This was the scene at a DAP ceramah in Pandan two nights ago.
In contrast, MCA leaders can only draw in people when food is served – and even then the diners can’t be bothered to listen to the speeches once they have tucked in to their hearts’ content. They would rather cabut home.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the MCA faces an annihilation at the polls.
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Ai yoh! MCA, why so stubborn. This is the problem when you have too much FREE money to spend. The non-Malay rakyat ask for scholarships, BN/MCA gave a lot of excuses. Now they spend like no body business, asking people to eat when people have no more appetite. Over there at DAP ceramah,nothing to eat,yet people dig into their pockets to contribute some more. Time is running out, yet you spend money and time, without getting results. Whose strategy is this? If you had not clash on the same date, maybe the people will sit longer, whether or not they… Read more »
The roar of change at Padang Kota Lama:
The UMNO/BN party is looking gloomy. The 3 senior parties in BN i.e. UMNO, MCA & MIC are looking like desperadoes. UMNO(-led administration) is giving money, MCA is giving free dinners and what is MIC giving? Anyway that is NOT important as the important thing is that BN should change its name to UMNOBN and NOT UMNO/BN. Anything to do with BN its UMNO only.
Ini Kalilah Rakyat Malaysia, Kami UBAH Malaysia for A BETTER MALAYSIA.
The true colour of Tun M is revealed when he is desperate to hold on. I think only foreingers who could contribute economically to our nation should be given blue IC. Anyway, I still cannot understand why MCA can accept the two Perkasa leaders in the BN family, given MCA’s fear of extremism. Perhaps MCA has lost its focus for focusing too much on the hudud issue?
Boycott Rapp Malaysia for their fear-mongering ads from Barisan Nasional on mainstream newspapers. These racial fear campaigns are the biggest insult to the intelligence of today’s voters. It reflects the mentality and quality of the BN leaders.
It has been exposed by Campaign Asia-Pacific that Rapp Malaysia is responsible for these advertisements. Rapp Malaysia is a part of Naga DDB Malaysia.
Sign your petition here:
KreeMiller, Gerkan and MCA are no more talking of policies or whatsoever regarding the state and people and their welfare. Their main campaign now is just like the Kitchen God to stuff food into your more to make sure you say good thing for them and to distract the people from going to Pakatan Rakyat ceramah. Why because they have nothing to offer anymore
If there is any Gerakan Penang ceramah talking about revival of free port status, do ask the speaker the relevant points raised by thus reader for Teng Chang Yeow to respond :
Gerakan penang now hide behind 1Sapu banner; dare not openly display their logos (I am truly sad for Tun Lim Chong Eu) just like MCA. What a disgrace !
I was trying to get to the ceramah site that night at about 10PM, it was almost impossible. The traffic backed up from Pandan, about 3 km to the highway. It was a crazy night.
Frankly the photo of MCA ceramah with Donald Lim, looked more like a funeral wake, what with all the blue shirts, blue buntings and blue posters.
Well, maybe it is a wake of sorts for the gasping MCA.
People just go to BN ceramah for dinner. No need to cook or buy food! After dinner, they will go to PR ceramah!
Hi Anil,
What is your opinion? Can we to use the crowd turnout as the yardstick to gauge the chances of success. Many general elections and by-elections have proven this. The PR ceramah may attract crowds in the tens of thousands while the Barisan Nasional ceramah can’t even attract a lot people. But when the votes are counted, Barisan Nasional wins and with a large majority on top of that. So what do u think?
Hi Amin, I think much will depend on how Malaysians in rural areas and kampungs vote. Some of them don’t have access to other views while others are swayed by vote-buying. The BN has basically lost the urban and even much of the semi-urban votes. In these areas, the mood for change is strong.
Let’s also hope that there is no cheating on polling day.
News have been so concentrated in the South and urban-semi-urban and now Anwar is in Sarawak and Sabah over the weekend..Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu almost nothing..Even online news not doing much..
Hi, theres only one way for the speaker to come out of this disheartening situation …
His face shows suicidal tendencies.
Look at the man and the woman in front. Don`t know whether its their own people or not but they are wearing 1 Malaysia t shirt. The man is more interested in his computer note book while the woman is in his hand phone. Looking at Lim face, he is really disheartened.
1. It would be nice to have a video of the BN dinner too.
You have to take your hat off to these MCA-Gerakan-BNguys for their “fighting spirit”
in spite of very low attendance.
2. Phantom voters = voters who are actually sitting at the table but you can’t see them
physically ? There in spirit if not in the flesh ? 🙂
Ah Pek here reporting from Bayan Baru Penang : Bayan Baru folks kena 1tipu when elected MP Zahrain Hashim lompat-katak to become beEnd friendly after not granted Bukit Jambul Golf “privileges”. So now many Blue Ocean flags everywhere (even that Mun Hoe’s pics around the Big FTZ Rouandabout) must have back-fired & hence triggered the mass-anger kena 1-tipu feeling again & if you don’t believe me come to Bayan Baru and observe yourselves the color if the attires worn by general folks now until 505 ! Malays, Chinese & Indians at bayan Bru know Once Bitten Twice Shy from voting… Read more »
hi Bayan Baru Ah Pek, take a couple of photos and share with us, please.
On the table on the left ,theres a big fat EGG presented to donald lim and gang.
Bye bye mca. Better luck next time.What a big flop.
Mca is sinking deeper than the TITANIC.
.The set up looks more of a WAKE for mca !
I was at this rally… I think the crowd is 5,000 or more? LGE came on a motorbike.. fancy seeing PM Najib do the same? Ah I fogot, he rides on bicycles!
Have been to several in Kepong, Seputeh, PJ, LAST WEEKEND etc and its the same everywhere.. MCA and Gerakan people are only concern with figuring out post-election how to hang on to party posts only..
The battle has already moved into Malay heartland already this week. The picture is actually very different..The resistance and fight back is not easy. Anwar is an amazing force but even for PAS is finding it hard going.
They have one more week to go deep into the heartland of UMNO and fight upstream..
NTV7’s Chat Time with Tun Dr Mahathir programme (shown live on TV) featured the old man’s ranting that MCA and MIC must support Perkasa because the Malay right-wing group is there “for us”. Here are some infamous quotes from ex-PM: “There were attacks against the Malays, on their so-called privileges…when you attack the Malays there are bound to be people who will defend. Then, the Chinese openly say ‘we will not support them (BN), at most BN will get 20% of our votes’,” “If we get 20% of their votes and we get less if we ignore Perkasa, where would… Read more »