Electoral reforms: Ambiga-Khairy debate


Bersih Steering Committee co-chair Ambiga Sreenevasan debated with Umno Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin last night.

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wong yoong tet
wong yoong tet
27 May 2012 12.23pm

why was this debate held in the first place??? The MP should be doing his duties as an MP instead of “defending?” a supposedly “independent” & “neutral” EC ???????????????

Bon Lua
Bon Lua
24 May 2012 4.27pm

Bersih win many hearts as we see from the video on 428. When Rakyats’ hearts is won the leaders have won everything. But when we listen to what our national top leaders say and also from the video of the violences by the police who are supposed to protect us ( men on the streets ) our hearts are broken. He who wins the Rakyat hearts will win the election and he who break the Rakyats heart and still win means there is something wrong somewhere ! Are human beings greater than gods ? So, whose will ? Are we… Read more »

27 Apr 2012 2.36pm

Khairy should explain why EC cannot answer why there are so many dubious voters.

27 Apr 2012 6.56am

The one who is pathetic and ignorant is you. Ambiga like you and me and all whether Malays, Indians, Chinese, Kadazan etc etc etc who are born in Malaysia are automatic citizen. Malays, Chinese , Indian Kadazan and others who are not born here are granted citizenship. Worse are those like like of your type who are born here are not granted citizen but to others who stay here for a few years were granted citizen. Yet you continue to lick … ammo bARANG nAIK nACHEAT/ Maybe you want to be a wannabe … Its simple. Sell off your soul… Read more »

27 Apr 2012 12.32pm
Reply to  Yang

Wannabes like this one wanna ‘advance in Malaysia’ the marble-polishing & tongkat-way.
Seen some of them in the narrowest lorong off Macalister Road.
And wanna act selective racist to certain color of customers. Stupid idiots like that cannot win more multi-racial Tham Chiak Kui. Still ignorant of “customer is king”, especially the big spender, big eater customers who can eat both halal & non-halal food.
This is but just one miserable example of cow-head wannabes trying to polish marbles & goodie-2-shoes of Barang Naiki & Nak-Cheat.

27 Apr 2012 2.11am

In politician language mastery, persuasion and articulate are very important. Ambiga is a lawyer which has different kind of debate, in court she sure won and Khairy lost. But for public there has to be more persuasion, emotion and etc.

But if it was Tony Pua, Nurul Izzah or etc, Khairy is left behind.

Andrew I
Andrew I
26 Apr 2012 10.46pm

Khairy trying to rustle up an omelette.

Pala Richie
Pala Richie
26 Apr 2012 6.01pm

When the Afghan’s EC tries to conduct the election as free and fairly, where democracy is a pretty new concept, after 30 years of Taliban rule, civil war and occupation by Russia. M’sian on the other hand, whom are going to celebrate 55 yrs of independence, have to settle with MPs such as Khairy trying to defend the non-defensible EC, with an excuse of ‘you are not trusting the EC enough’. It is a general M’sian perception, public service and governmental agencies do not have the courage to act impartially, be it EC, MACC, PDRM, even ju.. (simply put: cari… Read more »

Gopal Raj Kumar
26 Apr 2012 5.34pm

What a pathetic and embarrassing set of reasons to demonstrate and to bring government and the nation to its knees. The number and incidences of typos, errors in identifying individuals and their details on the roles pales into insignificance when one considers the number of occurrences against the total population and the number of eligible voters. I particularly found the allegation that Malaysia had granted citizenship top non Malaysians to be an issue. Ambiga’s parents like mine were not citizens till they became citizens. They were foreigners till granted citizenship. When compared to the US’s legislation that has disenfranchised up… Read more »

Andrew I
Andrew I
26 Apr 2012 11.14pm

Your father wasn’t a White Raj, was he? Must be where you get all your haughtiness from. Reminds me of that RTM newsreader in the eighties. The expression on his face when he opened his mouth looked like someone who was sitting on the wrong end of a pogo stick.

Here’s a dedication to you and your supremacist views.

26 Apr 2012 2.35pm

Put all MPs, all ??? evidences & EC in a same room, locked out (like Ghost Adventurer) and there will be a lot of shampooing!

Khairy, go to Sabah & see for yourself the clear-as-blue-sky evidences.
Khairy, when things go “dirty,” you still ask for “one-way cooperation”?
Khairy, as self-appointed BN spokesman, what guarantee you have (if BN lose)? Are you having any fine print we can’t read (in your mind)?

Ambiga, you are cool with facts. Without raising a finger.