Why it’s crucial for Amanah to put on a strong showing in by-elections

Launch of Parti Amanah Negara at IDCC, Shah Alam, 16 September 2015

The nation is at a crossroads now: we are faced with a choice between going down a more conservative route to religion, which we could alter the long-accepted character of public life in the nation, or we could adopt a more enlightened approach to Islam.

The conservative approach took on a worrying turn with the tabling of Hadi’s bill in Parliament aided by an Umno deputy minister helping the private member’s bill to leapfrog over government matters. This happened at around the time when Swiss private bank BSI in Singapore was ordered to close and when the real owners of PetroSaudi were revealed in the foreign media. The effect of fast-tracking Hadi’s bill was to partially divert attention from the 1MDB scandal.

A more enlightened approach has been evident in Tunisia, where the Ennahda party is ditching political Islam and refashioning itself as a party of Muslim democrats. Among the three parties contesting in the two by-elections, it is Amanah which carries the most hope of adopting a more enlightened approach. This is why it must be bolstered by a strong showing in the two by-elections so that Malaysians will be presented with an alternative, more progressive approach to religion in public life.

So for me, this is where the significance in the by-elections in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar lies, quite apart from voters making it clear they reject what has transpired in the 1MDB scandal.

That said, the ‘alternative’ Pakatan development model pursued in a place by Penang has left many feeling uneasy. Think of the excessive high-end property development, the lack of protection for the hills and seas, and the fundamentally flawed Penang transport masterplan proposals.

Nonetheless, these two upcoming by-elections should be seen as a test whether Amanah would be encouraged to pursue a more enlightened and progressive alternative approach to Islam. A strong showing for the party will force Umno and Pas to reconsider their own conservative positions.

This is why it is essential for Amanah to put up a robust performance.

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David Loman
David Loman
14 Jun 2016 10.40am

Adalah amat penting BN dikalahkan dalam pilihanraya kali ini untuk tunjuk rakyat tolak rasuah Najib.

13 Jun 2016 2.17pm

I don’t even see the need for Amanah to exist. Why isn’t Pakatan is still using the BN template when it supposed to eschew race/religion based politics? Why can’t PKR or DAP go alone with Pakatan without PAN or PAS? It is obvious that PAN was created to appeal to the Muslim voters who think there should be no separation between the State and Islam. Basically this is the vote bank of PAS. This also means PAN is supporting Hudud without saying so in the public. Unless PAN can come out and declare their categorical rejection of hudud and politicisation… Read more »

kampong lad
kampong lad
13 Jun 2016 12.05am

Islam is islam. No such things as islam hadhari, moderate islam, fundamental, progressive, conservative, radical or what have you, if you care to find the meaning of the word.

Hudud? It has always been a non-starter, merely political stunts on-and-off, seasonal.

12 Jun 2016 10.02pm

May be anilnetto.com readers can organise overseas trip of lawatan sambil belajar trip?

How about charter a private jet to Turkey? No limit to luggage carried on board?

Vote PAN
Vote PAN
13 Jun 2016 4.23pm
Reply to  Jive

Rafizi Ramli : BONGKAR Rosmah Mansor Sewa Jet Ke Instanbul Terima Anugerah PERMATA

gk ong
gk ong
15 Jun 2016 4.55pm
Reply to  Vote PAN

Tokyo governor resigned over spending scandal. About time for us to look east and learn from Japan?

David Loman
David Loman
14 Jun 2016 6.58pm
Reply to  Jive

Rosmah sewa ‘private jet’ ke Istanbul, dakwa Rafizi

Rafizi Ramli mendakwa isteri Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor menggunakan jet peribadi mewah yang disewa bagi menghadiri satu majlis untuk ke Istanbul, Turki. Rafizi turut mempersoalkan kewajaran Rosmah menggunakan lapangan terbang di Pengkalan Udara Subang yang sepatutnya khusus untuk kegunaan ketenteraan dan bukan di KLIA.

Renji Sathiah
12 Jun 2016 3.59pm

Very true!

David Loman
David Loman
12 Jun 2016 4.38pm

Faced with the offensive by Dr Mahathir at the by-elections, Gerakan is dishing out rice and lucky draw hampers to woo voters.

At their Parents Day event this morning in Taman Mercu Indah, Kuala Kangsar, at least 200 elderly participants received a pack of 5kgs rice each from the Gerakan organisers.

Read more: https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/344986#ixzz4BLuoz4kn

David Loman
David Loman
12 Jun 2016 4.22pm

2500 people braved the rain at Amanah’s ceramah at Kuala Kangsar:

11 Jun 2016 2.26pm

David Huckle issue dominated the media this week to sidetrack 1MDB scandal to blow out of proportion in Sg Besar & Telok Intan.

On local scene, PCM’s Huan CG and a some Penang-lang continue to blast LGE to also sidetrack major issue of bigger concern to us ?

David Loman
David Loman
11 Jun 2016 8.00am

Kuala Kangsar gets its own full-fledged varsity

What has happened to the Teluk Intan university as promised in the last by-election? Gerakan Mah (YB Teluk Intan) care to explain?

11 Jun 2016 12.50pm
Reply to  David Loman

Promised and honor their words?
rajraman. No such thing when Political Traders sell their saliva.Out of thousands of promises made maybe one they will fulfill.
But people’s still buy their saliva.
I promised not to blog again.
Goodbye every one expecially to Tunglang and Anil.
Thank you Anil for accepting my posting.It’s will take me another few years to come back to your blog.Take care Anil – the bee warrior.( hope you remember the nickname i given you many years back 2015)

12 Jun 2016 4.39am
Reply to  Anil Netto

Probably back soon morphing into 777?

gk ong
gk ong
12 Jun 2016 11.59am
Reply to  Jive

hopefully reincarnated into a higher being, not condemed into oblivion. This blog needs controversial comments to boost readership. Raj can rise from the ashes of 666 apocalypse into a mutant X-Raj with more bites and canggih weaponry to counter lies and propaganda.

12 Jun 2016 10.09pm
Reply to  rajraman666

To some of us, saliva stinks. Esp one from Komtar Tower of Arrogance. You may try drinking Kopi-O brewed in 308 saliva (2-in-1) with Niao Kong. rajraman666, you are not the only one to ‘leave’ this blog. Others like Gerakan K, Yang, Ah Soon – they once were active contributors to this blog. Their comments stung as high as 28th Floor Komtar Tower. But minions & trollers with the stinking saliva they lapped up all over their faces vehemently attacked like deranged demons. Some of their antics like knee jerk reactions speak volume of their intentions. In years to come,… Read more »

13 Jun 2016 12.46am
Reply to  tunglang

Worshippers always wrong and persecutors always right. We have no right to prove and demostrate persecutors can be wrong. Afterall persecutors are gods.
Raj has no eyes to see. Why not form the third eye and force? Always can call teh. He is the jebat or teh halia? Otherwise just teh tarik.

David Loman
David Loman
13 Jun 2016 7.39am
Reply to  tunglang

Gerakan K, Yang, Ah Soon & tunglang are the 4 Musketeers (or mouseketeers?) or the dreaded 4 Horsemen of Apocalyse?

Now only one Lone Ranger left? I suppose Raj is taking a Ramadan break to hold his tongue.

Sia Boey Kungfu
Sia Boey Kungfu
13 Jun 2016 1.26pm
Reply to  David Loman

Tell us what is the taste of Komtar Saliva???

Goodness Gracious Me
Goodness Gracious Me
13 Jun 2016 5.05pm
Reply to  David Loman

We hope to witness resurrection of Gerakan K, Yang, Ah Soon, Raj666 in particular to be as resilient as the hardened tunglang do that anilnetto.com continue to be ad colourful as ever!

Probably tunglang can pass over his chendol bowl so that these folks can be revived with his saliva stain?

Anyway, justice can only exist if everyone is free to voice out.

Sia Boey Kungfu
Sia Boey Kungfu
13 Jun 2016 7.30pm
Reply to  David Loman

Right on, Goodness Gracious Me.
Too bad for the Kia Su, Kia Si, Kia Leow!

13 Jun 2016 10.23pm
Reply to  David Loman

Kia Su, Kia Si, Kia Leow!
Inherited from egoistic SingLand?

14 Jun 2016 4.58pm
Reply to  David Loman

A sarcastic remark to revive those exit commentators yet you take it as a compliment?

Anyway I also look forward for their resurrection so that anilnetto.company remain vibrant with laughable comments out of frustrations.

It appears that invasion if Singapore investors on Penang heritage properties has provoked the kiasuism and kiasism among us???

Sia Boey Kungfu
Sia Boey Kungfu
14 Jun 2016 6.51pm
Reply to  David Loman

Jive, I suppose you are not doing business in Penang, so invasion of SinKaPoe lang is of no concern to you?
Talk is easy, survival is not so easy. Can you pay rental at Rm7,000?

14 Jun 2016 9.49pm
Reply to  David Loman

how to fight with singland? even if kopi kau2 or cendol is sing 1.50 in singland. they can buy 3 nos here. what more they have more than 30 years experience in renovating heritage houses in tg pagar orchard road geyland. afterall if malaysian pasar mlm traders find it too cheap and cannot afford let the shophouses stay dark no lights.

15 Jun 2016 12.56am
Reply to  David Loman

Better don’t let Sing$ ideas to renovate sia boey like Geylang, otherwise kung fu gives way to red lanterns as decor!

Sia boey folks should boycott chendol orimaestro that keep on increasing the price and betraying years of lorong standing style loyalty to go upmarket at malls!

Sia Boey Kungfu
Sia Boey Kungfu
15 Jun 2016 12.19pm
Reply to  David Loman

Renovate like Geylang?
What is the point when many still cannot afford to pay Komtar sky high rentals???
Why not let SingLang renovate and bring in Red Lantern SingKaPoe Cha Bor? At least can nego when no business at 3 am!
At least chendol orimaestro doesn’t increase chendol price 5 times unlike SingLang renovated properties which rent out 5 times rental charges (Example: previous rentals about rm1,500. Now SingLang rentals about rm7,500)
Still happy ah?

15 Jun 2016 3.41pm
Reply to  David Loman

Malaysians tend to copy bad habits from Singapore, and failed to learn their good points. That is why Singapore is always ahead.

While Malaysian students still practice rot learning to score straight As in SPM, Singapore education system has evolved focusing on creative and critical thinking. NUS is ranked #1 university in Asia, NTU #3.

Ed G
Ed G
16 Jun 2016 5.21pm
Reply to  tunglang

‘Others like Gerakan K, Yang, Ah Soon – they once were active contributors to this blog.
Their comments stung as high as 28th Floor Komtar Tower. But minions & trollers with the stinking saliva they lapped up all over their faces vehemently attacked like deranged demons’.

So these commenters were hapless innocence who were ‘vehemently attacked’ by others? Perhaps followers of this blog can form their own opinion by referring back to earlier comments and exchanges involving these commenters.

17 Jun 2016 1.02am
Reply to  Ed G

Their exits cost Anil more readers more revenues.
They find no incentive to comment unless some form of “decal” being offered to them?

17 Jun 2016 9.58pm
Reply to  tunglang

Who cares about them (gerakan k, yang, ah soon) leaving, contributed much in their comments just because they were against lim guan eng ??? Sneeze and yawn !!!

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
11 Jun 2016 3.29pm
Reply to  David Loman

Teluk Intan University? Call it University of the (Hot) Air.

Or University of Dreams.

David Loman
David Loman
11 Jun 2016 7.17am

Watch the Channel News Asia’s Insight on ‘The Hudud Controversy’:



The tabling of the Islamic penal code or Hudud bill in Parliament has split the Malaysian cabinet and risked alienating component parties within the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition. Will Prime Minister Najib’s risky gamble pay off?

Harapan Baru
Harapan Baru
10 Jun 2016 10.26pm

Hope Amanah does well in both the by-elections as they are a ray of hope in the political landscape in Malaysia with moderate and respectable leaders. Malaysians should given them a chance to succeed.

10 Jun 2016 8.25pm

A lot of people do not get it that the religo-racist politics is basically political narcotic dealing. The problem with selling drugs is that the dealers need to sell more and more quantiries or/and more hallucinating drugs to keep the business viable. As soon as the business starts to stagnate or decline, it falls apart as they kill each other off. So all Amanah really need to do is make sure PAS votes fall drastically and BN do not gain more votes, and they have succeeded.

David Loman
David Loman
11 Jun 2016 6.48pm
Reply to  Bigjoe

Mahathir mengeluh sokongan buta Melayu untuk Umno

David Loman
David Loman
12 Jun 2016 4.58pm
Reply to  Bigjoe

As reported by Reuter: Malaysia’s veteran former leader Mahathir Mohamad campaigned against his old party over the weekend, seeking to turn voters against scandal-tainted Prime Minister Najib Razak in two by-elections being fought next week. Mahathir, who led the country for 22 years until his retirement in 2003, quit the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) earlier this year in disgust over Najib’s grip on the party despite allegations of massive corruption. The feisty 90-year-old has teamed up with old foes in the Pakatan Harapan opposition alliance to remove Najib, his one-time protege. “If the people want to see this country… Read more »

Johan Khun Pana
Johan Khun Pana
10 Jun 2016 6.17pm

Am scratching my “kepala” . Wonder as to how to lent support to this “enlightened Amanah” or vote for Amanah When they are also for “hudud”. Amanah never explicitly deny or issue a big NAY to”hudud”. Amanah merely disagree with PAS’s version. PKR is also another type of animal in this “hudud” guessing game. Why politicians found it extremely hard to give out an honest answer. I mean this is just an issue of AYE or a NAY. Pakatan started out as a credible grouping but not anymore. **The bill forwarded by PAS is not merely simply seeking an increase… Read more »

David Loman
David Loman
11 Jun 2016 11.41am

SINGAPORE PAPER WARNS AGAINST UMNO-PAS’ SINGLE RELIGIOUS PARTY Those fearing a creeping Islamisation of Malaysia reacted sharply when the government, led by the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), allowed Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) to table a Bill on hudud – the controversial Islamic criminal code. The debate over its widespread application, if legislated, has divided Malaysia’s multi-religious landscape. That PAS should push for hudud is hardly surprising. The party’s insistence on Malaysia becoming an Islamic state governed by syariah law, including hudud, has constituted its core political mission for decades. What is noteworthy about the hudud Bill being on the… Read more »

10 Jun 2016 5.09pm

AMANAH very silent about Hudud. pkr sleeping with AMANAH,PAS AND DAP.Still got vacancy to sleep with UMNO as 4th wife. rajraman. By no choice had to support PKR and Amanah.The God fearing people’s ( just assume ) going to have the say about Malaysian Minority. I am a fallen angel ( Devil ) have no say since i am a minority group.Keep the finger cross with option open wide to migrate in the event Hudud take over Civil Laws.This Hudud Law will finalised my destiny to be a Malaysian or buy a Citizenship in another Country.Hope Ringgit get stronger by… Read more »

10 Jun 2016 4.45pm

Amanah will lose its deposit

10 Jun 2016 8.18pm
Reply to  Super

Very high chances they will loose this by election since Mic and Mca supporting UMno.
rajraman. Although Mic and Mca against Hudud but they sell their community votes locks,stocks and barrels to UMno.
I hope not but rural folks looks for next meals .The next meals comes from UMno although the $$$ comes from tax payer.
Will Hudud will be a reality?

gk ong
gk ong
10 Jun 2016 3.26pm

See how hudud in Acheh also applied to non-Muslims. For that reason please vote for Amanah since Umno and PAS are collaborating to table hudud bill.

David Loman
David Loman
11 Jun 2016 7.32am
Reply to  gk ong

Mahathir on hudud in the latest TIME’s interview: The hudud laws they want to pass and implement are actually against the teachings of Islam. The Quran [says] when you judge, judge with justice. Justice is the most important thing. In a plural society like Malaysia, you cannot have two laws — one law for the Muslim, one law for the non-Muslim. If a Muslim and a non-Muslim thief steal, you cut off the Muslim’s hand, and the non-Muslim gets two months’ jail. Is that justice? Obviously it is not justice. If it is not justice, it is not Islamic. They… Read more »