just to teach PKR a lesson.